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121. The Christian Science Monitor | Csmonitor.com christian science Reading Room Glen Ellyn, Illinoischristian science Reading Room 540 Duane Street Glen Ellyn, IL 601374643 MAP 630.469.1082 email readingroom@glen-ellyn.net SUMMER HOURS Mon-Sat 10am-2pm. http://csmweb2.emcweb.com/durable/1999/05/27/p23s3.htm | |
122. The Anti-Christian Unscientific Cult By Dean Robinson The boy died as he laid in a diabetic coma with his mother praying at his bedside and a christian science nurse jotting notes about his condition. http://bz.llano.net/baptist/christianscience.htm | |
123. Christian Science Leseräume In Hamburg In den christian science Leser¤umen kann man Wissenschaft und Gesundheit mit Schl¼ssel zur Heiligen Schrift von Mary Baker Eddy und andere Publikationen von The Writings of Mary Baker Eddy und The christian science Publishing Society kaufen und sich mit erfahrenen Bibliothekaren ¼ber das Chrsitian Science Heilsystem austauschen. http://www.cs-leseraum-hamburg.de | |
124. .GE Capital, Christian Science, Health Insurance, Lorna And Gary Wendt GE Capital, christian science, heath insurance, Lorna and Gary Wendt, what do these have in common? What did GE Capital do with http://www.edwardbaskett.com/ | |
125. Christian Science History. The founder of christian science was Mary Ann Morse Baker Glover Patterson Eddy, born in Bow, New Hampshire in 1821, to Mark and Abigail Baker. http://www.greatcom.org/resources/handbook_of_todays_religions/01chap11/default. | |
126. The Project Gutenberg Etext Of Christian Science, By Mark Twain The Project Gutenberg Etext of christian science, by Mark Twain 48 in our series by Mark Twain (Samuel Clemens) Copyright laws are changing all over the world http://www.gutenberg.net/etext02/mtcsc11.txt |
127. Terrorism & Security | Csmonitor.com International press review with links to news and analysis from CSM and other media sources. http://www.csmonitor.com/2004/0312/dailyUpdate.html?s=entt |
128. Walter Martin's Religious InfoNet - Kingdom Of The Cults Real Player Messages christian science The Doctrine of the Trinity and the Deity of Christ The Figment of Divine Authorship Inspiration and Authority of the http://www.waltermartin.org/science.html | |
129. The Christian Science Monitor | Csmonitor.com An article about the English garden author and designer, from the christian science Monitor. http://www.csmonitor.com/durable/1998/03/25/feat/garden.1.html | |
130. Church Of Christ, Scientist Worldwide Directory From the current issue of the christian science Journal. Find Churches, Societies and Reading Rooms City State/Province |
131. Mary Baker Eddy ( Biography of Mary Baker Eddy, founder of the christian science movement, showing her connection with Phineas Parkhurst Quimby, Horatio Dresser and the http://website.lineone.net/~cornerstone/eddy.htm | |
132. Controllers' Tale Of Flight 11 | Csmonitor.com The story of American Airlines Flight 11, as told by airtraffic controllers. http://www.csmonitor.com/2001/0913/p1s2-usju.html | |
133. Career Read and discuss a christian science understanding of how spirituality can be lived in the workplace and how universal spiritual ideas can offer empowerment and bring meaning to work. articles and live chat. http://www.spirituality.com/tte/career.jhtml;jsessionid=EBYJKD4A5ANK1KGL4I1CFEQ | |
134. Christian Science Research Books Series Research books on the most advanced structure for scientific and spiritual development, pioneered by Mary Baker Eddy, presented by Rolf A. F. Witzsche. http://Science.rolf-witzsche.com | |
135. WuG Start Zum Shop von Mary Baker Eddy ist das Lehrbuch der Christlichen Wissenschaft (christian science). Es erl¤utert das christlichwissenschaftliche Heilsystem, die Theologie dieser Kirche und lehrt die Natur des Menschen als geistige Idee Gottes. http://wissenschaftundgesundheit.de/ |
136. Shop Online -- The Mailbox Books Provides Bible study materials, books, recordings, and gifts relating to christian science. http://www.themailbox-books.com/shop/cart.asp?action=catalog_start |
137. Christian Science Committee On Publication - Startpage Medien, Presse-, Âffentlichkeitsarbeitsstelle der christian science (Christliche Wissenschaft) in Deutschland http://cskom.de/ | |
138. Where Science And Religion Overlap Overview of several areas of controversy, primarily involving christian beliefs and Judeochristian traditions, from ReligiousTolerance.org. http://www.religioustolerance.org/sci_rel.htm | |
139. Evidence For God From Science Provides evidence for christian doctrine and the truth of the Bible through information on the design of the universe, evolution, and answers to common atheist challenges. http://www.godandscience.org/ | |
140. Christians In Science Homepage UK based organization for christian scientists and students. Includes articles, conference details, newsletter, and membership details. http://www.cis.org.uk/ | |
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