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         Church Of Scientology:     more books (100)
  1. Scientology: What do they believe? by Val Waldeck, 2005-02-28
  2. The Church of Scientology (Studies in Contemporary Religions, series volume 1) by J. Gordon Melton, 2000-08
  3. What Is Scientology? by Church of Scientology International, 1993-08-31
  4. The Scientology Handbook by Church of Scientology, 1994-12
  5. What Is Scientology by L. Ron Hubbard, 1993-09
  6. Scientology: Theology & Practice of a Contemporary Religion by Church of Scientology International, 1998-01
  7. A Piece of Blue Sky: Scientology, Dianetics and L. Ron Hubbard Exposed by Joh Atack, 1999-06-29
  8. Tom Cruise, Scientology bash psychiatry; APA fires back.(NEWS AND COMMENT): An article from: Skeptical Inquirer by Amanda Chesworth, 2005-09-01
  9. What is scientology? : based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard / [compiled by staff of the Church of Scientology of California ; edited by the LRH Personal Secretary Office ; color photography by L. Ron Hubbard] by Church of Scientology of California, 1979
  10. The Church of Scientology.(Review)(Brief Article): An article from: Journal of Church and State by Derek H. Davis, 2000-09-22
  11. The Church of Scientology: An Introduction to Church Services by L. Ron Hubbard, 1999
  12. The International Conference for World Peace and Social Reform & Human Rights Prayer Day, 1976: [proceedings] (Archival series - Church of Scientology Information Service, Dept. of Archives ; 3)
  13. What is scientology? : based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard / [compiled by staff of the Church of Scientology of California ; edited by the LRH Personal Secretary Office ; color photography by L. Ron Hubbard] by Church of Scientology of California ; edited by the LRH Personal Secretary Office, 1979
  14. Advance ! The Magazine of the Advanced Organizations of the Church of Scientology - Issue 96 - 1987 by Peter (Editor) ; Hubbard, L. Ron Matteson, 1987

1. Operation Clambake - The Inner Secrets Of Scientology
Major anti Scientology site, with extensive news articles, analyses, and criticism of the alleged Scientology cult, Dianetics, and L. Ron Hubbard, founder of the church of scientology. Includes personal accounts of former Scientologists, books, press kits, discussion, and links.
- in respect and honour to all victims, and those who dare to stand up for them -
INTRODUCTION Message Board Latest OC News How To Support Moved Items ... WHAT IS GOING ON NOW?

2. Church V. Google - How The Church Of Scientology Is Forcing Google To Censor Its
has learned that the church of scientology is aggressively using digital The church of scientology a controversial religious organization accused of being a "Cult of Greed
@import ""; This site will work and look better in a browser that supports web standards , but it is accessible to any browser or Internet device. SUBSCRIBE Enter your e-mail address to receive Microcontent News powered by Bloglet ABOUT MICROCONTENT This Corante Weblog covers the microcontent sector: weblogs, Webzines, email digests, and personal publishing.. as well as how weblogs combine to form the Blogosphere
I also cover the business side of microcontent, including text-based microads and corporate blogging.
For the back story of this magazine, there's more here Thursday, March 21, 2002 Church v. Google How the Church of Scientology is forcing Google to censor its critics by John Hiler See our followup to this story: Church v Google, round 2 - An Update on the latest Google and Scientology developments
Can a pseudo-religious organization muzzle the Web's favorite search engine? Microcontent News has learned chief online critics  from the Google database. In an ongoing investigation, Microcontent News has learned:

3. "Scientology" As A Search Phrase Analyzed By The VisIT Software
The church of scientology s Supremacy over the search term Scientology on Google. UPDATED 20 Mar 2002 ORIGINAL 12 Feb 2002. FINAL UPDATE?
The Church of Scientology's Supremacy over the search term "Scientology" on Google
UPDATED 20 Mar 2002 ORIGINAL 12 Feb 2002 FINAL UPDATE? 8 Apr 2002: A Google search for Scientology now turns up astonishing resultsa balanced representation of what is actually out there on the net, ranked by popularity. It appears that whatever remaining issues may remain, the substantive central issuewhether this search engine accurately represents web contentis at least for the moment resolved. The rest of this page should, therefore, be considered, if not obsolete, at least partially superseded by events. 23 Mar 2002: Yahoo! Directory on Scientology Opposing Views noted for linking to this page, which is odd, considering that they deleted their link to although they have, so far, escaped scrutiny for doing so. Interestingly, this only appears to have disappeared for the search term "Scientology" itself. On a search for "Operation Clambake" it shows up first. Evening 22 Mar 2002: Kady O'Malley comments on How Ava Paquette Hoodwinked Google Morning 22 Mar 2002:

