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1. DBMD - Cholera - General Information cholera. En español Prevención In January 1991, epidemic cholera appearedin South America and quickly spread to several countries. A few cases http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dbmd/diseaseinfo/cholera_g.htm | |
2. What Is Cholera? Disease description, prevention, treatment, and links. http://www.disasterrelief.org/Disasters/971112cholera/ | |
3. John Snow - A Historical Giant In Epidemiology The life and times of Dr. John Snow (18131858), with multimedia pages including the complete text of On the Communication of cholera. Created by the Department of Epidemiology, UCLA School of Public Health. http://www.ph.ucla.edu/epi/snow.html | |
4. This Page Has Been Removed. - Centers For Disease Control And Prevention Pan American Health Organization. World Health Organization. The page choleraInformation for Travelers (Updated October 25, 2000) has been removed. http://www.cdc.gov/travel/cholera.htm | |
5. Vibrio Cholerae Vibrio cholerae and Asiatic cholera ©. 2002 Kenneth Todar University of WisconsinMadison Department of to humans, Vibrio cholerae, the agent of cholera, is the most important http://www.bact.wisc.edu/Bact330/lecturecholera | |
6. WHO/OMS: Cholera WHO Fact Sheet Vaccines and Immunization Background information on choleraand its control. cholera Basic Facts for Travellers. Newsletter. http://www.who.int/health-topics/cholera.htm | |
7. ARS Research Timeline - Story On Hog Cholera Eradication An article on Hog cholera. http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/timeline/cholera.htm | |
8. Cholera In Peru Makes a case study of the epidemic outbreak in 1991, with graphics and geographic information system data files. University of Colorado's Department of Geography http://www.colorado.edu/geography/gcraft/warmup/cholera/cholera_f.html |
9. Krunal Cholera - Homepage Seeks employment in networking and/or web design. Experienced in Pascal, C programming, VERILOG, UNIX, Assembly Language 8085, 8086, and 80386. http://astro.temple.edu/~krunal | |
10. Cholera MAIN SEARCH INDEX. cholera. Definition. cholera is an acute illness characterizedby watery diarrhea that is caused by the bacterium Vibro cholerae. http://www.ehendrick.org/healthy/000314.htm | |
11. MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia: Cholera cholera. V. cholerae; Vibrio Definition Return to top. cholera is an infectionof the small intestine caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/000303.htm | |
12. South African Officials Fear Cholera Epidemic Might Spread CNN http://cnn.com/2001/WORLD/africa/01/02/southafrica.cholera.ap/index.html |
13. Cholera Kills At Least 44 Mozambicans CNN http://cnn.com/2003/WORLD/africa/05/08/mozambique.cholera.reut/index.html |
14. WHO Cholera And Epidemic-prone Diarrhoeal Diseases Diseases covered by CSR cholera and epidemicprone diarrhoeal diseases cholera. cholera is an acute bacterial infection of the intestine caused by ingestion of food or water http://www.who.int/emc/diseases/cholera |
15. WHO: Cholera And Epidemic-prone Diarrhoeal Diseases cholera and epidemicprone diarrhoeal diseases. cholera and epidemic-pronediarrhoeal diseases. cholera. cholera is an acute bacterial http://www.who.int/csr/disease/cholera/en/ | |
16. FDA/CFSAN Bad Bug Book Vibrio Cholerae Serogroup O1 This bacterium is responsible for Asiatic or epidemic cholera. No major outbreaks of this disease have occurred In 1991 cholera was reported for the first time in this century http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~MOW/chap7.html | |
17. CNN.com - Cholera Epidemic Spreads Among South Africans Without Clean Water - No CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/WORLD/africa/11/01/southafrica.cholera.ap/index.html | |
18. Mode Of Communication Of Cholera(John Snow, 1855) John Snow s historic text, On the Mode of Communication of cholera, published in London in 1855. This page uses frames http://www.ph.ucla.edu/epi/snow/snowbook.html | |
19. Cholera - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia cholera. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. cholera is a diseaseof the intestinal tract caused by the Vibrio cholerae bacterium. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cholera | |
20. CHOLERA cholera (from the Gr. xp\r, K ile, and peav, to flow), the name given to two distinct forms of disease, simple cholera and malignant cholera. Althoug http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/C/CH/CHOLERA.htm | |
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