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61. East Asia Premiere site on the internet for chinese language, literature, art, history, philosophy religion posts elegant cybertexts of many chinese classics. http://religion.rutgers.edu/vri/china.html | |
62. Resources By Subject: Philosophy And Religion Encyclopedia of chinese philosophy UWB/CCC Reference B126 .E496 2003. Encyclopedia of American Women and religion UWB/CCC Reference BL2525 .B45 1998. http://www.bothell.washington.edu/library/guides/subjects/socialsciences/philoso | |
63. Philosophy Research Links Trinity College & Seminary chinese philosophy And Arts http//monade.shinshuu.ac.jp/philosophy.html; University of Southern Maine http//www.usm philosophy and religion Links http http://www.trinitysem.edu/phlinks.html | |
64. UBC Library: Subject Page - Chinese Studies - Philosophy & Religion Subject Resources for chinese Studies philosophy religion. http://toby.library.ubc.ca/subjects/subjpage2.cfm?id=485 |
65. UBC Library: Subject Page - Table - Chinese Studies - Philosophy & Religion Subject Resources for chinese Studies philosophy religion. Printable version. Article Indexes http://toby.library.ubc.ca/subjects/subjpage1.cfm?id=485 |
66. Chinese Philosophy 700 B.C. - A.D. 700:Bibliographical List Of Printed Material in Han China, New York, 1997. Back to Top-. C Noteworthy books on chinese and Comparative philosophy / religion. Author, Title, Info. http://www.tau.ac.il/~yariel/PrintedM.htm | |
67. Provisional University Bulletin: Philosophy Ms. Hirshman and Ms. Smiley. PHIL 119b chinese philosophy nw hum Prerequisite One course in philosophy. HOID 140a What is philosophy Politics? religion? http://arachne.unet.brandeis.edu/registrar/bulletin/provisional/PHIL-provisional | |
68. Acupuncture With Or Without Chinese Philosophy? In China philosophy and religion are not is mirrow like also a visible or invisible part of medicine depending on the different periods of chinese history. http://www.icmart.org/icmart00/abstract/abst16.html | |
69. SFSU Bulletin - PHIL 510 . Title chinese philosophy and religion. Description Highlights of the major philosophical and religious traditions of China.......PHIL 510 Course http://www.sfsu.edu/~bulletin/courses/08568.htm | |
70. China-Related Links of secondary sources and translations on chinese philosophy, materials related to Charles Muller s Resources for Buddhism and East Asian philosophy/religion. http://sangle.web.wesleyan.edu/china.html | |
71. Rhodes: Academics: Library: E-Journals: Philosophy And Religion third, a commitment to publishing comparative studies within chinese philosophy or in in the context of late ancient societies and religions from CE 100700. http://www.rhodes.edu/public/2_0-Academics/2_5-Library/2_5_3-EJournals/2_5_3_37- | |
72. RSWeb Philosophy Of Religion Philosophy Links African philosophy, Ancient philosophy, chinese philosophy, Continental philosophy philosophy of Politics, philosophy of religion, philosophy of Science http://www.rsweb.org.uk/phil/phillinks.html | |
73. Internet Public Library: Philosophy chinese philosophical texts created by the Confucian Etext Project; Electronic versions of chinese philosophical texts from philosophy of religion http//www http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/hum70.00.00/ | |
74. Non-Western Philosoophy At Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base The Encyclopedia of Eastern philosophy and religion is more than just a dictionary of terms. Ancient Eastern philosophy Resources. chinese philosophy. http://www.erraticimpact.com/~topics/html/nonwestern_philosophy.htm | |
75. NULeJ URL List (by Classification) [Philosophy And Religion] Journal of chinese philosophy (2000) (Blackwell) (Synergy) (? 1904-1920) (Journal of philosophy) (JSTOR Journal of religion in Africa (1968-1971, 1973 http://www.nul.nagoya-u.ac.jp/ej/cls/cls_130.html | |
76. CheatHouse.com - Confucius, Philosophy Of Religion. About Cinfusianism And Chris Press As with Christianity Catholic Mission Charles Scribner Charles Scribner chinese philosophy in Classical Times Christianity Among the Religions of the http://www.cheathouse.com/eview/4313-confucius-philosophy-of-religion-about-c.ht | |
77. Philosophy Refdesk.com Atheism Web, The. Australasian philosophy Home Page, The Review Service on Moral and Political philosophy. Buddhism in the United SufiTraditions. Su Tzu's chinese philosophy Page http://www.refdesk.com/philos.html | |
78. Chinese Philosophies Other chinese philosophy Sites http://www.cmi.k12.il.us/Urbana/projects/AncientCiv/china_philos/philos.html | |
79. Chad Hansen S Chinese Philosophy Page (Daoist Interpretations) This site contains segments of an extended interpretive theory of Classical chinese philosophy that takes Daoism (Taoism) as the philosophical center. http://www.hku.hk/philodep/ch/ |
80. Useful Internet Resources On Chinese Religions Useful Internet Resources on chinese religions. chinese religions in general (including folk, indigenous,popular, or vernacular religion). Resources on Buddhism. http://www.indiana.edu/~sscr/linksrel.html | |
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