4. Scientology - Official Church Of Scientology Site
workshop on the innovative Study Technology of L. Ron Hubbard was held at theEuropean Office of the church of scientology International in Brussels

What is

L. Ron Hubbard Worldwide Activities ... Newsroom Scientology What is Scientology? L. Ron Hubbard Worldwide Activities What Scientology Can Do for Me ... Russian
Scientology Aims:
A civilization without insanity, without criminals and without war, where the able can prosper and honest beings can have rights, and where man is free to rise to greater heights, are the aims of Scientology. L. Ron Hubbard
What is Scientology?
Scientology is an applied religious philosophy The fastest growing religious movement on earth, Scientology has become a firmly established and active force for positive change in the world in less than half a century. In a word, Scientology works. And this is why millions of people the world over use its principles in their daily lives, why a growing number of people find such relevance in Scientology for themselves, their families, their organizations, their nations and this entire civilization. In this site you will learn about Scientology, its basic principles its history its organizations , what it is doing to improve life in a troubled world L. Ron Hubbard

5. The Creed Of The Church Of Scientology
The Creed of the church of scientology. We of the Church believe That allmen of whatever race, color, or creed were created with equal rights;.

    The Creed of the
    Church of Scientology
    W e of the Church believe: T hat all men of whatever race, color, or creed were created with equal rights; T hat all men have inalienable rights to their own religious practices and their performance; T hat all men have inalienable rights to their own lives; T hat all men have inalienable rights to their sanity; T hat all men have inalienable rights to their own defense; T hat all men have inalienable rights to conceive, choose, assist or support their own organizations, churches and governments; T hat all men have inalienable rights to think freely, to talk freely, to write freely their own opinions and to counter or utter or write upon the opinions of others; T hat all men have inalienable rights to the creation of their own kind; T hat the souls of men have the rights of men; T hat the study of the mind and the healing of mentally caused ills should not be alienated from religion or condoned in non-religious fields; A nd that no agency less than God has the power to suspend or set aside these rights, overtly or covertly. A nd we of the Church believe: T hat man is basically good;

6. Church Of Scientology International V. Fishman And Geertz
A selection of publiclyavailable legal documents filed in U.S. District Court, Central District of California.
Church of Scientology International v. Fishman and Geertz
A selection of publicly-available legal documents filed in U.S. District Court, Central District of California. The Thriving Cult of Greed and Power: click here for larger image
Read This First:
New Page: Secrets of Scientology
Click here to learn some of the technical secrets of Scientology, such as thought control techniques and an overpriced lie detector called the E-meter.
The Fishman Papers
The infamous "Fishman Declaration", containing (as exhibits) the secret scriptures of Scientology: the OT materials. OT I through OT VII are once again included, via links to a Karin Spaink's site in Amsterdam. Also on this page are links to some of the affidavits filed in the Fishman case.

7. The Real Church Of Scientology
A study on the church of scientology by the Chair of the Department of Study of Religions, University of Helsinki and the Executive Chief of the Foreigners' Office of the City of Tampere, Finland.
The Church of Scientology Juha Pentikainen, Ph.D. Marja Pentikainen, MSC Helsinki, Finland

8. The Church Of Scientology
A page with bits and pieces on the strange world of Scientology, by David H. Dennis. FAQs, legal documents, links.
Visit David's web page for some more recent information on a variety of subjects 21 March 2002 The Church of Scientology is at it again. They're telling Google to remove links to Google has caved in to their demands, and in view of what happens to those who defy Scientology, I can't blame them. At the same time, I am newly re-energized and angry. I wonder how many people are too. So Google, you really should remove all the spammed Scientology pages from your listings, pronto. That would be perfectly legal and would put Scientology in a worse position than it was in before they pulled this. [9 May 2000] This is a page I haven't updated in years. It's here more for its historical value than anything else. However, I recently came upon some interesting links about the Church's use of CyberSitter, a well-known Internet filtering program with a particularly nasty past. Here's an interesting story on the filtering issue, and here are some tips on how to defeat the filter
Imagine this
L Ron Hubbard was a broke Science Fiction writer, with only an electric typewriter to his name. He wasn't even a particulary

