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21. Civil War war Sites civil war Art, civil war battles, civil war Boats , civil war war Magazines, civil war Medicine , civil war Museums, memorials Monuments http://www.tnte.com/mmc/mams/civilwar.htm | |
22. Lanesville Community School S Online Civil War Yellow Page Service Links to civil war battlefields and memorials of NPS 1899 Searchable siteof Library of Congress civil war.com Links to battles, places, timelines http://www.lanesville.k12.in.us/LCSYellowpages/civilwar.htm |
23. Spanish Civil War Memorial war memorials in Australia. a bronze plaque, headed AUSTRALIANS IN THE SPANISH CIVILwar 1936 TO Iberian peninsular showing towns where major battles took place http://www.skp.com.au/memorials/pages/00024.htm | |
24. United States Civil War Maps/ American Civil War Maps National Historic Sites, memorials, Military Parks and edu/maps/historic_parks.html FMilitary battles and Campaigns Atlas for the American civil war, edited by http://www.au.af.mil/au/aul/maps/CivWr9.htm |
25. Civil War Maps 290 kb) Lee, Meade, and Stuart Map .GIF (280 kb) Major civil war battles of ArkansasMaps of National Historic Military Parks, memorials, and Battlefields http://www.mailsrun.com/metalhunters/maps.htm |
26. The Civil War to commemorate the civil war battles of Fredericksburg of Congress The Selected civilwar Photographs Collection Military Parks, memorials, and Battlefields http://www.ih.k12.oh.us/msmullins/civilwar.htm | |
27. Civil War Herald WebQuest Maps of National Historic Military Parks, memorials, and Battlefields Many detailedmaps. The American civil war Homepage - battles -Fantastic site http://www.coollessons.org/civilwarpaper.htm | |
28. Geobop's North America: History: The Civil War (Home Page) involved.) The civil war is recalled by countless memorials, traditions and The civilwar featured the last great cavalry battlesÂbattles fought by men http://www.geobop.com/world/NA/Topics/History/Civil_War/ | |
29. Links And Resources Of Interest civil war Battle Summaries Links to NPS summaries of 38 battles fought in Maps ofNational Historic Military Parks, memorials, and Battlefields http://www.bonps.org/links.htm | |
30. McFarland - Publisher Of Reference And Scholarly Books and a timeline of significant battles or other Television Locations (2002), AmericanRevolutionary war Sites, memorials ExhaustiveÂÂThe civil war Courier. http://www.mcfarlandpub.com/book-2.php?isbn=0-7864-0319-5 |
31. Book Review: Ghosts Of Civil War Haunt Small Town Underachiever - Columbia Chron presence in the of more civil war markers in historical factoids and statistics aboutwar battles to the war memorials (220 pages) is available in hardcover http://www.ccchronicle.com/back/2001-10-01/arts7.html | |
32. The English Civil War - Earl Rivers Regiment Of Foote SK 1968 to reenact the life and battles of civil war that took and public interestin the history of the civil wars by c) The erection of memorials of battles. http://www.vincents.demon.co.uk/rivers/river3.htm | |
33. SUVCW Dept. Of Wisconsin: Civil War Memorials Wisconsin s civil war memorials Memorial to 6th Wisconsin Battery at are listed fourimportant battles in which Union Veterans of the civil war Department of http://people.msoe.edu/~peterson/suvcw-wi/memorials/lonerock.html | |
34. The Civil War Traveler Travel information for civil war sites in Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia and Washington DC. civil war fort overlooking the Atlantic Ocean, view the remains of a Confederate ironclad or discover the route of the last great campaign. Plus blockade runners and the battles http://www.civilwar-va.com/ | |
35. Civil War Cemeteries, Battle Grounds, And Memorials - All-Info About - Genealogy The civil war Cemeteries, Battle Grounds memorials 53rd Pennsylvania Regimentand American civil war Veterans Buried in Canada Biography of web master s http://genealogy.allinfoabout.com/subjects/subcivilwarcemeteries.html | |
36. MSN Encarta - Related Items - Civil War, American background and causes. battles. beginning of the war. funding for the war. generals.maps. peace. pictures related to the civil war. political party positions. http://encarta.msn.com/related_761567354/Civil_War_American.html | |
37. USCWC -- Historic Sites, Military Parks, Management/Preservation, And Memorials Historic Preserve Battle of Nashville Preservation Society Bentonville Battle AFamily Sons of Union Veterans of the civil war, civil war memorials Project (MI http://www.cwc.lsu.edu/cwc/links/hist2.htm | |
38. Indiana War Memorials In 1866 General Lew Wallace turned over to Governor Oliver Morton the civil WarBattle Flags under which the sons of Indiana fought and died to restore the http://www.in.gov/iwm/battleflags/ | |
39. Indiana War Memorials Wallace had the honor and responsibility of presenting the civil war BattleFlags of Indiana s regiments to the State of Indiana for safekeeping. http://www.in.gov/iwm/battleflags/11ind.html | |
40. American Civil War History Guide .. The History Beat The Search Beat covers a variety of topics, including a American civil war History Guide with top civil war history, timelines, cultural resources and more! casualties of the civil war, battles and statistics, women American civil war Information about famous battles and leaders from noted civil war authors. civil war - A presentation http://history.searchbeat.com/civilwar.htm | |
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