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41. Argentina's Deep, Empty Pockets | Csmonitor.com Focusing on the history of political and economic disarray that contributed to the cacerolazo. http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0402/p09s02-coop.html | |
42. Famous Christian Scientists Nearly all of the people listed above were/are devout, enthusiastic students of christian science (ie, Christian Scientists members of the Church of Christ http://www.adherents.com/largecom/fam_chrsci.html | |
43. Buzkashi - An Afghan Tradition Thrives | Csmonitor.com A favorite Afghan pastime reflects the values of the country strength, courage, and horsemanship. http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0104/p9s1-wosc.htm | |
44. Christian Science Sentinel www.christianscience.com/ christian science Statisticschristian science Statistics. Stephen Barrett, MD. Membership in the christian science Church has been steadily declining for more than 25 years. http://www.cssentinel.com/ | |
45. War On E-mail Spam Ratchets Up In Courts, Legislatures | Csmonitor.com A lawsuit against spam on the Internet is part of a larger effort to control the proliferation of unsolicited email. http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0418/p01s01-ussc.html | |
46. SelectSmart.com Selectors, Decide, Decision, Choice, Recommend, Choose, Pick, Se SELECTSMART.com Compare, Comparison, Contrast, Weigh against, christian science Conservative Christian Humanist Liberal Christian Unitarian Universalist Bahá http://selectsmart.com/RELIGION/ | |
47. The Mary Baker Eddy Library For The Betterment Of Humanity - Main Page The web site features information about the exhibits, collections, and programs of the new Library in Boston, including numerous resources about Mary Baker Eddy's (founder of christian science) life, ideas, and achievements. http://www.marybakereddylibrary.org | |
48. The Big Bang (one More Time) | Csmonitor.com A new model of the universe says it repeats itself in an endless cycle. Article from christian science Monitor. http://csmonitor.com/2002/0509/p11s01-stss.html | |
49. Christian Science print. christian science. A nonChristian religion. uphold. This is not true for christian science, which is neither Christian nor science. http://www.letusreason.org/Cults18.htm | |
50. Book Lovers Fail To Click With E-pages | Csmonitor.com Several major booksellers have shelved the idea of selling online editions. christian science Monitor http://www.csmonitor.com/2002/0123/p01s03-woeu.html | |
51. Church Of Christ, Scientist - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The Church of Christ, Scientist, often known as The christian science Church or internally as The Mother Church, was founded by Mary Baker Eddy in 1879. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Church_of_Christ,_Scientist | |
52. Church Of Christ, Scientist - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Church of Christ, Scientist. (Redirected from christian science). christian science s unconventional practice of spiritual healing is controversial. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Science | |
53. The Watchman Expositor: Christian Science Profile christian science. by Craig Branch Official Publications Retrospection and Introspection, christian science Journal, christian science Sentinel. http://www.watchman.org/profile/ChrSciProfile.htm | |
54. Rick Sutcliffe's ThePeace christian science fiction tale by Rick Sutcliffe. Includes excerpts and reviews. PDF/Palm/HTML http://www.arjay.bc.ca/Fiction/ThePeace/ThePeace.html | |
55. The Watchman Expositor: Christian Science - Healing To Death christian science Healing To Death. Rick Branch. Because the Church of Christ, Scientist, better known as christian science, denies the reality of sickness. http://www.watchman.org/cults/chrdeath.htm?FACTNet |
56. The Christian Science Monitor | Csmonitor.com Reviews impact of Earth Day since its beginning in 1970. From christian science Monitor. http://search.csmonitor.com/durable/1998/04/22/fp3s1-csm.htm | |
57. Crown Of The Big Dig Photograph series of the Leonard P. Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge from The christian science Monitor. http://www.csmonitor.com/durable/2001/03/22/bigdig/slide7.html | |
58. Merriam-Webster Online One entry found for christian science. For More Information on Christian+Science go to Britannica.com Get the Top 10 Search Results for Christian+Science http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book=Dictionary&va=christian science |
59. Daily Online Newspaper: The Christian Science Monitor | Special Coverage: Humani Includes news coverage from Bonn, Germany Part 2 of The Sixth Session of The Conference of The Parties UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, as well as stories on global warming as well as reporter's notebooks from The Hague. http://www.csmonitor.com/atcsmonitor/specials/climatechange/2001/index.html | |
60. The Christian Science Monitor | Csmonitor.com Article by Madora McKenzie Kibbe. http://csmweb2.emcweb.com/durable/1998/06/18/fp8s1-csm.htm | |
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