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41. Oregon Zoo Conservation: Native American History The Condor and native American History. the California condor was a helper to thenative people of the The Chehalis and chinook indians have a story about the http://www.zooregon.org/Condors/NativeAmericanHistory.htm | |
42. American Indian | Native | First Nations | Pacific Northwest | Chinook | Tillamo Some Northwest tribes are the chinook, Tillamook, Coast Salish Southwest indians;Woodland Tribes and California indians; Samoa (The More native American Tribes. http://www.kidzworld.com/site/p1387.htm | |
43. Articles On The Topic Native Americans, Bureau Of Indian Affairs Affairs recognizes the existence of the chinook Tribe. is critical of the Bureau ofIndian Affairs new which is intended to reimburse native americans for 112 http://www.hcn.org/archivesbysubject.jsp?category=Native Americans&subject=Burea |
44. Indian Legend - Native American Sites Of Interest Pueblo) indians; Chumash indians; Comanche indians; chinook Indian; indians; Cheyenneindians; American Indian Tribe; Albert Bold Tongue s native American Links Page; http://www.indianlegend.com/links.htm | |
45. Native Americans Of The Willamette Valley, A Bibliography chinook one of the traditional tribes still struggling to be a federally AmericanIndians of the Pacific Northwest Digital Collection. native American Genealogy. http://www.usgennet.org/alhnorus/ahorclak/indiobiblio.html | |
46. Native Americans, French Canadians And Intermarriage reservations survived to preserve native American values and Clackamas Warm SpringsIndian Reservation, Confederated chinook one of the traditional tribes http://www.usgennet.org/alhnorus/ahorclak/indiancensus.html | |
47. Native American Languages chinook Jargon; Community effort brings Potawatomi to a new generation of LinguisticClassification of American indians; native American Language Courses; http://www.fortunecity.com/victorian/ferndale/61/languages.htm | |
48. Native Americans Navigator Information about Nez Perce, chinook, Flathead Tribes This Week in AmericanIndian History has an fact about or concerning native americans for every http://www.chenowith.k12.or.us/tech/subject/social/natam.html | |
49. Powell's Books - Navajo Indians (Native Americans) By Caryn Yacowitz Navajo indians (native americans) by Caryn Yacowitz. Age Level 0709. Availableat Burnside. Free Shipping! This title ships for free on qualified orders! http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?inkey=1-1403441723-0 |
50. Native American Indian Tribes Indian and Alaska native Population 1999 Chemakum, Chetco, Chilluckkittequaw, chinook,Clackamas, Clatskani Karuk, Kawaiisu, Maidu, Mission indians, Miwok, Mono http://www.500nations.com/500_Tribes.asp | |
51. Native American Treaties And Information Iroquois indians A Documentary History of the Diplomacy of the Six Nations and Microfilm4203 (Ask at the desk for reels of film); native americans and the New http://www-libraries.colorado.edu/ps/gov/us/native.htm | |
52. Picture History - Native American Indians native American indians. Items, 293 items on 25 pages. A Burial Site on the LittleBighorn River in Montana. A chinook Lodge. A Christian Indian. After Wounded Knee. http://www.picturehistory.com/find/c/232/mcms.html | |
53. Picture History - Native American Indians People Professions native American indians. Items, 293 items on 25 pages. ABurial Site on the Little Bighorn River in Montana. A chinook Lodge. http://www.picturehistory.com/find/c/232/p/10/mcms.html | |
54. Native American Mythology American Legends of the Pacific Northwest This site contains full text legendsand myths of the native people of Washington and Oregon. chinook indians - A http://www.cvsd.org/opportunity/Library/Pathfinder/nativeamerican_myth_pathfinde | |
55. Native Americans Legends Index collection, alphabetical and by theme. native american lore. the Stars Bear and hisIndian wife, the the (Wabenaki) Chief Mountain (Siksika) chinook wind (Yakima http://home.online.no/~arnfin/native/lore/index0.htm | |
56. Today In American Indian History Territory. 1990 The native American Grave Protection Act takes place.November 18. 1765 CREEKs. 1805 Clark meets chinook indians. 1813 http://www.aipc.osmre.gov/Notes from Native America/5_2001.htm | |
57. WWWVL: American Indians - Other Native American Resources On The Internet native Red Medicine The chinook Wind Tribal Creating Christian indians native Clergyin the Presbyterian Oklahoma Press Subscribe to native Peoples Magazine http://www.hanksville.org/NAresources/indices/NAother.html | |
58. Native Families Census, Resources; chinook Tribe; Creek Nation - An Introduction A Studyof the Creek indians. Getting Started - native American Genealogy; Gateway To http://www.telusplanet.net/public/mtoll/native.htm | |
59. Native Americans Indians - TribeScribe - Somewhat Infrequent Musings On The Stat Top 100 Greatest Cleveland indians Players A photo gallery of the team sgreatest players, selected in 2001 by a panel of veteran baseball writers http://www.majorsportsbetting.com/baseball_team/al/cleveland-indians/native-amer | |
60. ACF Administration For Native Americans: Financial Report FY2002 Administration For native americans Summary of Expenditures FY 2002. IA FederallyRecognized Tribes, WA, chinook Indian Tribe/chinook Nation, 90NA7535, $100,000. http://www.acf.dhhs.gov/programs/ana/publications/FY2002/S508_fy2002_summary.htm | |
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