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61. Cholera Detected In Second South African Province CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/africa/01/03/southafrica.cholera.ap/index.html |
62. Cholera Translate this page cholera Bitte beachten Sie in Die cholera ist eine durch Bakterien (Vibrionen)verursachte Infektionskrankheit. Es handelt sich um http://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/www/de/laenderinfos/gesundheitsdienst/merkblatt/c | |
63. CNN.com - WHO: Iraq Faces Cholera Crisis - May. 8, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/WORLD/meast/05/08/sprj.nilaw.cholera.update/index.html | |
64. Plagues & Epidemics and other pestilential fever, smallpox and dysenteryÂsthe latter a generic classof disease that includes what s known as dysentery, as well as cholera. http://www.theplumber.com/plague.html | |
65. CNN.com - Cholera Kills 34 In South Africa As Rains Worsen Outbreak - November 1 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/africa/11/17/safrica.cholera.reut/index.html | |
66. Reportable Infectious Diseases And Conditions idph online home, Illinois Department of Public Health 535 West Jefferson StreetSpringfield, Illinois 62761 Phone 217782-4977 Fax 217-782-3987 TTY 800-547 http://www.idph.state.il.us/health/infect/reportdis/cholera.htm | |
67. CNN.com - Scientists Sequence Genome Of Cholera Bacteria - August 2, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/08/02/cholera.genome/index.html | |
68. Cholera Kills 44 In Malawi CNN http://cnn.com/2002/WORLD/africa/01/27/malawi.cholera.ap/index.html |
69. Health And Hygiene In The Nineteenth Century were three massive waves of contagious disease the first, form 1831 to 1833, includedtwo influenza epidemics and the initial appearance of cholera; the second | |
70. Djibouti Camp Gets Aid To Fight Cholera CNN http://cnn.com/2003/WORLD/africa/09/30/djibouti.refugees.reut/index.html |
71. CNN.com - More Than 4,000 People Affected By Cholera Outbreak In South Africa - CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/africa/10/29/southafrica.cholera.ap/index.html | |
72. Pynchon - Essays: Review Of "Love In The Time Of Cholera" The New York Times, 10 April 1988 A Review of Gabriel GarcÃa Márquez s Love inthe Time of cholera We then flash back 50 years, into the time of cholera. http://www.themodernword.com/pynchon/pynchon_essays_cholera.html | |
73. Cholera Strikes Northern Nigeria CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/africa/11/23/health.nigeria.cholera.reut/index.html |
74. Cholera Translate this page cholera. cholera Afrique, Moyen Orient, Asie *cause -Vibrio cholerae,la diarrhée est provoquée par les entérotoxines du bacille. http://www.medecine-et-sante.com/voyages/CHOLERA.html | |
75. Cholera Kills 200 And Leaves 100,000 Ill CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/africa/07/25/safrica.cholera.ap/index.html |
76. CHAART Remote Sensing Of Cholera Outbreaks Remote Sensing of cholera Outbreaks. The outbreaks of cholera that haveoccurred during the past decade originated in coastal areas. http://geo.arc.nasa.gov/sge/health/projects/cholera/cholera.html | |
77. WHO: Cholera WHO fact sheet with cause, treatment, pandemics, prevention, and transmission. http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs107/en/ | |
78. Medmicro Chapter 24 Scientific and medical information about the organisms and the diseases they cause. http://gsbs.utmb.edu/microbook/ch024.htm | |
79. Southern Africa Battles Cholera Outbreaks CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/africa/01/09/health.safrica.cholera.reut/index.html |
80. CHOLERA cholera (from the Gr. xp\r, K ile, and peav, to flow), the name given to two distinctforms of disease, simple cholera and malignant cholera. Althoug. cholera. http://86.1911encyclopedia.org/C/CH/CHOLERA.htm | |
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