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21. Research Institute For The Humanities - Philosophy chinese and Western philosophy(); Wesleyan Confucian Etext Project, including many classical Confucian Etexts See religion http://www.arts.cuhk.edu.hk/Philo.html | |
22. GUIDEÂ TOÂ PHILOSOPHYÂ ANDÂ RELIGIONÂ RESOURCES GUIDE TO philosophy AND religion RESOURCES. philosophy resources, divided into categories, including African philosophy, chinese philosophy, Existentialism, and http://www.sheltonstate.edu/library/philosandrel.htm | |
23. Encyclopedia Of Chinese Philosophy of America, is coeditor of the Journal of chinese philosophy, associate editor of the International Journal of the philosophy of religion, and former president http://www.routledge-ny.com/chinesephil/ | |
24. 1996 AAS Abstracts: China Session 229 Session 229 Individual Papers Topics in chinese philosophy and religion. Organizer and Chair Robert Hymes, Columbia University. http://www.aasianst.org/absts/1996abst/china/c229.htm | |
25. ChinaSite.com: Mysticism, Philosophy, Religion, Practices -- The Complete Refere religion, Practices. The Complete Reference to chinese Mysticism, philosophy, religion, and Practices Web sites. by Weiqing Huang . http://www.chinasite.com/Culture/Mysticism.html | |
26. Academic Info: China Studies - Religion Aac Mr. China. The Gallery of China chinese philosophy and religion An annotated collection of resources. Digital Archives Texts. http://www.blacknet.co.uk/education/chinarelig.html | |
27. Internet Guide - Philosophy & Religion Taoism Information Page Arranged by subject, this page offers a concise and informative links and texts regarding chinese philosophy, from Taoism to religion. http://www.lapl.org/inet/philosophy.html | |
28. Chinese_Philosophy_&_Religion chinese philosophy religion, research index site with links for disability users, 1000 s of search engines and with live java games, chat s, kids internet http://www.ability.org.uk/chinese.html | |
29. China Window :: China Philosophy & Religion (1) You are here home china basic china summary, China philosophy religion (1). Posted Wednesday, March 31, 2004. chinese Philosophies http://www.china-window.com/china_basic/china_summary/china-philosophy-religion. | |
30. China Window :: China Philosophy & Religion (3) You are here home china basic china summary, China philosophy religion (3). Posted Wednesday, March 31, 2004. chinese Philosophies religions Buddhism. http://www.china-window.com/china_basic/china_summary/china-philosophy-religion- | |
31. Chinese Philosophy Page; chinese Spiritual Traditions; Eastern Philosophies Forum; Graduate Programs in Asian philosophy and religion; Infomax ?; http://philosophers.org/ChinesePhilosophy.html | |
32. Chinese Philosophy Page - Links Taoism Informatiom Page. Steve Palmquist s Home Page. The philosophy and religion Page at the chinese University of Hong Kong. Birthday of Confucius. http://members.iinet.net.au/~saandss/chinesephilosophy/cplinks.html | |
33. Routledge Encyclopedia Of Philosophy Online : Buddhist Philosophy, Chinese Buddhism The IRIZ site makes available online versions of chinese Chan and available a wide variety of resources on East Asian religion and philosophy. http://www.rep.routledge.com/article-links/G002 | |
34. The Xunzi And Chinese Philosophy Journal of the American Academy of religion, Studies, Vol. Rubin, Vitaly A. Wu hsing and Yinyang. Journal of chinese philosophy 19 (1982), 131-55. http://www.miami.edu/phi/bio/Buddha/westbook.htm | |
35. PHIL310: Chinese Religion And Philosophy, Department Of Philosophy, University O PHIL310 chinese religion and philosophy. Course Syllabus. Instructor Alan Fox. University of Delaware. General Education Curriculum. http://www.udel.edu/Philosophy/afox/PHIL310.html | |
36. SUNY Press :: Chinese Philosophy In An Era Of Globalization philosophy, chinese philosophy in an Era of Globalization provides a model for collaborative work. Topics covered include value theory, philosophy of religion, http://www.sunypress.edu/details.asp?id=60888 |
37. Eastern Religions & Philosophy 5. China the Beautiful The mother lode of chinese philosophy, art, literature Modified religion by Maitreya A new religion founded by Maitreya for modern times http://www.accessnewage.com/links/L-Easter.htm | |
38. Oriental Philosophy Jump to Fun and painless way to learn about chinese philosophy. Unfortunately, like many other systems of philosophy and religion that had deviated from http://www.openface.ca/~dstephen/chphil.htm | |
39. YesAsia.com: Books: Hong Kong Book: Philosophy And Religion: Browse Product Browse. philosophy and religion. , List All. -, Ancient and Modern chinese philosophy. -, Ancient and Modern Western philosophy. -, Arts of Thinking. http://us.yesasia.com/en/brPrdDept.aspx?section=books&version=hk&code=c&did=2138 |
40. YesAsia.com: Books: All Books: Philosophy And Religion: Browse Product Browse. philosophy and religion. , List All. -, Ancient and Modern chinese philosophy. -, Ancient and Modern Western philosophy. -, Ancient http://us.yesasia.com/en/brPrdDept.aspx/did-3627/code-c/section-books/ | |
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