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61. ProTeacher BusyBoard Community This is all I can think of lol probably because I am not a big insect fan. I showed my class a cicada picture and they almost passed out LOL http://www.proteacher.net/dcforum/busy_board/6999.html | |
62. CBS News | Cicada Invasion Begins | May 27, 2004Â 16:59:37 (Photo AP) Scientists say this year s cicada visit offers researchers a rare opportunity to study the insect s impact on the nation s forests. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/05/12/tech/main616899.shtml | |
63. Vergil's Photos: Insect Photographs: 17-year (Periodic) Cicadas The last time the bulbous, redeyed insects invaded the Eastern United States was I found this particular female cicada one late May evening in 2003 a full http://www.vergil.net/Pix/Insects/periodical.html | |
64. Reason It would be bad enough if enthusiasm for the insect invasion were limited to photo swapping, Brood X mugs and Tshirts, and cicada recipes. http://reason.com/sullum/052104.shtml | |
65. NPR Audio Roar Of The Cicada The Brood X cicadas have emerged, and residents in 15 states and Washington, D.C., are waking up in the morning to the roar of millions of insects looking for love. NPR's Melissa Block talks with http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.npr.org/features/feature.php?wfId=19 |
66. UMMZ Periodical Cicada Page Cicadas are flying, plantsucking insects of the Order Hemiptera; their closest relatives are leafhoppers, treehoppers, and fulgoroids. http://insects.ummz.lsa.umich.edu/fauna/michigan_cicadas/Periodical/Index.html | |
67. Audubon: True Nature insect Opera After a 17year silence, cicadas will creep out of their underground chambers this spring to fill the Appalachian forests with a deafening noise. http://magazine.audubon.org/truenature/truenature0005.html | |
68. Cicada Invasion Begins: Eastern U.S. Beset By Bugs The bugs belong to the largest group, or brood, of periodical cicadasÂinsects that spend most of their lives as nymphs, burrowed underground and sucking sap http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/03/0329_040329_cicadas.html | |
69. Origami Insects (27K). cicada. grasshopper, One of the most recognizable insects, the grasshopper has powerful long legs adapted for leaping. Some http://www.paperfolding.com/insects/ | |
70. Flying Insect Sounds, Flying Insect Audio, Flying Insect Poster The shifting densities and rhythmic patterns of cicadas pulse in the foreground Longspurred Shieldback Katydid, Singing Insects of North America, 0.761MB, WAV. http://www.junglewalk.com/sound/insects-sounds.asp | |
71. Cicada In Chinese Folklore, Cultural Entomology Digest 3 cicada. It has brilliant red and black markings and is the only known cicada used as a blistering agent. Chou (9) says that Some of them insects in Chinese http://www.insects.org/ced3/cicada_chfolk.html | |
72. What Are Cicadas And How To Identify One Even though there are more than seventyfive species of cicadas found in North America this insect is often mistaken for the locust. http://msms.essortment.com/cicadaswhatare_rzkh.htm | |
73. BBC NEWS | Americas | Trillions Of Cicadas To Plague US Trillions of cicadas in the eastern US are waking from a 17year slumber in what scientists expect to be the largest insect emergence on Earth. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/3707599.stm | |
74. Insect Sounds feet. This particular one is about 1 long, small for Cicadas. (82K). This is a sample of the night insects at Peck s Lake. There http://www.naturesongs.com/insects.html | |
75. Invasion Of The Teenage Insects Csmonitor.com Weeks before they emerge, cicada nymphs dig exit tunnels to the surface. The insects have spent about 16 years and 11 months underground, sucking on tree roots http://www.csmonitor.com/2004/0511/p18s02-hfks.html |
76. Economist.com | Entomology of cicadas. Gene Kritsky also studies the insects and has helped set up cicada Watch 2004. See also cicadaMania.org. Click Here! http://www.economist.com/displaystory.cfm?story_id=2647052 |
77. Economist.com | Entomology the next few days), Brood X of the 17year cicada will surface. The outbreak will be densest in the mid-west, around Indiana, where 3.5m insects per hectare http://www.economist.com/printedition/PrinterFriendly.cfm?Story_ID=2647052 |
78. Periodical Cicadas In Kentucky Spray requirements will vary according to intensity of the outbreak, which range from a few cicadas in some areas to massive numbers of the insect in other http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/Entomology/entfacts/trees/ef446.htm | |
79. Their Back! The 17 Year Cicadas Are Coming This Year Cicadas are large, plantfeeding insects. Yes, the birds have their fill of cicadas, since this insect is a rather cumbersome flier. http://www.emmitsburg.net/gardens/articles/frederick/2004/cicadas.htm | |
80. Insect Order Homoptera - Cicadas, Hoppers, Aphids - Cirrus Digital Imaging Closeup photos of insects within the order Homoptera, including cicadas, hoppers, aphids, and scale-like insects. Life cycle, habitat, food sources described. http://www.cirrusimage.com/homoptera.htm | |
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