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Christian Schools: more books (100) | ||
141. Sacred Grove Academy An Alabama cover school established to provide pagan homeschooling families an alternative to christian cover schools. Provides information on the academy, email lists and other homeschooling links. http://www.mindspring.com/~spiraltree/homeschool.html |
142. Fides Quaerens Internetum One of the earliest guides to christian theology on the Net. Small. Leans toward institutions (schools, libraries, societies). Kept up to date, but almost no description of links. http://people.bu.edu/bpstone/theology/theology.html | |
143. 403 Error - File Not Found The christian ChalkArt Ministry of Stephen Williams of Rockmart, GA, available for church services, youth groups, children's programs, nursing homes, Vacation Bible School, schools, and other meetings. http://www.freeyellow.com/members8/chalkingforchrist/ | |
144. PCM - Prayer Counseling Ministries - 765-491-3843 christian counseling through prayer and assistance for churches in ministering through schools and seminars. http://www.angelfire.com/in3/counsel/index.html | |
145. Home Of Teach My Kenyan Children christian mission reaching out to rural schools in Kenya. Providing each school with the tools neccessary to educate the children. http://www.sunflower.com/~gmf/tmkc.html | |
146. MorningStar Christian School MorningStar is a noncampus, home-based private christian School. Florida Coalition of christian Private schools Association (FCCPSA). http://www.hsconnexion.com/morningstarschool/ | |
147. Everyschool.com Resources for and directory of christian outreach ministries to schools in Canada and the United States. http://www.everyschool.com/ | |
148. De La Salle Great Britain - Schools And Christian Education Offer christian education in a christian community. Explains the aims of the founder and their projects in the developing world, and lists schools http://www.delasalle.org.uk/ | |
149. Home Page A christian organization promoting diversity and pluralism in educational services and resources. Describes MANS role in accreditation and compliace with changing legislation, supports participation in state and federal programs, and helps facilitate communication among government agencies, nonpublic and public educators. Includes membership and contact information. http://www.m-a-n-s.org/ | |
151. Jesux Jesux (pronounced Haysooks) is a new Linux distribution for christian hackers, schools, families, and churches. There is already a core distribution being prepared, based on RedHat's distribution. Please note - this is strictly a satire! http://www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Node/4081/ | |
152. Frederick Douglass Christian School -- Chester, PA -- World Impact, Inc. Frederick Douglass christian School. School Administrator. 700 Central Ave. Chester, PA 19013 tel (610) 4999030 fax (610) 872-8479. http://www.worldimpact.org/ministries/schools/fdcs.html | |
153. Syndesmos The World Fellowship of Orthodox Youth. Federates Orthodox christian youth movements and schools worldwide. Events, publications, online texts, photos, directory of theological schools. http://www.syndesmos.org/ |
154. Uniting Education - Latest News An national agency of the Uniting Church. Providing leadership and resources for christian education, religious education in schools, and advocacy by the Church for education in Australian society. http://www.unitinged.org.au | |
155. Web Site Design & Development - Jwweb Design christian company specializing in web site design for churches, christian small businesses, nonprofit organizations, and small schools. http://www.jwweb.com/ | |
156. Youth With A Mission Calgary Discipling western Canada's next generation of christian leaders to be world changers through discipleship, outreach, outdoor adventures, NIKO, summit expeditions and schools. http://www.ywamcalgary.ca |
157. Ki-musubi Aikido Schools Cercle christian Tissier affiliate teaching Aikikai style aikido in Istanbul. Class schedule and contact information. Turkish/English http://www.unitedaikido.org/ | |
158. Calvin Christian School Association - Home A CSI school system. Mission statement reads, Teaching students to know God and His world through a Christcentered education in order to serve Him in today's society. Links to schools, library, and alumni. http://www.calvinchr.org | |
159. Christianschools.com christian School Development. Supporting christian School Ministries. Provides resources, seminars, employment searches and information useful to helping start up a christian School. Necessary to http://www.christianschools.com/ | |
160. Welcome To Lynden Christian School, Lynden, Washington Lynden christian School is a private, Pre12 school which prides itself in academic, music, drama, and athletic excellence in Lynden, Washington. http://www.lyncs.org/ | |
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