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1. Christian Writing - Suite101.com Resources for Christians who write (a.k.a. Christian writers). dewey decimal 808.06623 Search Suite101.com. Within christian writing. Writing and Publishing This article is part of the new http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/christian_writing | |
2. 50 Christian Writing Markets - Vol I & II Two specialized lists each with 50 paying christian writing markets for freelance writers. Are you looking for christian writing markets that PAY Discover 100 great christian writing markets http://www.worldwidefreelance.com/50Christian.htm | |
3. Writerswrite.com Christian Writing Business WritingChildren/Young Adultschristian writingComedy/Humor WritingComputers and WritingGreeting Card Verse WritingHistorical WritingHorror WritingJournalingJournalism http://www.writerswrite.com/books/writers/relig.htm | |
4. Holy Writings Bible, Book of Enoch, Pilgrim's Progress, Polycarp; original writings. Page can be translated into French, German, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish. http://www.heaven.net.nz/writing.htm | |
5. Theology Meets Philosophy Meets Real Life Why should Christians be involved in creative writing? christian writing. Copyright ©. 1994 by Mike McMillan Return to christian writing page. Search eserver.org for poems http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/8392/why.html |
6. Christian Writing Sites christlit listserv discusses christian writing and issues arising therefrom, mainly from an academic perspective. Also see their Web site Christ lit. Write Christianity " http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/8392/xwsitbod.html | |
7. 2003 Conference Schedule MarkLitt@aol.com. January 18 AMERICAN CHRISTIAN WRITERS Louisville KY. www.ACWriters.com. AugustMARANATHA christian writing SEMINAR. 320 Baynton Ave. NE,. http://www.stuartmarket.com/confer.htm | |
8. CHRISTIAN WRITING RESOURCES christian writing links Organizations, Publishers, and General Resources christian writing Resources. General Organizations Publishers Suite101.com christian writing. Ultimate Christian Resources. Utmost Christian Writers http://www.manuscriptediting.com/christianwriting.htm | |
9. Christian Writing Articles - Suite101.com Articles at Suite101 relating to Resources for Christians who write (a.k.a. Christian writers). dewey decimal 808.06623 Search Suite101.com. Within christian writing. Writing and Publishing This article is part of the new "Butterfly Series" of the christian writing Page here at Suite101.com http://www.suite101.com/articles.cfm/christian_writing | |
10. LitDoc Workshop articles, writing tips. christian writing links, research links, writing software books and booklets. http://www.litdoc.com |
11. Write His Answer Ministries have served on the faculty of over 75 Christian writers conferences and have taughtover 50 one and twoday christian writing seminars and retreats around the http://www.writehisanswer.com/ | |
12. Acwg The Little Style Guide to Great christian writing and Publishing by Leonard G.Goss and Carolyn Stanford Goss. TEXAS christian writing GROUPS. Dallas Area http://pw1.netcom.com/~linjer/acwg.html | |
13. Especially For The Christian Writer Introduction to christian writing. Here is the book to help you move frombeginning writer to professional. The Best christian writing 2002. http://www.anthologiesonline.com/Christian Writing Resources.htm | |
14. CHRISTIAN WRITING RESOURCES christian writing Resources. General Organizations Publishers Updated March27, 2004. Pathways Christian Writers Resources. Suite101.com christian writing. http://manuscriptediting.com/christianwriting.htm | |
15. Puritan Books Puritan Books scans Old English Language christian writings and makes them available as PDF documents. http://www.puritan-books.com | |
16. Free Indeed - Christian Resources Information on Christian doctrine and living, and Apostolic christian writings and resources. http://www.free-indeed.net | |
17. Wiley::The Best Christian Writing 2004 By Keyword, Wiley Society Lifestyle Religion General Religion The Best christian writing 2004. http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0787969648.html | |
18. Wiley::The Best Christian Writing 2004 By Keyword, Wiley Society Lifestyle Religion Christian Living and Inspiration The Best christian writing 2004. http://www.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0787969648,subjectCd-RE10.htm | |
19. Bible Versions And Other Christian Writing FREE DOWNLOADABLE BIBLE VERSIONS OTHER CHRISTIAN MATERIAL. Go to theprevious page, or return to the Christian Bible menu, or choose http://www.religioustolerance.org/chr_bver.htm | |
20. Writer's Bookstore Children/Young Adults christian writing Comedy/Humor Writing Computers and InternetCopywriting ShoppingBlog.com Traders Trade Marketplace. christian writing. http://www.writerswrite.com/cgi-bin/wwbookstore.pl?storesearch=relig |
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