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121. PoliBlog: Why I Care About The Civil War Issue The tide is turning, however, inasmuch as the people who knew people who fought in the civil war are dying off at an ever increasing rate. http://www.poliblogger.com/poliblog/archives/003602.html | |
122. Outline Of The Civil War-- With Links--From Great American History The outline that follows covers the American civil war's major political and military events, but it is neither exhaustivenor finished. We welcome your suggestions as to how to improve this page . http://members.tripod.com/~greatamericanhistory/gr02006.htm | |
123. The Society Of Colonial Wars In Connecticut - Home Page Colonial lineage society chartered and incorporated under the State Laws in 1893 with the objectives to perpetuate the memory of events in American Colonial History and of the people in military and civil positions who assisted in the establishment, defense and preservation of the American Colonies from the founding of Jamestown in 1607 up to the Battle of Lexington in 1775. Provides membership application and requirements, goals , objects, and programs, history, and ancestral search. http://www.colonialwarsct.org | |
124. The Civil War Home Page The civil war Home Page has been redesigned to serve you better. You are being redirected. http://www.civil-war.net/cgi-bin/newurlsrch.cgi?key=searchstring&searchstring=Ph |
125. Spanish Civil War Spanish civil war, Main Events and Issues. Background to war, Overview of civil war. Spanish civil war Chronology, Popular Front Government. http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/Spanish-Civil-War.htm | |
126. U. S. A. Civil War Photographs Logo, USA civil war PHOTOGRAPHS This Site was last revised May 17, 2004. Support the American Battlefield Protection Program, civil war LEADERS, http://usa-civil-war.com/Civil_War/cw_sites.html | |
127. ThinkQuest : Library : The American Civil War Experience Charles Francis Adams. John Brown. Don Carlos Buell. Ambrose Burnsides. David Glasglow Farragut. Andrew Hull Foote. Ulysses S. Grant. Henry Wager Helleck. Mary Todd Lincoln. George Brinton McClellan . http://library.thinkquest.org/3055/graphics/people | |
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