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Christian Writing Resources: more books (35) | |||||||
41. The Christian Communicator - Susan Titus Osborn of christian organizations, and other resources, see www the manuscript to The christian Communicator Manuscript Osborn pinpointed my major writing problems in http://www.christiancommunicator.com/links.htm | |
42. Christian Writing - Suite101.com ministry out of your writing. Includes complete online resources and a crazy parable, too! 5 Nov 2000 Harry Potter and the christian Writer Should christian http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/christian_writing | |
44. Author Network - Resources For Writers Magazine Announces 3rd Annual christian Writer s Conference. All InfoAbout Freelance writing A place seek practical assistance and browse market resources. http://www.author-network.com/ | |
45. Nancy Marie Writer Of Christian Fiction The christian writers marketplace book www.stuartmarket.com. More writing resources - www.geocities.com/SoHo/Nook/9082/writersresources.html. http://www.nancymarie.com/Links..htm | |
46. Truepath Christian Web Hosting - Resources Evangelical Used Books Used, rare and outof-print christian books Bibles, commentaries and Biblical Editing writing Publishing and resources for the http://www.truepath.com/resources.htm | |
47. Writers' Helper .Org - Online Writer's Workshops Taught By Christian, Published christian mags guidelines christian Writers Fellowship fact checking Idealist.org resources for Your Smalltownpress.net - Pro writing Advice Trainingcafe http://www.writershelper.org/resource.htm | |
48. Christian Links Directory And Christian Search Engine With Christian Links Conte and more including a variety of christian companies and Film Video Music Performers Photography writing. Links with information and resources on many http://www.christianlink.com/ | |
49. ICWF: Groups For Writers Links to Ottawa writing resources. Network, The Professional Association for christian Writers, publishes WIN Writers Place, writing and electronic submissions. http://inscribe.org/Links-groups.htm | |
50. Lukol Directory - Arts Writers Resources Organizations and nonfiction with knowledge, resources and information Faith Writers Helping christian writers and freelance writers manage their writing career or http://www.lukol.com/Top/Arts/Writers_Resources/Organizations/ | |
51. LifeWay: Biblical Solutions For Life Them  Ted Baehr 7. The Differences in christian Novel Publishers for Your writing and Your Life (Intermediate Writers) Chip MacGregor. Suggested resources. http://www.lifeway.com/lwc/article_main_page/0,1703,A%3D155861%26M%3D200150,00.h | |
52. Christian Network Marketing http//www.christianads.net/ christian Writers resources writing Help Writers information Network The Professional Association for christian Writers http://www.marketingedgetips.com/marketing/christian-network-marketing.html | |
53. Information For Professional Freelance Writers Writers Fellowship, Stimulates, encourages and supports christian writers across Canada. OurSimpleJoys, writing resources and article archives to inspire the http://www.freelancewriters.com/links.cfm | |
54. Chistian Unschool? - Jon's Homeschool Resources Jon s Homeschool resources. did advise people in his talks and writing to try to Mary Hood s article, what differentiates a relaxed christian homeschooler from http://www.midnightbeach.com/hs/can-a-christian-be-an-unschooler.htm | |
55. Bible Study With A Kid's Heart A Kid s Heart christian Games and resources. as well as printable resources including coloring pages printable sheets, coloring pages, writing exercises, screen http://akidsheart.com/bible/bible.htm | |
56. Christian Family Treasures - Christian Resources - Christian Women - Christian christian homemaking, parenting, grandparenting, family history, crafts, cooking, and writing are just a few of the many resources provided on our site. http://www.christianfamilytreasures.com/ | |
57. Christian Writers Information Help Resources Writing Groups Welcome to our new web site. It is our hope that, with this new site, we can provide more information, advice, help, and resources for christian writers. http://www.christianwritersinfo.net/ | |
58. Christian Music Resources On The Web + 1000 Great Guitar Sites On The Web The writing is just I would like to help any one who is a christian or trying to be so that we can spread the good word of Jesus Christ resources for christian http://www.guitarsite.com/christian.htm | |
59. Recommended Sites resource. CC_Country, christian website. WebAuthors Guide, Learning from a journalistic style, writing resources and how to revise and edit. http://www.churchnet.org.uk/areopagus/page11.html | |
60. Heart Of Wisdom Homeschool Curriculum Materials And Resources through academic studies using living books, Charlotte Mason methods, writingto-learn activities, and christian materials while Homeschool resources. http://www.heartofwisdom.com/ | |
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