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101. Welcome To FACE For Educators Encourages and equips educators across the US to pray together in weekly FACE chapter meetings at their schools. The group's goal is to improve educational envronments with strong christian support groups. http://www.prayingeducator.org/ | |
102. NACCAP - National Association Of Christian College Admissions Personnel Association of admissions officers from christian colleges in the United States and Canada. Directory of member schools and recruitment events. http://www.gospelcom.net/naccap/ | |
103. Citizens For Excellence In Education - Education Reform Helps parents and educators reform public schools to reflect conservative christian views. Resources include newsletters, radio programs, books, seminars, and assistance in getting elected to school boards. The organization also urges christian parents to remove their children from public schools, and to work for the ultimate privatization of all education. http://www.nace-cee.org/ | |
104. The Christian Martial Arts Network Features links to associations, schools, and web resources. News, media, and sales of books also included. http://www.agapy.com/cma/ | |
105. English Version christian affiliated private school in Akishima City, with history, philosophy, goals, school life, and PTA activities. Open to foreign and exchange students. http://www.keimei.ac.jp/english-v.html | |
106. Schools, Pre-Schools & Day-Care In The Bahamas. Meeting Rooms For Training. Providing schools, preschools and day-care as well as meeting, training, workshop rooms. http://www.academybahamas.com/ | |
107. REST (Faith-based) Home Study Training BOOK STORE A new christian counselor service where organizations (schools, churches, funeral services, mental health facilities, medical services and treatment centers) can lease the services (parttime or full time)of a christian counselor trained in Rational Emotive Spiritual Therapy (REST). http://www.restcounseling.net | |
108. Untitled Document Brief illustrated biography of Bl. Edmund Rice, courtesy of Scoil Eoin, Athy, County Kildare, Ireland. http://kildare.ie/Schools/scoileoin/founder.htm | |
109. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Gnosticism History of Gnosticism from its prechristian roots through its developed doctrines concerning cosmogony, the Sophia-myth, soteriology, and eschatology. Includes information on rites, schools, and literature. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/06592a.htm | |
110. Christianschools.com K12 christian school resource web site. schools can advertise their position openings and job seekers can post their resumes. http://christianschools.com | |
111. TRACS - Transnational Association Of Christian Colleges And Schools Transnational Association of christian Colleges and schools (TRACS), is a nationally recognized institutional accrediting agency which serves christian http://www.tracs.org/ | |
112. The Worldwide Churches Christian Search Engine Search engine and database for churches, church schools, missions, ministries, and christian businesses. http://worldwidechurches.net/ | |
113. ACCESSWEB.ORG - Christian Distance Education Online! Browse through hundreds of distance education courses available in print and online - that are offered by over 80 christian colleges and schools http://www.accessweb.org/ | |
114. Brouhaha On National School Testing Most American parents are being told by local schools that their children rank above average in both reading and math. christian Science Monitor. http://www.csmonitor.com/durable/1997/09/03/feat/feat.1.html |
115. Love A Child Ministries, Charity, Feed Children A christian humanitarian and missionary organization that has schools, feeding programs, a child care program, mobile medical clinics, and an orphanage in the country of Haiti. Projects, television broadcast schedule, and sponsorship and donation information. http://www.loveachild.com | |
116. Christian Ed Warehouse - Sunday School, Sunday School Curriculum, Vacation Bible Markets christian educational curriculum for Sunday schools and Bible clubs. http://www.christianedwarehouse.com/ | |
117. Public School Prayer Persecution Presents arguments why prayer should not be permitted in public schools, and criticism of christian conservatives. http://www.mindspring.com/~wjager/billrel.html | |
118. Seigakuin University & Schools christian oriented private school in Kotaku, Tokyo. Contains kindergarten through graduate school. http://www.seig.ac.jp/english/ | |
119. ClSchools Home private school K12 http://www.clschools.org/ | |
120. :: Accelerated Christian Education :: Produces individualized selfinstructional christian curriculum and other programs for schools and home schools. http://www.schooloftomorrow.com/ | |
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