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1. Military Records:Civil War By State UPDATE 6/4/04 Jasper County Mississippi Tallahatchie County Ancestral Trails. CivilWar Rosters Arranged by State. © 1997-2000 valeddy@hotmail.com. http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/9787/milst1.html | |
2. Civil War Battle Summaries By State civil war Battle Summaries by state. Battle names appearing in blue denote a Union victory; butternut denotes a Confederate victory; green denotes an indecisive action. Athens (al002) Day's Gap (al001) Decatur (al004) Fort Blakely (al006) state names link to maps showing battlefield locations by county. http://www2.cr.nps.gov/abpp/battles/bystate.htm | |
3. Civil War Rosters - All States UPDATED 05/07/04 The most complete list of roster links on the WWW. Adding new rosters every day. civil war Rosters Arranged by state. TheMOST COMPLETE list of civil war roster Links on the web. This is a directory of civil war Rosters/Muster Rolls that have been http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Lair/3680/cw/cw.html | |
4. The American Civil War Homepage URLhttp//sunsite.utk.edu/civilwar/ warweb.html state/Local Studies by state. 29 April 2004 http://sunsite.utk.edu/civil-war/warweb.html | |
5. Civil War Map Of State Battle Locations American civil war Battles by state. The American civil war 18611865. SearchAmericancivilwar.com. Enter the keywords you are looking for and http://americancivilwar.com/statepic/ | |
6. Civil War Map Of State Battle Locations American USA CSA civil war Battles by state Area Map . American civil war Exhibits. American civil war Timeline. civil war Documents. Women In The war http://www.americancivilwar.com/statepic | |
7. HWC, English Civil War The Long Parliament; civil war; war with the King; History of Western civilization.by Dr. EL Skip Knox Boise state University Last revised 3 November 1995. http://history.boisestate.edu/westciv/english/ | |
8. The Civil War Home Page civil war Soldiers Sailors. 1860 Census by state. http://www.civil-war.net/ | |
9. West Virginia In The Civil War A state of Convenience, The Creation of West Virginia An Online Exhibit Narrow EscapesSome exciting war experiences related by civil war veterans to http://www.wvcivilwar.com/ | |
10. United States, Civil War Regimental Histories Index, All States Military Records civil war Soldiers and Sailors System Database of all civil warsoldiers; Muster Rolls Arranged by state; How to order military pension http://www.tarleton.edu/~kjones/unions.html | |
11. CIVIL WAR civil war IN INDIAN TERRITORY. *****. ORGANIZATION OF UNITED stateS COLOREDTROOPS by state/S. BACK TO THE UNITED stateS COLORED TROOPS IN THE civil war. http://www.bjmjr.com/civwar/usct.htm | |
12. Other Sites About The American Civil War Ohio in the civil war by Larry Stevens; The Electric Cemetery Kansas and Oklahoma- by N. Dale Talkington; Rhode Island - Rhode Island state Archives - appear http://www.illinoiscivilwar.org/other-sites.html | |
13. Genealogy And The American Civil War state. See Rhode Island state Archives; Tennesseans in the civil war Part I and II by the Centennial civil war Commission of TN. http://www.illinoiscivilwar.org/cwgeneal.html | |
14. Database Of Illinois Civil War Veterans Serving In The U.S. Navy The database was created and donated to the Illinois state Archives by Fred veteransof the war of 1812, Black Hawk war, Mexican war, civil war, and Spanish http://www.sos.state.il.us/departments/archives/ilnavy.html | |
15. Battles By States Biographies. Books. Book Reviews. civil war Daily. Essays Papers. Glossary. HistoryLists. Timeline.Trivia Game. Battles by state. Alabama. Arkansas. Colorado. Florida. http://www.ehistory.com/uscw/features/battles/states/index.cfm | |
16. Genealogy Resources On The Internet - WWW/Civil War civil war Rosters Arranged by state http//www.geocities.com/Area51/Lair/3680/cw/cw.htmlcivil war Sources http//www.ucsc.edu/civil-war-letters http://www-personal.umich.edu/~cgaunt/civwar.html | |
17. Vanished Index - US Civil War Military Units By State US civil war MILITARY UNITS by state. Updated 2/28/04. NEWSLETTER FOR OURVISITORS We want your input. American civil war Regiments. THE SOUTH. http://www.vanished.com/pages/index_civil_war/index_cw_state.html | |
18. After The Civil War: Plessy V. Ferguson In respect of civil rights, all citizens are equal before the law In my but willencourage the belief that it is possible, by means of state enactments, to http://www.watson.org/~lisa/blackhistory/post-civilwar/plessy.html | |
19. Civil War Prison Camps civil war Research Database. civil war Rosters Arranged by state. Acomprehensive list of sites containing civil war soldier databases. http://www.censusdiggins.com/civil_war_prisons.html | |
20. A Barrel Of Free Genealogy And Civil War Sites Confederate armies); 1883 Pensioners Online; US civil war Center; TheAmerican civil war; civil war Battle Summaries by state; The American http://www.cpcug.org/user/jlacombe/mark.html | |
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