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Christian Schools: more books (100) | ||||||
1. AACS American Association of christian schools. The American Association of christian schools is one of the leading Christian school organizations in the country. http://www.aacs.org/ | |
2. Christian Schools International CSI has been serving christian schools since 1920 Celebrate Global Gift Day to support christian schools around the world, as well as supporting your own school http://www.gospelcom.net/csi |
3. Association Of Classical And Christian Schools and equip schools committed to a classical approach to education in light of a Christian worldview grounded in philosophical and theological positions. member schools and affiliates http://www.accsedu.org/ | |
4. CSRnet Homepage Webbased Lessons. Christian Resources. Biblical Studies Thank you for your continued support. christian schools.org has graciously provided website hosting for CSRnet http://www.csrnet.org/ | |
5. ACSI.org ACSI is an organization of Christian preschools, elementary secondary, and postsecondary schools. ACSI provides information, services, and products needed by more than 4,800 member schools in 95 countries. http://www.acsi.org/ | |
6. Christian Schools International An organization of Reformed christian schools throughout North America. CSI serves over 475 schools, with a combined enrollment of over 100,000 students. http://community.gospelcom.net/Brix?pageID=2831 |
7. Non-Denominationl Christian Schools - Suite101.com An online publishing community of writers, readers, and educators posting articles and links for christian schools grades K12. Information for churches or religious organizations interested in starting a school. http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/christian_schools | |
8. The Network Of International Christian Schools Is An International The Network of International christian schools has an international school system of 18 schools in 13 different countries. There are many job opportunites for teachers to work at around the world . http://www.nics.org/ | |
9. Protestant Reformed Christian Schools Protestant Reformed christian schools. Adams Christian School ( est. 1950 Grades K9; 13 teachers; 160 students. Covenant Christian High School ( est http://www.prca.org/educ.html | |
10. Georgia Association Of Christian Schools Home Page - CHRISTIAN EDUCATION SCHOOL Represents approximately eighty schools and thirteen thousand students. http://www.gacs.org/ | |
11. ACSI Job Search Job listings for member schools in the Association of christian schools International. http://www.acsi.org/acsi/services/ceo/ | |
12. GRAND RAPIDS CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS HOME PAGE At the Grand Rapids christian schools, we re preparing students to be effective servants of Christ in contemporary society. Exciting http://www.grcs.org/ | |
13. Worldwide Christian Schools The mission of Worldwide christian schools is to help responsible, needy Christian organizations worldwide to develop christian schools which integrate the http://www.gospelcom.net/wcs/ | |
14. LifeWay: Christian Schools Tools for christian schools. Building Schools of Influence® Through Kingdom Education Online Resources . christian schools Online Catalog http://www.lifeway.com/schoolresources | |
15. Welcome To Valley Christian Schools Home About Valley christian schools Academics Admissions Activities Athletics Alumni Contact KVCH Valley Christian Store PowerSchool http://www.valleychristian.net/ |
16. About Valley Christian Schools About Valley christian schools. Valley christian schools is a private, K12 Christian School located in the heart of Silicon Valley, San Jose, California. http://www.valleychristian.net/about/index.shtml |
17. Christian Schools In Jerusalem & Surroundings eMail cicinfo@cicts.org. christian schools in Jerusalem and Surroundings Brothers of the christian schools. Bethlehem Frères College http://www.christusrex.org/www1/ofm/cic/CICscho.html | |
18. Home Page Of Central Valley Christian Schools Http://www.cvc.org And Http://home Got Milk? CVC students help Shahaba Elementary and Iben Hayan Elementary in Iraq Click above for pdf file of letter from the US Army and pictures. http://www.cvc.org/ | |
19. Christian Confessaholic Fundraising E-Center Specializing in fundraising opportunities for church groups, christian schools and organizations. This site promotes Christian evangelization. http://www.confessaholic.com | |
20. De La Salle Christian Brothers An international teaching order founded by St. John Baptiste de La Salle over 300 years ago, dedicated to thje Christian educatian of youth. http://www.lasalle.org/ | |
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