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81. Introduction To The Chinese Language And Its Processing next contents Next Contents Contents Introduction to the chinese language and its Processing. Sylvia Wong. Contents; Characters A http://www.fi.muni.cz/usr/wong/teaching/chinese/notes/notes.html | |
82. Welcome To The Learn-How-To-Speak WebSite For The Chinese Language chinese language instruction. http://www.learn-how-to-speak-chinese.com/ | |
83. - Chinese Language Processing And Chinese Computing Welcome on the chinese language processingpage, Although the title of this page is chinese language processing, this page is more about Chinese computing and http://seba.ulyssis.org/thesis/ | |
84. Cambirdge Center For Chinese Culture A Chinese School located in the Cambirdge, MA. It's a great place let your kids learning chinese language. http://members.tripod.com/CCCC_4/Default.htm | |
85. China Travel Tips: Chinese Language chinese language. Last updated April 14, 2004. Putonghua is variously referred to as the Han language (hanyu), Mandarin , or simply Chinese. http://www.travelchinaguide.com/essential/language.htm | |
86. Chinese Language Materials The summary for this Chinese (Traditional) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.diabetes.ca/Section_Main/chinese.asp | |
87. Rosette Chinese Language Analysis Basis TechnologyÂs chinese language Analyzer has enabled us to develop a product that understands the chinese language. We http://www.basistech.com/products/language-analysis/cma.html | |
88. Summer Language Program In Beijing: Columbia University Overseas Programs Columbia University nineweek summer program in intensive chinese language and culture. Classes in Mandarin language study, beginning through advanced levels. http://www.ce.columbia.edu/beijing/ | |
89. TL - Chinese Language Proficiency Test chinese language Proficiency Test. Transparent Language provides this opportunity for you to test your proficiency level in Chinese. http://www.transparent.com/tlquiz/proftest/chinese/tlchitest.htm | |
90. Declan Software's Chinese Language Learning Software Declan Software s chinese language Learning Software includes ReadWrite Chinese (Simplified) and ReadWrite Chinese (Traditional) which teach the 1000 most http://www.declan-software.com/chinese/ | |
91. The Chinese Outpost | Site Home The Chinese Outpost has been reducing the dreaded Mandarin Learning Curve for countless students and other netizens eager to learn about the chinese language. http://www.chinese-outpost.com/ | |
92. Alaric-radosh.blog-city.com Alaric s chinese language Blog a. Alaric s chinese language Blog Study Journal. Companion to my chinese language blog, journal of http://alaric-radosh.blog-city.com/ | |
93. ½ÃèÃÃó Focus on speech technology research and development in chinese language, including TTS and ASR. http://www.infoquick.com.cn |
94. Chinese Language Learning Consortium Welcome to the world of chinese language. This is intended to be a friendly place for the informal exchange of information, knowledge http://www.humboldt.edu/~cllc/chinese.htm | |
95. DAO - The Knowledge Site Site with information on chinese language, Chinese culture and China itself. http://www.daochinasite.com/ | |
96. Faculty Of Arts And Social Sciences - Chinese Home Page An understanding of this emerging modern power and its language is an invaluable tool, whether you are studying chinese language and culture out of interest or http://www.waikato.ac.nz/chinese/ | |
97. CSAUS : Chinese School Association In The United States Information exchange among hundreds of Chinese schools in the United States, promote joint activities, events; share information related to education in chinese language and culture. http://csaus.org/ | |
98. Chinese Writing And Language In The Electronic Passport everywhere. Discover chinese language and writing in the Electronic Passport at www.mrdowling.com. chinese language and names. Chinese http://www.mrdowling.com/614-pinyin.html | |
99. Marjorie Chan's ChinaLinks A site with annotated links to over six hundred China and chinese language and linguistics-related websites (and a few ftp and gopher sites). http://www.cohums.ohio-state.edu/DEALL/chan.9/c-links.htm |
100. CHINESE LANGUAGE PROGRAM, NEW YORK UNIVERSITY chinese language STUDIES,. EAST ASIAN STUDIES PROGRAM, NYU. Chinese Professors of Social Science; Newsletter of chinese language Teachers Association; http://www.nyu.edu/classes/chinese/ | |
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