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21. Porting Cilk To Windows NT cilk facilitates multithreaded parallel programming by providing a runtime systemthat is responsible for scheduling computations in a provably efficient manner http://zoo.cs.yale.edu/classes/cs490/98-99b/kataria.rupinder.mkataria/ |
22. Special Computer Science Colloquium Announcement cilk is a parallel programming language that allows programmers to write resourceobliviousparallel programs that nevertheless use resources predictably and http://www.cs.nyu.edu/web/Calendar/colloquium/fall96/091396.html | |
23. SourceForge.net Cilk-announce Dear cilk users, I am pleased to announce the availability of cilk5.3.1. cilk isa language for multithreaded parallel programming based on ANSI C. cilk is http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=368533&forum_id=6785 |
24. SourceForge.net Cilk-announce I am pleased to announce the availability of cilk5.3.2. cilk is a language for multithreadedparallel programming based on ANSI C. cilk is designed for general http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_id=1459056&forum_id=6785 |
25. SpeedyGrl.com : Programming : CILK The US s 50 States; Time and TimeZones. programming cilk cilk Papers. Search This Site Google, Search WWW Search This Site. ON THIS SITE . http://www.speedygrl.com/p/11.html |
26. SpeedyGrl.com : PROGRAMMING : More Than 1400 Links To Around 80 Programming Lang A ACE; ADA; APL; AppleScript; ASP; Assembly/ASM; AWK. B BASIC; BETA. C C; C++;C / C Sharp; CECIL; CGI; CID; cilk; COBOL; Concurrent programming; CSS. D DELPHI;DYLAN. E EIFFEL. F http://www.speedygrl.com/programming.html | |
27. COMP 203 Parallel And Distributed Computing (Spring 2004) The Implementation of the cilk5 Multithreaded Language, M. Frigo, C. Leiserson,K. Randall, in Proceedings of ACM Conf. on programming Language Design and http://www.cs.unc.edu/~prins/Classes/203/ | |
28. Cilk Is A Multithreaded Programming Language Being Developed At cilk is a multithreaded programming language being developed at MIT.The cilk language minimally extends C to allow programmers http://www.cs.unc.edu/~sc/lcpc98/abstract.html | |
29. Cilk Frequently Asked Questions With Answers This is the list of Frequently Asked Questions about cilk, a languagefor multithreaded parallel programming based on ANSI C. Index. http://www.math.cmu.edu/Parallel_Cluster/cilk/FAQ/ | |
30. Cilk Languages Programming 5 star programming. cilk Languages programming websites. All websitesfor cilk Languages programming in this programming directory http://www.5star-programming.co.uk/Languages/Cilk.html | |
31. SAL- Parallel - Programming Languages & Systems - Cilk cilk cilk is a language for multithreaded parallel programming based on ANSI C. cilkis designed for generalpurpose parallel programming, but it is especially http://www.sai.msu.su/sal/C/1/CILK.html | |
32. Lambda The Ultimate Cilk Unlike many other multithreaded programming systems, cilk is algorithmic, inthat the runtime system employs a scheduler that allows the performance of http://lambda.weblogs.com/discuss/msgReader$11724 | |
33. Computer Chess / Chess Engines (Winboard) & Chess Programming Info [Chessopolis Cilian cilk Project cilk is a strong program for multi-processor machines.Has source code and info on parallel computing. Not a Winboard engine. http://www.chessopolis.com/cchess.htm | |
34. Index Of /pub/programming/language/cilk Parent Directory cilk-5.2.1.tar.gz 05-Dec-1998 0000......Index of /pub/programming/language/cilk. Name Last modified Size http://custom.lab.unb.br/pub/programming/language/cilk/ | |
35. Papers And Handouts Papers and handouts. Lecture 1 2. cilk Manual 5.3.2 (pdf); Minicourseon Multithreaded programming (compressed postscript). Lecture 3. http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~sma5509/handouts.html | |
36. Cilk cilk appears to be a very mathematicallyoriented language, used for multithreaded parallel programming. cilk is not a functional language....... http://tabini.topcities.com/languages/cilk.html | |
37. Programming Language Semantics Seminar 1998-99 Keith H. Randall, The Implementation of the cilk5 Multithreaded Language. Proceedingsof the ACM SIGPLAN 98 Conference on programming Language Design and http://www.ccs.neu.edu/home/wand/pl-seminar/98-99.html | |
38. Cilk: A Multithreaded Programming Language cilk a multithreaded programming language. Using cilk, our group has developedthree worldclass chess programs, StarTech, *Socrates, and cilkchess. http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-ports/2003-October/005416.html | |
39. Programming Multiprocessor Systems, Part I Zhou, cilk An efficient multithreaded runtime system, Proceedings of the Fifth ACMSIGPLAN Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel programming (PPoPP http://www.interex.org/pubcontent/enterprise/jan99/09astfal/09astfal.html | |
40. The Cilk Project Parallel Computing programming Languages The cilk Project, The cilk Project. CategoryHome Parallel Computing programming Languages The cilk Project. http://www.netinformations.com/Detailed/128281.html | |
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