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1. United Church Of Christ The United church of christ home page is a growing library of ecumenical resources for Bible, liturgy, lectionary preaching, church music, spirituality, prayer http://www.ucc.org/ | |
2. Church Of Christ, Scientist Welcome. The church of christ, Scientist, is designed to make the healing and educational system known as Christian 2004 The First church of christ, Scientist. Contact Us http://www.tfccs.com/ | |
3. Churches Of Christ This is the entry page to Internet Ministries Web site for the Churches of Christ. Locate all types of information on salvation, Christian living, and the Churches of Christ in general. Dutch churches of Christ. Ho^.iTha'nh DDa^'ng Christ. Vietnamese church of christ. Igreja de Cristo 9596, or via email garcia@church-of-christ.org. I'm fluent in the http://church-of-christ.org/ | |
4. Oldham Lane Church Of Christ Abilene. Includes worship schedule, contact information, Bible studies, and a Bible FAQ. http://oldhamlane.org/ |
5. Justice And Peace: Statement Of United Church Of Christ Leaders Opposing U.S. Wa Home Justice and Peace War Against Iraq Statement of United church of christ leaders opposing US war against Iraq With heavy hearts http://www.ucc.org/justice/iraq1.htm | |
6. Crieve Hall Church Of Christ Nashville. Worship service schedule and opportunities for Bible study. http://www.crievehall.org/ | |
7. Jump To SJCOC Main Web Page Information about the congregation and lots of solid Bible studies by Barry Newton. http://www.sjchurchofchrist.org/ |
8. World Wide Directory Of The Churches Of Christ World Wide Directory of the churches of Christ. Wales, UK. Zimbabwe. Email questions or comments to updates@church-of-christ.org. Return to the church of christ. http://church-of-christ.org/churches/ | |
9. Enon Church Of Christ Webb. Enon Endeavor, articles of the week, Bible commentaries, and poems of H.L. Gradowith. http://www.geocities.com/fp5699/ | |
10. Central Church Of Christ Welcome to Central's home page in Clearwater, Florida. Come learn of Christ through the teachings of the Bible. http://www.ij.net/centralcofc | |
11. Home What We Believe Bulletin Calendar Ministers Elders Deacons Youth Retirement Tecumseh, Oklahoma. http://www.tecumsehcofc.org | |
12. BIBLE PAGE MILPITAS CHURCH OF CHRIST Milpitas church of christ 450 Wool Drive Milpitas, California 95035 (408) 2624646. Welcome Visitor an unidentified host. About The Milpitas church of christ http://www.biblepage.org/ | |
13. ChurchZip...Find The Nearest Church Of Christ Anywhere In The World. A global directory of churches of Christ. We provide Search 5,626,947 places for nearby churches of Christ. Afghanistan. http://www.churchzip.com/ | |
14. Broadview Road Church Of Christ Parma, Ohio. http://www.brcofc.org/ | |
15. ChurchZip...Find The Nearest Church Of Christ Anywhere In The World. A global directory of churches of Christ. We provide a list of the nearby churches from a list of 13 700 churches worldwide. Specify a search center using a place name or GPS coordinates. Search http://www.churchsearch.org/ | |
16. REVEAL: Leaving The International Churches Of Christ (ICC) (ICOC) An Organization of Former Members of the International Churches of Christ (ICC), Boston church of christ/ Boston Movement , and Crossroads church of christ http://www.reveal.org/ | |
17. College Church Of Christ Home Page Searcy, Arkansas. Church worship schedule, ministry highlights, and resources on New Testament biblical lessons and studies. http://www.collegechurchofChrist.com/ | |
18. Beaverton Church Of Christ The church of christ. 11775 SW Fifth Street. Beaverton, Oregon 97005 ( 503)6449017. And He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature "" Mark 1615 Church of http://www.beavertonchurchofchrist.net/ | |
19. Www.amyhughes.org/lego/church/ www.amyhughes.org/lego/church/photos001.html WestArk church of christ splash pageWeb site for West-Ark church of christ, where Christians plead for a return to the religious practices and teachings of the New Testament. http://www.amyhughes.org/lego/church/ |
20. West-Ark Church Of Christ Online Library WestArk church of christ. Online Library. Resources At Our Web Site. This Web page is designed to be an aid to Christian study. In http://www.westarkchurchofchrist.org/library/ | |
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