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61. Religion Dept -- Georgetown College Georgetown, Kentucky. Emphasis on Biblical Studies, also offers courses in christian history and theology, christian ministry, and nonWestern religions. Introduces faculty, courses, and schedule. http://spider.georgetowncollege.edu/religion/ | |
62. Freedom Bible School For College Credit Degrees Information about educational programs towards receiving degrees in christian studies through correspondence and online courses. http://www.freedomministries.com/college.html | |
63. Northwest Christian College | Teacher Education Faculty Staff. Links. Contact Us. Education Home Page a traditional undergraduate program. The courses are offered in the early afternoon Northwest christian Colleges Teacher Education and http://www.nwcc.edu/education | |
64. St. Angela's, Sligo courses to enable present and future religious educators to engage with the Catholic christian tradition, other christian traditions and the major world faiths. http://www.theology.ie/sligo.htm | |
65. The Official WebSite Of Filamer Christian College, Roxas City Located in Roxas City. With guide to academics, history, map, courses, admissions, alumni, and links. http://www.geocities.com/fccroxas/ |
66. Groves Christian College Course of Study. a second campus known as Livingstone christian college at Ormeau. not necessarily christian themselves desire a christian school culture and http://www.groves.qld.edu.au/principal.html | |
67. Christian Leaders Training College An interdenominational, Evangelical Bible college offering parttime courses to assist in development of church leaders. http://www.spabc.com.au/colleges/christian_leaders_training_college.htm | |
68. Groves Christian College courses OF STUDY. The college s Enrichment Centre provides a wide variety of Learning Support with other local schools, and with christian schools affiliated to http://www.groves.qld.edu.au/prospectus.html | |
69. TCU Harris School Of Nursing Harris college of Nursing. Offers baccalaureate and graduate programs in nursing. Includes requirements, description of programs, courses, and events. Fort Worth. http://www.hsn.tcu.edu/ |
70. Christian School Resources This Bible school is a registered course within the Messianic Seminary, Yeshiva, Bible college and Seminary, Messianic Seminary, christian Seminary, Hebraic http://www.lightlinks2000.com/Cschools.htm | |
71. Bethlehem Bible College - Main Page A christian Bible college training and preparing servantleaders for the church and society in an Arab context. Information on beliefs, history, student life and courses. http://www.bethlehembiblecollege.edu/ | |
72. American Christian College And Seminary - Distance Learning Offers accredited degree programs in theology, ministry and business, up to doctorate level. Site includes comprehensive details of the college and courses. http://www.accs.edu/ | |
73. Nursing christian liberal arts college offers a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. Includes catalog and list of courses. http://www.milligan.edu/academics/Catalog/nursing.htm | |
74. Welcome To Newman Institute Ireland On The Internet Masters degrees and short courses offered by Ballinabased christian college and Centre for the Family and Marriage. Provides details of courses, staff and locality, plus inquiry form. http://www.newmanii.com/ | |
75. Valley Christian Schools - About VCS academic counseling on programs and courses, direct college as CD ROM descriptions of schools and internet County college Fair and christian college Fair (held http://www.valleychristian.net/about/ab_002_college_prep.shtml |
76. Alliance University College - Nazarene University College Canadian Bible college offers one to four year undergraduate degree and diploma programs in christian studies, including courses in Bible, theology, ministry, humanities, social sciences, and music. http://www.cbccts.sk.ca/ | |
77. Valley Christian Schools - Academics New A/B Schedule. 200405 Course Catalog. Summer Reading List. Valley christian High school offers a The normal course load is seven courses per semester. http://www.valleychristian.net/academics/ac_003_hs.shtml |
78. St John's College Nottingham An Anglican theological college training men and women for christian ministry and service. Offers residential courses and parttime and distance learning courses. http://www.stjohns-nottm.ac.uk/ | |
79. Welcome To The Brisbane Christian Outreach Centre School Of Ministries Certificates in Ministry. Internal Semester courses. Commencing each February and July. The Brisbane christian Outreach Centre school of Ministries is http://www.pastornet.net.au/bcocsom/ | |
80. South Florida Bible College & Theological Seminary - Offers Distance Learning, O A christian institution offering undergraduate and graduate studies. Site contains alumni, objectives, admissions, a catalog of courses and an online application. http://www.sfbc.edu/ | |
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