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81. US Civil War Battles Resources At Questia - The Online Library Of US civil war Battles. Questia. The World s Largest Online Library. GuruNet. Primary Content. US civil war Battles. Welcome to Questia, the http://www.questia.com/popularSearches/u_s_civil_war_battles.jsp |
82. TreasureNet Historical Image Collection 399 images of the American West & civil war. Easyto-browse database. http://www.treasurenet.com/images/ | |
83. Mississippi River Gunboats Of The American Civil War 1861-65 (New Vanguard, 49) Mississippi River Gunboats of the American civil war 186165 (New Vanguard, 49). Mississippi River Gunboats of the American civil http://www.historyofmilitary.com/Mississippi_River_Gunboats_of_the_American_Civi | |
84. Civil War Navy books of the US Navy during the civil war, describing life at sea, weapons, combat, tactics, leaders, and of course, the ships themselves. civil war Navy. http://www.seatalebooks.com/civil war navy.htm | |
85. Navy Of The Mexican War, Civil War, Indian Wars And Span-Am War. Our Navy, as with other images, can come ready to outfit or with some/all Images include civil war Officers and Enlisted Seamen, for both Union and Confederate http://www.ushist.com/reenactors/nav.htm | |
86. C.S. Civil War Navy Officer's Uniform Insignia: Rank And Branch. These are the Gold and Silver embroidered shoulder boards for the CS (Confederate) Navy during the American civil war (1861 to 1865). http://www.ushist.com/wardrobe/insignia_navy-officer_cw-cs.htm | |
87. Navy - American Civil War Some Titles referring to the Navy American civil war. civil war Naval Chronology, Hooper (ed), Edwin B, Pepartment of the Navy, Washington, 71-609471, 1971. http://www.aandc.org/collections/navy_acw.html | |
88. THE U.S. NAVY FROM THE CIVIL WAR TO THE 20TH CENTURY Page Title THE US NAVY FROM THE civil war TO THE 20TH CENTURY Back Up Next. tpub.com Updates. Back REVIEW 2 QUESTIONS, Up 12018, Next POST civil war NAVY. http://www.tpub.com/content/advancement/12018/css/12018_164.htm | |
89. THE U.S. NAVY FROM THE CIVIL WAR TO THE 20TH CENTURY THE US NAVY FROM THE civil war TO THE 20TH CENTURY Learning Objective When you finish this chapter, you will be able to · Recognize the roles and http://www.tpub.com/content/advancement/14325/css/14325_138.htm | |
90. NARA | Prologue | Prologue: Selected Articles 1861, 18651884. Remember that civil war navy servicemen may also have served in the pre-civil war navy. After finding an entry http://www.archives.gov/publications/prologue/summer_1995_navy_records_1861_1924 | |
91. Navy In The Civil War. Shamrock Hill Books .......Navy in the civil war. Sailors on deck of a monitor. Listed by ID, Title, Author, http://www.bookguy.com/Catalog/Military/navy.htm | |
92. The Olive Tree Genealogy: Find Your Civil War Ancestor Union civil war Draft Records ° Union civil war Union CourtMartial Case Files ° Union civil war and Later Navy Personnel Records ° Wagonmasters Serving the http://olivetreegenealogy.com/mil/usa/cw.shtml | |
93. Civil War Insignia, Fall Creek Suttlery-LDS civil war Embroidered Insignia Army and Navy. Fall Creek Suttlery PO Box 92 Whitestown, In 46075 (765) 482-1861 (765) 482-1861 http://www.fcsutler.com/fcinsigniaemb.asp | |
94. Confederate Naval Strategy Letters Of Marque New York The Free Press, 1965. Fowler, William M., Jr., Under Two Flags The American Navy in the civil war. New York WW Norton Co., 1990. http://www.civilwarweb.com/articles/05-00/privateers.htm |
95. Civil War Less than a month before Augustus Freeman gave a statement to the US civil war Navy on VirginiaÂs James River, Union sailors captured two Confederates ready http://www.bjmjr.com/civwar/cvb_freeman.htm | |
96. 2004 Civil War Institute James M. McPherson and Pat R. McPherson. Lamson of the Gettysburg civil war Letters of Lieutenant Roswell H. Lamson, US Navy (1997). Ivan Musicant. http://www.gettysburg.edu/academics/cwi/2004 Reading List.htm | |
97. HTML META Tag Refresh Site Change. The page you are after is at is at home.coffeeonline.com.au/~tfoen/. If your browser supports the Refresh tag you will http://www.dataline.net.au/~tfoen/ | |
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