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161. The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints Read about our Basic Beliefs, study The Scriptures online, search our comprehensive Gospel Library and discover your Family History. Annual General Conference of the church was held on Saturday http://www.lds.org/ | |
162. Community Of Christ Official Homepage Pentecost happens when we recognize the Spirit of christ in others found in current church hymnals. It includes original work by several Community of christ members, plus some http://www.cofchrist.org/ | |
163. FamilySearch Internet Genealogy Service The church of Jesus christ of Latterday Saints About The church of Jesus christ of Latter-day Saints http://www.familysearch.org/ | |
164. COGIC Home Page Pentecostal Holiness church founded by Elder Charles Harrison Mason in the late 1890's. Comprehensive official site, including directory of congregations. http://www.cogic.org/ | |
165. Mormonhaven.com, Mormons, LDS, Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints Information and links about The church of Jesus christ of Latterday Saints. Answers to questions about the Mormon church. http://www.mormonhaven.com | |
166. Christ Lutheran Church Includes Worship schedule, calendar, faith statements, location, contacts, and links. http://www.mosquitonet.com/~clc | |
167. Whitford Church, Perth, Western Australia - Leading People To Christ, Building T The 2INSPIRE conference is being run for all Churches of christ and Baptist Churches, and also for you. It would be great to see you there! http://www.whitford.org.au/ | |
168. Christ Lutheran Church - Welcome includes worship times, mission statement, preschool program information, contacts, map location and links. http://www.christlutheranbc.org/ | |
169. Meaford - Christ Church Anglican Provides location, church photo, a brief history, and an account of its Splinters of Beauty , memorial stained glass windows. http://www.meaford.com/town/church_anglican.htm | |
170. Christ & St. Stephen's Main Page Gives service schedule, directions and map, information on parish programs and newsletter. http://www.csschurch.org/ | |
171. Haitian Ministry Theophile Church In Christ, Haitian Ministry Theophile Church I Churches in Tennessee, Florida, New York, and Georgia. Contact details, Creole proverbs, information on Haiti, and schedules. http://www.hmtcc.org/ | |
172. Welcome To Unity Church In Christ, Tallahassee, Florida, USA Unity church in christ, Tallahassee, FL, a spiritual community dedicated to transforming our world through love one life at a time by living practical http://www.webpan.com/ucic/ | |
173. Christ The King Lutheran Church - Cincinnati, OH Includes service times, announcements, location and links. http://www.ctkluth.org/ | |
174. Index Has worship schedule, contacts, calendar, and ministries. http://www.fccabilene.org/ | |
175. Churches Of Christ In Christian Union Official website. Based in Circleville, Ohio and offers details of the church including updates, announcements, officers, prayer and praise, missionaries, churches, events, map and a tour. http://www.cccuhq.org/ | |
176. Christ Lutheran Church, LCMS, Lubbock, TX Site contains worship and activity schedules and other Christian links. http://www.christ-lutheran.com/ | |
177. The First Church Of Jesus Christ, Elvis The First church of Jesus christ, Elvis. ``For unto you is born this day in the city of Memphis a Presley, which is Elvis the King. . http://jubal.westnet.com/hyperdiscordia/sacred_heart_elvis.html | |
178. NJCOGICHOME North Pole, Alaska. Contact information, service times, history. http://www.homestead.com/newjerusalemcogicnpak/NJCOGICHOME.html | |
179. The Church Of Jesus Christ Headquartered in Monongehala, Pennsylvania. Books and pamphlets for sale, information on women's, missionaries', and youth organizations, and historical and governmental information. http://thechurchofjesuschrist.com/ | |
180. Christ Lutheran Church Includes Worship schedule, sermon archive, streaming video history, events and activities calendar, youth happenings, location, newsletter, contacts, and links. http://www.clcwhitefish.org | |
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