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21. Ocrat Chinese Pages ocrat.com. Chineserelated web pages with a focus on chinese language learning for English speakers. Animated Chinese Characters http://www.ocrat.com/ | |
22. Dr. Mathias Roth Multimedia Chinese software trainer includes flashcards, games and a useful brainwash wizard plus an option to add a personal vocabulary. Win 95/98/NT http://www.thinkred.com/ | |
23. Inter-University Program For Chinese Language Study At Tsinghua (IUP) The InterUniversity Program for chinese language Studies (IUP) at Tsinghua University in Beijing, is the premier US-sponsored chinese language program http://ieas.berkeley.edu/iup/ | |
24. Language & Information #1 chinese language Information a comprehensive collection. 1351 links. More search options. Home What s Cool Random Link Search http://www.njstar.com.au/njstar/langinfo/langinfo.htm | |
25. Chinese: Foreign Language News And Newspapers: Publication Types: MIT Libraries chinese language News and Magazines Most of these sites require Chinese software obtainable from the following sites WWW in Chinese / Chinese in WWW Chinese http://libraries.mit.edu/guides/types/flnews/chinese.html | |
26. Online College Of Chinese Language Chinese Through KARAOKE. 3. The Stories of Chinese Idioms These idioms are commonly used in modern chinese language. With the story http://www.hanyu.com.cn/en/default.asp | |
27. Online College Of Chinese Language English ? ?. http://www.hanyu.com.cn/ | |
28. Chinese Language - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia chinese language. The language tree shown here shows how the present main divisions of the chinese language developed out of an early common language. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinese_language | |
29. List Of Chinese Language Poets - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia List of chinese language poets. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Poets who wrote or write much of their poetry in the chinese language. A Sin Ai. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Chinese_language_poets | |
30. Harvard Chinese Language Program We Have Moved to www.fas.harvard.edu/~clp/ PLS Update your bookmark. http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~clp/China/harvard.htm | |
31. Harvard Chinese Language Program Welcome to the chinese language Program. Department of East Asian Languages Civilizations. 5 Bryant Street Cambridge MA 02138 Tel http://www.fas.harvard.edu/~clp/ | |
32. Chinese Languages And Writings Includes articles in English. Specialises in chinese languages, old and late middle Chinese. http://zgyw.freeservers.com/eindex.htm | |
33. USC Chinese Language Program USC chinese language Program, Instructor. Community. Culture. Language Center. Blackboard. Contact Us. http://www.usc.edu/dept/ealc/chinese/ |
34. Academy Of Chinese Language And Culture, Study Abroad In China offers year round study abroad programs and learning immersion courses to foreigners interested in the chinese language and culture. http://www.aclc-cn.com | |
35. Learning Chinese Language And Calligraphy Online Or Offline Learning Chinese and calligraphy online or offline. http://www.bbmenterprises.com/train.htm | |
36. Chinese Language Resources chinese language Resources. Study Chinese on the Web Online College of chinese language, Free, but you need to register. Online http://www.tussah.com/lara/chinese.htm | |
37. Chinese Culture: Language Features. chinese language and culture. University Classes in chinese language. Earn a Bachelors of Art in chinese language without leaving your chair. http://www.qi-journal.com/Culture.asp?-token.Referrer=Culture&-token.Category=La |
38. Welcome To The Center For Chinese Language And Culture visit the MTCAA. Center for chinese language and Culture Studies 162 Hoping East Road, Sec. 1 Taipei, Taiwan, ROC Questions? Comments? http://www.mtc.ntnu.edu.tw/indexe.html | |
39. Learning Chinese Language Learning Chinese. Web Sites for Learning Chinese. www.chinapage.org/learnchinese.html. If you are studying Chinese, these tools can help. http://www.chinapage.com/learnchinese.html | |
40. Study Abroad In China And Learn Chinese Language In Beijing - Courses And Progra Offering chinese language, cultural, business, and martial arts courses in partnership with universities, government and business organizations in China. http://www.study-in-china.com/ | |
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