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1. IGCS - Philosophy And Religion (China WWW VL - Internet Guide For Chinese Studie articles; translated chinese classics; Etexts of Buddhist, Confucian and Taoist classics; guide to graduate studies in Asian philosophy and religion; other http://sun.sino.uni-heidelberg.de/igcs/igphil.htm | |
2. Chinese Philosophy & Religion: Articles on Daoism, Buddhism and other chinese philosophies from the pages of Qi Journal. Information and articles on chinese philosophy and religion. Let your voice be heard by using our polls http://qi-journal.com/philosophy.asp | |
3. China, Taoism And Religions A philosophy, a religion and the basis for chinese Medicine, Taoism represents the wisdom accumulated over chinese history and promotes harmony among beings and nature. http://www.index-china.com/index-english/Taoism and A Few Words.html | |
4. Chinese Religions - Religion In China - Academic Info The Gallery of China chinese philosophy and religion An annotated collection of resources. Journal of chinese religions Table of Contents. http://www.academicinfo.net/chinarelig.html | |
5. China WWW Virtual Library - Internet Guide For Chinese Studies (WWW VL/ANU/Heide T. TECHNOLOGY, chinese and Computers Internet Journals. Reference Works History Geography Economy Society Literature religion philosophy Art Film Movies http://sun.sino.uni-heidelberg.de/igcs/ | |
6. Spiritual Traditions Of China Links and resources regarding chinese philosophy and religion. http://online.sfsu.edu/~rone/China/spiritualchina.html | |
7. Chinese Cultural Studies: Philosophy And Religion In China chinese philosopher, author, and teacher; classic work bears his name; influential in development of chinese philosophy and religious thought; interpreted http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/core9/phalsall/texts/chinrelg.html | |
8. UBC Asian Studies Undergraduate and graduate degree programs in Asian Studies, encompassing chinese, Japanese, Korean, and South Asian culture, including literature, linguistics, premodern history, religion and philosophy. http://www.asia.ubc.ca/ | |
9. Chinese Cultural Studies: Philosophy And Religion In China chinese Cultural Studies philosophy and religion in China. Compiled from From Compton's Living Encyclopedia on America Online (August 1995) religion IN GENERAL name; influential in development http://acc6.its.brooklyn.cuny.edu/~phalsall/texts/chinrelg.html | |
10. The Philosophies & Religions Of China: An Annotated Directory Of Internet Resour China philosophy religion. World Hongming Philosophical Quarterly, A bilingual ejournal of chinese philosophy religion with links to related sites. http://newton.uor.edu/Departments&Programs/AsianStudiesDept/china-phil.html | |
11. Chinese Philosophy & Religion: DaoDeChing English translation of the chinese Dao De Ching (Tao Te Ching). Information and articles on chinese philosophy and religion. Let your voice be heard by using our polls on philosophy, current events, and chinese culture. List of Polls http://qi-journal.com/philosophy.asp?-Token.FindPage=2&-Token.SearchID=DaoDe |
12. Philosophy & Religion In East & Southeast Asia: An Annotated Directory East Southeast Asia philosophy religion. in Japanese English) Zen publications; chinese Zen masters Virtual religion Index Buddhist Tradition, Compiled by http://newton.uor.edu/Departments&Programs/AsianStudiesDept/general-phil.html | |
13. Powell's Books - Used, New, And Out Of Print chinese Literature chinese philosophy chinese religion and Literature Featured Titles in religion Easternchinese philosophy Page 1 of 6 http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/partner?html=subsection/ReligionEasternChinesePhi |
14. Academic Info: Chinese Philosophy Resources By Steven A. Brown. The Gallery of China chinese philosophy and religion An annotated collection of resources. Institute of chinese Literature and philosophy. http://www.academicinfo.net/philchinese.html | |
15. Chinese Philosophy And Religions their deep belief in their god it leads to many religion conflicts and and Judaism were brought to China long time ago because chinese philosophy promotes Da http://www.index-china.com/index-english/people-religions-s.html | |
16. Chinese Religions Links Links for chinese religions and philosophy. chinese religion and philosophy (WWWVL); chinese philosophy and religion (University of Redlands); http://www2.kenyon.edu/Depts/Religion/Fac/Adler/Reln270/LINKS270.htm | |
17. Philosophy Of Religion Teachings of Buddhism 17.5K; Basic Buddhist Philosophical Doctrines; chinese Calendar 19.7K The chinese 60 Year A Short Guide to Comparative Religions 2.9K. http://www.friesian.com/religion.htm | |
18. Chinese Philosophy buddha.html; San Jiao chinese religion http//academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/core9/phalsall/ San Jiao links to information about chinese philosophy and religion. http://www.think2learn.com/china/pages/chinese_philosophy.htm | |
19. Chinese And China Resources. China And Philosophy And Religion Visit our chinese Art Homepage. chinese philosophy and religion. Add your site. Academic Articles. Academic papers about chinese religion and philosophy. http://www.the-gallery-of-china.com/chinese-philosophy.html | |
20. Which Ancient Chinese Philosophy Do You Agree With Most? Religion Selectsmart.com Which ancient chinese philosophy do you agree with most? religion Selectors quizzes tests test quiz fast, FREE and easy. http://selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php?client=philosophyquiz |
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