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41. Classic Rock Your source for classic rock, with news, reviews, tour dates, trivia, polls, sound files, collectors' information, MP3 of the Week and more! Subscribe to the About classic rock newsletter. Search. classic rock Guide to classic rock. Tour Schedules. Enjoy your warm spring nights with some hot, live music! New/added http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://classicrock.about.com/&y=025C1DE62FB |
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45. Guardian Unlimited | Arts Features | Under Eights V Middle Eights But what do real kids think of classic guitar anthems, asks Johnny Dee guinea pigs in our experiment to discover if children could enjoy crusty old rock music. http://www.guardian.co.uk/arts/features/story/0,11710,1135399,00.html | |
46. Hi. Welcome. Hi. Welcome. This is the new, local version of George Starostin s classic rock And Pop Album Reviews. Please proceed on to the main page. http://starling.rinet.ru/music/ | |
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48. VH1.com : VH1 Classic : Main Page Launched in May 2000, VH1 classic is a 24hour network that presents music videos, concerts and music specials featuring classic rock, soul and pop artists http://www.vh1.com/channels/vh1_classic/channel.jhtml | |
49. -----::::Welcome To PowerStormClassic Rock/Over The Edge New Rock Station(s):::: Featuring a 24/7 radio stream playing classic rock, 90s and current rock music. Broadcast from Canada via Live365.com. http://mattsdimension.neopages.net/ | |
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51. - Rock And Roll Trivia - Classicbands.com_ Here is some more trivia about your favourite classic rock acts one of the founders of the Hard rock Cafe chain could well be called The week the music died as http://www.classicbands.com/trivia2.html | |
52. Blogcritics: Music: Classic Rock And Oldies music classic rock and Oldies. Filed under music, music classic rock and Oldies, music Hard rock, music Metal, music Progressive rock, music rock http://blogcritics.org/archives/categories/music_classic_rock_and_oldies.php | |
53. Classic Rock Guitar Sheet Music And Tab Books At Chord Melody Guitar Music Explore the music of rock s most famous power trio includes in-depth lessons and transcriptions for 12 classic tracks including Badge, Crossroads, I Feel http://www.chordmelody.com/newpage6.htm | |
54. Taylor Brothers Band Repertoire includes country/western, classic rock and roll, and a variety of Tejano music. Includes new, photos, biographies and calendar. http://www.angelfire.com/tx3/TaylorBrothersBand/ | |
55. USATODAY.com - Kids Are Listening To Their Parents Their Parents' Music, That Is Potheads wanted psychedelic music. Those boundaries are gone. . classicrock icons, like classical composers, defy fashion and overshadow any perceptions of http://www.usatoday.com/life/music/news/2004-03-29-classic-rock-kids_x.htm | |
56. Classic Rock Magazine.com classic rock magazine is the world s only adult voice of rock. Speaking to the biggest names in rock music past, present and future - it s full of in-depth http://www.classicrockmagazine.com/ | |
57. Encore Rock 'n Roll Nostalgia classic rock'n'roll music concert poster reproductions plus tiedye t-shirts. http://www116.pair.com/encore/ | |
58. MSN Entertainment - Music Classic Rock qualify). But the Golden Age of rock was the 70s, when rock radio was king, and classic rock is the music that dominated that era. http://entertainment.msn.com/style/?style=1968 |
59. KIPS MUSIC - FOR THE BEST IN R&B , RAP,AND HIP HOP CD'S AND 12" VINYL Specializes in Rap and R B CDs, new and old 12 singles, and used classic rock and Jazz LPs. http://kipsmusic.com | |
60. WebRing: Hub Southrock.fm Broadcasting Adfree Album rock music to the public 24/7. Our music mix features classic, Southern, Guitar and New rock. http://r.webring.com/hub?ring=classicrock |
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