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81. Encyclopedia4U - Chinese Mythology - Encyclopedia Article chinese mythology. chinese mythology is legends (see mythology) whichcome from the Chinese civilization. Most of the legends refer http://www.encyclopedia4u.com/c/chinese-mythology.html | |
82. Welcome To Shanghai Online! History of chinese mythology The writing of such stories began in the Wei and JinDynasties (220420), when various writers, influenced by the alchemist s http://www.enonline.sh.cn/TClook.asp?id=10996 |
83. HIS3302 Comparative Greek And Chinese Mythology HIS3302 Comparative Greek and chinese mythology. Prof. Nov. 23 AncientGreek chinese mythology from a Comparative Perspective. Nov. http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/his/0001course/his3302.htm | |
84. Chinese Mythology - Asian Myths chinese mythology, Here are 10 simple questions on a very difficult topic playat your own risk! (Pinyin spelling is used in all cases!). http://www.funtrivia.com/quizdetails.cfm?id=58210&origin=374 |
85. Bookstore: Mythology: Chinese chinese mythology. Chinese Mythical Stories Richard F. Chnag (Editor) / Paperback/ Published 1990 Our Price $12.95 (Special Order). chinese mythology. Anthony. http://www.witchs-brew.org/bookstore/china.html | |
86. The Sangoma Sanctum A collection of translated texts and discussions from chinese, GrecoRoman, Rosicrucian, and other philosophy, mythology, and martial arts. http://sangoma.mavnet.org/ | |
87. Awakening Academe German Buddhist scholar living in Taiwan. Includes Buddhological research, linguistics, psychology and mythology, and translations of ancient chinese stories. http://www.freehomepages.com/ffgrohmann/index.html | |
88. Temporary Tattoos: Glow-in-the-dark Tattoos Design themes such as flowers, mythology, chinese characters, zodiac, and tribal patterns. Sample sheets and a wholesale inquiry area. http://www.ilottrading.com/glow.html | |
89. Historical Records Of Water-Beings Brief accounts of waterbeings in chinese folklore, early Indian mythology, Greek mythology and African mythology. http://www.water-consciousness.com/4history.htm | |
90. A World Of Dragon Art Information, mythology, chinese art, and posters from movies. http://www.dragon-art.com/ | |
91. Welcome To Newcastle Chinatown Information on the history, astrology, mythology relating to chinese Festivals and events taking place in the area. Also links to local chinese businesses. http://www.newcastlechinatown.co.uk/ | |
92. ThinkQuest : Library : Xiang Qi - The Ancient Art Of Chinese Chess Packed with ancient chinese history, philosophy and mythology. Visitors to the temple can learn about chinese religions. Stop by the cafeteria to explore an interactive tutorial. http://library.thinkquest.org/12255/ | |
93. MadeInTheOrient.com Features oriental art and culture, food and health, and feng shui. Products include buddhas, dragons, chinese paintings, wok sets, teas and massage sets, and provides articles on news and mythology. http://madeintheorient.com/ |
94. Chinese - Mythology - Glossary Entries, Square-X Home Glossary - chinese - mythology. Square-X, chinese - mythology- Glossary Entries. Viewing Entries Relating to chinese - mythology. http://glossary.square-x.com/definitions/Chinese_Mythology | |
95. Myths And Legends 10/2002); Mad Phoenix also retells the Legend of the Phoenix in it s chinese andNear Space presents some brief notes on the cat as a symbol in world mythology. http://members.bellatlantic.net/~vze33gpz/myth2.html | |
96. English I- Mythology Unit Some aspects of the chinese myths differ from others. The general format of thechinese creation myths is an egg was the first thing in the emptiness. http://www.prs.k12.nj.us/Schools/PHS/English_Dept/English_I/1995/myth-research1. | |
97. Chinese Creation And Flood Myth 20022003. Return to Folktales from China, edited by DL Ashliman. DL Ashliman sfolktexts , a library of folktales, folklore, fairy tales, and mythology. http://www.pitt.edu/~dash/chinaflood.html | |
98. Chinese Myths And Fantasies Ancient chinese myths were not recorded in a systematic way in any work,and , as a result, only fragments of them are extant today. http://www.chinavista.com/experience/story/story.html |
99. World Myths And Legends In Art (Minneapolis Institute Of Arts) Why? Because we ve redesigned the World mythology Web site! You ll find the sameworks of art and much more in the new World Myths Legends in Art Web site. http://www.artsmia.org/world-myths/404.html | |
100. Japanese/Chinese To Japanese and chinese people there myths and their Gods are very importantto them. They interesting. Japanese/chinese Myths and Stories. http://www.starsandseas.com/SAS_Mythology/Asiamain.htm | |
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