9. Scientology, The Chruch Of Scientology As A Movement Of A New Age In The World.
Josef Wolf looks into various Scientology beliefs, and how Scientology compares with other new and mainstream religions.
Scientology The Church of Scientology as a movement of a new age in the world. An expertise written by: Dr. Josef Wolf Professor at Charles University in Prague Scientology and Dianetics L. Ron Hubbard - who are the Scientologists? Baha'ism Buddhism , Free Thinking, the Unificationists, Vodouism, Jehovah's Witnesses and Christianity?
Dr. Wolf gives a critics view of the Church of Scientology from the Czech Republic and answers these questions. The discussion of Scientologists in theological circles has increased with approving and disapproving arguments. This expertise provides a good forum for learning and debate regarding Scientology.
Click here to start reading this expertise
More information about Dianetics and Scientology:
Scientology Volunteer Ministers from Czech Republic
Scientology Mission in Prague

Dianetics: A Visual Guidebook to the Mind

Dianetics - Times Foundation

10. Church Of Scientology, Los Angeles Organization
The church of scientology in Los Angeles was the very first Scientology Churchin the world, founded in February 18, 1954 by several Los Angeles area
Church of Scientology
Los Angeles Organization
What is Scientology?
  • What is Scientology About?
  • - Introduction to the Scientology Religion
    - The Religious Heritage of Scientology
    - L. Ron Hubbard: The Founder of the Scientology Religion - A Description of Scientology
    - The Practice of Scientology
    - A Bridge to a Better Life
  • Scientology's Founder
The Successes of Scientology?
About the Church of Scientology Los Angeles Organization

11. BBC News | Europe | Concerns Over Church Of Scientology
A federal court in Germany has failed to reach a verdict on the legal status of Scientology after years of international debate. BBC News.

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Thursday, November 6, 1997 Published at 12:33 GMT
Despatches: Europe
A federal court in Berlin has failed to reach a verdict on the legal status of a scientology group. The federal administrative court referred the case back to a regional court. The ruling was expected to give guidance on whether the German government has legal justification for its clampdown on scientology. While the church is not officially banned in any European country, it continues to fight rulings over its tax-exempt status. Our Religious Affairs Reporter Jane Little examines the concern surrounding the church of Scientology.
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BBC News Home BBC Homepage [an error occurred while processing this directive] Despatches Contents Middle East Africa Europe Far East ... West Asia

12. The Church Of Scientology
The church of scientology. Extract from the book The church of scientology byJ. Gordon Melton The Organization of Scientology The Structure of the Church.
The Church of Scientology
Extract from the book "The Church of Scientology" by J. Gordon Melton
The Organization of Scientology
The Structure of the Church
What is now the Church of Scientology began as small groups of people gathered to do Dianetics counseling. To this day, the growing edge of Scientology is still found in small Dianetic counseling groups and missions where field auditors introduce people to Scientology and offer basic counseling. Missions, more formally organized than the counseling groups, assist people who are ready to start up the bridge and encourage them to continue their efforts at the nearest local Church of Scientology. Where no groups or missions are readily available, individual field auditors may operate alone. The church supports its field auditors directly through the International Hubbard Ecclesiastical League of Pastors (IHELP), and the missions through Scientology Missions International Local churches are prepared to assist members with both the counseling ( auditing ) and class work that will allow them to reach the state of Clear . They are also the major focus of the church's interaction with the community as they motivate members to become involved in the church's

History The Founder of the church of scientology was Lafayette RonaldHubbard (19111986), born in Tilden, Nebraska on 1911-MAR-13.
Founded by L. Ron Hubbard
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The main symbol of Scientology is composed of: The letter "S" which represents Scientology. An upper triangle whose sides represent three closely interrelated factors: knowledge, responsibility and control. A lower triangle which represents affinity, reality and communication.
The Founder of the Church of Scientology was Lafayette Ronald Hubbard (1911-1986), born in Tilden, Nebraska on 1911-MAR-13. Hubbard traveled extensively during his youth, covering some quarter of a million miles by the time he was twenty years of age, including directing two expeditions to the Caribbean. On one expedition, he made the first mineralogical survey of Puerto Rico. During the 1930's, he became a famous author. Although he was known mostly for his science fiction, he also worked in other genres including mystery, western and adventure. He was also successful as a screen writer. His lifetime output of published fiction was over 200 novels, novelettes and short stories. In 1938, in an unpublished manuscript

14. Scientology - Official Church Of Scientology Site
Scientology improves conditions in life, and provides real spiritual answers. Learn more about Scientology. Hubbard was held at the European Office of the church of scientology International in

15. Notice For Materials Copyrighted To Church Of Scientology
Grateful acknowledgment is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard. All materials available on this site are protected by

16. Operation Clambake Present: What Is Scientology?
people. The church of scientology is such a cult, to back up this strongclaim I need to collect some of their secret literature. I
Operation Clambake present: What is Scientology? Norsk introduksjon
tilgjengelig her.

