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181. Home A folk musician with an experimental/electronic sound. Site includes a biography, tour schedule, and a mailing list. http://www.christiankiefer.com/ | |
182. Christian Science Berlin - Aktuell Kirchen der Christlichen Wissenschaft findet man seit ¼ber 100 Jahren in der deutschen Hauptstadt. http://www.christian-science-berlin.de | |
183. Tödlicher Verkehrsunfall Zum Andenken an Ihn, der am 22.08.2000 nach einem schweren Unfall sterben muÂte. http://www.christian-enthoefer.de/ | |
184. Christian´s Astro-Seite Eine private Homepage, die in verschiedenen Artikeln eine Reihe von Aspekten der Amateurastronomie betrachtet. http://maxon-computer.com/sternkucker/ | |
185. Christians In Recovery - Help And Support Group information and resources for anyone who is in recovery or who desires to recover from abuse, depression, codependency, and/or addiction to drugs, food, alcohol, pornography, gambling. Membership required. http://christians-in-recovery.org | |
186. Christian Churches Of God World Conference Official site. Teaches the original faith taught by the Messiah and the Apostles. http://www.ccg.org/ | |
187. Christian Methodist Episcopal Church Official site offering calendar, bishops, heritage, publishing house, store, boards, districts and churches. http://www.c-m-e.org |
188. ChristianMom.com - Online Fellowship, Friendship And Inspiration. Forum, bible studies, recipe exchange, columns. http://christianmom.com | |
189. Rockin With The Cross - Christian Guitar Chords & Tablature Major archive of christian Rock, alternative, punk, and metal guitar and bass tablature. http://1christian.net/guitar/ | |
190. Symbols In Christian Art & Architecture An illustrated dictionary of christian symbols, seasons and liturgical colors, with bibliography, by Walter Gast. http://home.att.net/~wegast/symbols/symbols.htm |
191. Generic Template Teaches traditional Taekwondo to Christians in Mobile. Includes photographs. http://www.karate.tvheaven.com/ | |
192. Christian Classics Ethereal Library Numerous classical christian texts in electronic format, sponsored by Calvin College. http://ccel.org/ | |
193. Christian Apologetics Journal Theology, philosophy, religion, science, cults, defense of the historic christian faith. Published by the Southern Evangelical Seminary. http://ses.edu/journal/ | |
194. Index Profile and photos of the German actor/singer. http://www.geocities.com/wunderlichweb/ | |
195. Charlie Christian - Legend Of The Jazz Guitar Biography, discography, solos, licks, photo gallery, trivia and bibliography. http://www3.nbnet.nb.ca/hansen/Charlie/ | |
196. The Parable Award: A Prize For Literary Christian Fiction Seeks unpublished, original novels of christian fiction, suitable either for children or adults. Deadline December 1. Reading fee $1. Cash prize $100. http://parableaward.tripod.com | |
197. Christian Ziege - Die Offizielle Website Der Mittelfeldspieler berichtet brandaktuell in einem WebTagebuch, auÂerdem gibt es ein Shop und Games. http://www.christianziege.de/ | |
198. Musica Classica - Classical Music - Klassische Musik - Karadar Bertoldi Ensemble Musica Classica Classical Music Dictionary entry with life, works, photograph, and MIDI audio file. http://www.karadar.net/Dictionary/sinding.html | |
199. The Gloor's Comic Page Âber den Autor, Comics, Computerspiele, Filme, Snowboarden und Musik. http://www.thegloor.com/ | |
200. Soc.Religion.Christian Introduction to Christianity, FAQ, charter, and a good collection of links. http://geneva.rutgers.edu/src/ | |
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