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121. The Atlantic | October 2002 | The Next Christianity | Jenkins By Toby Lester From Atlantic Unbound Interviews christianity s New Center (September 12, 2002) Philip Jenkins, the author of The Next christianity in the http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/2002/10/jenkins.htm | |
122. Bethany Retreat House Offers Zen christianity retreats in Highland Mills, NY. http://www.rc.net/newyork/bethany/ | |
123. Atlantic Unbound | Interviews | 2002.09.12 An Atlantic Unbound interview with Philip Jenkins, author of The Next christianity, in the October Atlantic. http://www.theatlantic.com/unbound/interviews/int2002-09-12.htm | |
124. The Greatest Paradox, The Reunification Of Judaism Christianity Includes five essays which summarize the Aquarian Gospel, the book that reunifies Judaism and christianity. Also includes the entire text of the Aquarian Gospel, which purports to reveals the teachings of Jehoshua the prophet. http://home.netcom.com/~mokeeffe/ |
125. The Essence Of Christianity By Ludwig Feuerbach Ludwig Feuerbach. The Essence of christianity. Written 1841 Source IConcluding Application. ÂThen came Feuerbach s Essence of christianity. With http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/feuerbach/works/essence/ | |
126. Agnostic Review Of Christianity An examination of christianity from an Agnostic perspective. Topics reviewed include Bible issues, the nature of God, and various Christian claims and apologetics. http://www.geocities.com/b_r_a_d_99 | |
127. Christianity For The Third Millennium christianity for the Third Millennium, Inc. Statement of Purpose. christianity in its traditional forms appears to many to be a dying religion. http://www.intac.com/~rollins/ctm.html | |
128. Free Masonry & Christianity Annotated transcript of sermon by Dr. Alva J. McClain delivered to the First Brethren Church of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he served as pastor from 1918 to 1923. http://www.douknow.net/fm_FreemasonryandChristianity.htm | |
129. Community United Methodist Church 1072 Old Kempsville Road       Virgini Top/Regional/North_America/United_States/Virginia/Localities/V/Virginia_Beach/Society_and_Culture/Religion/christianity/Methodist http://www.communityumc.org/ | |
130. Injil Helping Christianity Injil The original revelation given to Jesus. Who Jesus really was. http://www.injil.co.uk |
131. Psychology & Christianity Project Regular stuff here. http://www.divinity.cam.ac.uk/pcp/ | |
132. Society For Hindu-Christian Studies For scholars and others interested in the study of Hinduism, christianity, and the interrelations between these two religious traditions. http://www.ucalgary.ca/~shcs/ | |
133. Christianity In Japan in Western Japan. The two historically most important things they imported to Japan were gunpowder and christianity. The Japanese http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2298.html | |
134. Welcome To The Department Of Religion The Department of Religion is one of the largest Humanities departments at Duke and one of the most prestigious departments of religion in the entire country. The Department offers instruction in all the major religions, notably christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. http://www.duke.edu/religion/ | |
135. The London Institute For Contemporary Christianity help? site map feedback contact us privacy policy, © The London Institute for Contemporary christianity. All Rights Reserved, 2003. http://www.licc.org.uk/ | |
136. Presbyterian Church Of Laurelhurst Top/Regional/North_America/United_States/Oregon/Localities/P/Portland/Society_and_Culture/Religion/christianity/Presbyterian http://www.laurelpres.org/ | |
137. YUL Research Guide For Christianity This guide provides pointers to resources for conducting research in Christian studies at Yale University. For more information, please http://www.library.yale.edu/div/xtiangde.htm | |
138. Afterlife In Christianity, Judaism And Buddhism - Bardo, Rebirth, Reincarnation, An article on reincarnation in christianity, Judaism and Buddhism. http://home.btclick.com/scimah/Rebirth.htm | |
139. YUL Research Guide For Christianity:Selected Internet Sites And Electronic Texts Websites. Early christianity. Guide to Early Church Documents Links to sites and documents of the early church. St. Missions and World christianity. http://www.library.yale.edu/div/electext.htm | |
140. IV Old Website IVCF is a christian club for students looking for fellowship and to learn more about christianity. http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Stadium/3065/intervarsity.html |
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