In the late 1940s, pulp writer L. Ron Hubbard declared: "Writing for a penny a word is ridiculous. If a man really wants to make a million dollars, the best way would be to start his own religion" Reader's Digest reprint, May 1980, p.1 Hubbard later created the Church of Scientology... Based on a text by ex-Scientologist Roland Rashleigh-Berry. Roland wrote: "This is my personal opinion. I grant permission to anyone to reproduce this material. This description has been tailored to people who have never been Scientologists and seek a simple and short explanation as to what it is and why it is surrounded by controversy."
In a Nutshell
The Church of Scientology is a vicious and dangerous cult that masquerades as a religion. Its purpose is to make money. It practices a variety of mind-control techniques on people lured into its midst to gain control over their money and their lives. Its aim is to take from them every penny that they have and can ever borrow and to also enslave them to further its wicked ends. It was started in the 1950s by a science fiction writer named L. Ron Hubbard in fulfilment to his declared aim to start a religion to make money. It is an offshoot to a method of psychotherapy he concocted from various sources which he named "Dianetics". Dianetics is a form of regression therapy. It was then further expanded to appear more like a religion in order to enjoy tax benefits. He called it "Scientology".

17. The Church Of Scientology Vs. The Net
This page created by Ron Newman. Small changes made on February 14, 1998. The opinions expressed here are solely those of the author, and are not necessarily shared by Complete Internet Access, Inc .
This page created by Ron Newman . Small changes made on February 14, 1998. The opinions expressed here are solely those of the author, and are not necessarily shared by Complete Internet Access, Inc.
The Church of Scientology is a religious cult which has unwisely decided to declare war against the Usenet and Internet communities. Since December of 1994, this Church and its followers have committed numerous acts that are hostile to the spirit of free speech on the Net. This web page is intended to document these activities.
My apologies for the length of time this page has been unavailable to the Net , and even more apologies for the fact that I've not substantially updated it since October 15, 1996. I'm no longer able to keep up with events on a day-to-day basis, so this site is probably going to have to remain a "historical" document rather than a source of up-to-date news. For a more conscientiously updated site, I recommend Andreas Heldal-Lund's Operation Clambake page, which contains both later news and pointers to many of Scientology's Secret Scriptures. Many of you may be wondering why I'm no longer at The reason is that on May 15, 1997, Cybercom deleted my account, all my web pages, and all of my private files, without any notice whatsoever. I had to file a lawsuit to get my files back and my mail and web pages forwarded. For more information, visit this page:

18. Operation Clambake Present: Church Of Scientology Censors Net Access For Members
Information about the CoS censorware that filters any site that may say anything critical about the organization.
Operation Clambake present: Church of Scientology Censors
Net Access for Members
FROM KIDS TO CULTS LITERALLY BABYSITTING MENU ... OTHER RESOURCES Text by Steve A Introduction: As we all know, the Internet can sometimes come up with surprises. Who amongst us has not typed a few words into a search engine, only to see among the hits the sort of links we might be a little concerned about our children reading? This is due to the fact that a) there is no central censorship of the 'net, and b) unlike, say, libraries, where you have to make an effort to go and get out a book, open it and read it, web pages are delivered to your PC immediately. So it is quite natural that parents of children with net access might want to use some additional means of filtering what they can see, in order to prevent them from accessing sites or information that we do not want them to. For this reason, software designed to filter net access on the basis of a number of keywords has been available for some time, including packages such as CyberSitter and Net Nanny. There has already been some controversy over such packages: in particular, CyberSitter, which was produced in association with a fundamentalist Christian group, was so restrictive that even accessing a site such as was refused, because the URL contains the word "sex". More outrage was inevitable when it was discovered that CyberSitter was also filtering out sites with absolutely no pornographic or offensive content, apparently on the basis that they dealt with issues of gay rights.

19. Scientology, What Is It? - A Reference From The Church Of Scientology
Scientology, a comprehensive reference on the religion and how it helps people live a better life. Find out for yourself and get your questions answered on Scientology. What is Scientology? Presented by. The church of scientology International. Based on the works of growing influence on society. church of scientology. International. TABLE OF CONTENTS

20. Church Of Scientology International - Scientology Media Relations
church of scientology Internationals Leisa Goodman, answers the question What is Scientology? Director for the church of scientology International, the mother church of the Scientology religion

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