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41. Cilk Pousse Sciences. Looking for something in particular? More search options.programming Contests Personal Pages cilk Pousse, cilk Pousse. http://www.netinformations.com/Detailed/19763.html | |
42. Pkgsrc.netbsd.se - NetBSD Sweden /lang/cilk cilk / Multithreaded parallel programming language based onANSI C Path lang/cilk. Version 5.3.1nb2. Last db update 200405-10. http://pkgsrc.netbsd.se/?cat=lang&pkg=32512 |
43. Evaluation Of The Performance Of Multithreaded Cilk Runtime System On SMP Cluste the distributed cilk was evaluated using three problems, which were parallelizedwith different strategies to represent various parallel programming paradigms. http://csdl.computer.org/comp/proceedings/iwcc/1999/0343/00/03430043abs.htm | |
45. Bib cilk An Efficient Multithreaded Runtime System Proceedings of the Fifth ACM SIGPLANSymposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel programming (PPoPP), pages http://web.yl.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/meeting/bib.html | |
46. Geocrawler.com - Thread Any1 Programming With Cilk ? msgs). Thread/Subject, Author, Date/Time. Any1 programming with cilk? Alberto Menegazzi, 06/25/1997 171516. Sponsored Content. © Copyright http://www.geocrawler.com/mail/thread.php3?subject=Any1 programming with Cilk ?& |
47. Geocrawler.com - Linux-smp - Any1 Programming With Cilk ? Thread Any1 programming with cilk ? Print Message 2212990. FROM Alberto MenegazziDATE 06/25/1997 171516 SUBJECT Any1 programming with cilk ? Hi ! http://www.geocrawler.com/archives/3/61/1997/6/0/2212990/ |
48. Second International Workshop On High-Level Parallel Programming And Application We use the same measures of time and space as those used in cilk T1 is Further,we propose a multithreaded programming language and show that it can express http://f.loulergue.free.fr/HLPP/hlpp2003/program.html | |
49. :: Ez2Find :: Languages URL http//charm.cs.uiuc.edu/; The cilk Project Site Info - Translate - OpenNew Window A language for multithreaded parallel programming based on ANSI http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Computers/Parallel_Computing | |
50. Clemens Grelck S Virtual Bookshelf oriented C++ Java Smalltalk Parallel BSP C* Cid cilk Erlang FortranD Packages TheoryArray Theory Category Theory Data Parallel programming LAMBDACalculus http://www.informatik.uni-kiel.de/~cg/bib/bookshelf.html |
51. Parallel Programming Environments The philosophy behind cilk is that programmers should concentrate on structuringtheir programs to expose parallelism and exploit locality, leaving the runtime http://www.cise.ufl.edu/research/ParallelPatterns/PatternLanguage/Background/Pro | |
52. Examples Of Programs In Different Programming Languages errors on this page or have questions, proposals or further programexamples or C,C , C++ ( DOS/Windows, DOS/Windows (obsolete C++) ), cilk, CLAIRE, Clipper http://www.ntecs.de/old-hp/uu9r/lang/html/lang.en.html | |
53. Travel Britain - UK Search Engine And Travel Guide Home Computers Internet programming Languages cilk No MoreSubcategories Computers Internetprogramming Languagescilk http://www.travelbritain.com/search/Computers_Internet_Programming_Languages_Cil | |
54. Abstract To cope with parallelism portably in highperformance programs, wepresent the cilk multithreaded programming system. In the cilk http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/~athena/abstracts/abstract3.html | |
55. ¿ÃÃüýº Ãø®¾Ã(OpenSource Korea) 6. cilk cilk is a language for multithreaded parallel programming based on ANSIC. It contains the cilk compiler, the cilk runtime system, and example http://www.opensource.co.kr/opensource/dir.php3?code=3302 |
56. 4.4 Parallel Decomposition The FJTask framework internally relies on a workstealing task schedulerbased on the one in cilk, a C-based parallel programming framework. http://gee.cs.oswego.edu/dl/cpj/s4.4.html | |
57. Wauu.DE: Computers: Parallel Computing: Programming: Languages http//www.extreme.indiana.edu/sage/. The cilk Project A language for multithreadedparallel programming based on ANSI C. Source code, manual, papers, and http://www.wauu.de/Computers/Parallel_Computing/Programming/Languages/ | |
58. MIT LCS Timeline Project Description cilk is a multithreaded programming language designed to simplify parallelprogramming. The first release of cilk demonstrates that http://timeline.lcs.mit.edu/tlentry.adp?id=702 |
59. MIT LCS Timeline Project Description First Prize in the 1998 ICFP Functional programming Contest went to cilk Pousse,a program written in the cilk multithreaded programming language being http://timeline.lcs.mit.edu/tlentry.adp?id=619 |
60. Archives Of The Caml Mailing List: ICFP Programming Contest second with a program written in OCaml, with the first prize going to a cilk program(cilk is C + parallel operators), and the jury s prize to aJ (a dialect of http://caml.inria.fr/caml-list/1631.html | |
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