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1. African-American Hist General Sources. Africanamerican Odyssey Library of Congress site with The west. Menu of European Other History Web Pages Asian History. chinese History. England/Great Britain http://web.uccs.edu/~history/index/afroam.html | |
3. SYLLABUS FOR MINORITIES IN THE AMERICAN WEST HIST SYLLABUS FOR MINORITIES IN THE american WESTHIST. 566. Dr. Elliott BarkanSpring 2001 May 01. chinese in Milner, Chap 8 pp http://csbs.csusb.edu/history/history566/hist566-s01.htm | |
4. Homework Center - Language Arts The Multnomah County Library Homework Center organizes over 3500 carefully reviewed K12 education and homework help resources for students, teachers, media specialists, and librarians. The Expansion of the american west. http//www.americanwest library.state.ak.us/hist/goldrush/table. html. The Alaska in America for many immigrants, including the chinese and Japanese http://www.multnomah.lib.or.us/lib/homework/amhsthc.html | |
5. The American Civil War Homepage from west Point) The american Civil War The Struggle to general military information) Milhist The WWW Site for to Commemorate the chinese Serving in the american Civil War http://sunsite.utk.edu/civil-war/warweb.html | |
6. HIST 341: Nineteenth Century Frontier/West the question "What is the west?" " Place" historians view the west Chan, The Bittersweet Soil The chinese in California Agriculture Land, and Society in the american west, 18501900 http://simeon.library.reed.edu/courses/syllabi/hist341.html | |
7. Brooklyn College Core 9: Chinese Culture Page Recent american Press west in the 18th century.ü. WWW Extra Luxun Two Selections from His Writingü. Image People Qian Long. Image Opium Smokers. Image hist. Illus. chinese http://acc6.its.brooklyn.cuny.edu/~phalsall | |
8. Chinese Culture: Images SOURCE download from american Onlone. Buddha from Gupta Period DESCRIPTION forthcoming. hist. Illus. chinese View of an 18th were in great demand in the west, which said less http://acc6.its.brooklyn.cuny.edu/~phalsall/images.html | |
9. Chinese Across The Curriculum and socioeconomic evolution in Âtraditional China and Japan. between East Asia and the west, nationalism and hist 318 Asian american history 3 hours http://ll.truman.edu/cml/chinese/classes.html | |
10. Home Page Of Department Of History Russian Relations hist 3790 Sinoamerican Relations hist 3840 Modern Japan and the west hist 3860 western Imperialism hist 3870 Overseas chinese in Southeast http://www.hkbu.edu.hk/~sosc1/hist/hist/degree.html | |
11. Hist 495 - Senior Seminar - The West And The Worldl 1870-Present - Spring 2002 Readings/Discussions The west in the Middle East The Great Powers, Gary Hess, The american Search for AlainGerard Marsot, The chinese Perspective Roland http://www.samford.edu/schools/artsci/history/faculty/mawalker/Hist495S02.htm | |
12. History Catalog The focus of this course will be to demonstrates the role chinese culture played in developing chinese history. hist 2371. Perspectives on the american west. http://www.wwcc.cc.wy.us/history_div/catalog.html | |
13. Vita Frontier, Montana The Magazine of western History 454 and Brenda Farrington, ed., The american west (New York 2000) and Arif Dirlik, ed., chinese on the http://www.ewu.edu/csbs/depts/hist/Zhu/vita.html | |
14. Certificate Courses 4717 chineseamerican history (same as AAST 4717) hist 4727 Japanese-american history (same as AAST 4727) hist 6317 Readings in the american west Philosophy http://www.centerwest.org/courses.html | |
15. UVic: History Courses 251 Middle Eastern Civilization Islam; 253 Introduction to chinese Civilization; 254 China and the 310 The american west; 315 american Diplomatic History; 318 http://web.uvic.ca/calendar2003/CDs/HIST/CTs.html | |
16. University Of Colorado At Boulder Catalog | 2003-2004 | Course Descriptions By examining ways in which Indian societies west of the Indians role in western North american history is demonstrated hist 4717 (3). chinese american history. http://www.colorado.edu/sacs/catalog03-04/courses.html?s=2-27-8 |
17. AAST 201/HIST 219M Syllabus Spring 2004 How World War II Changed the Lives of chinese americans, 1942 Recommends Removal of Japanese americans from the west Coast, 1942 Japanese american Mike Masaoka http://www.history.umd.edu/Faculty/LMar/aast201_syll.htm | |
18. HIST - History social and cultural history since the american Revolution. between China/India, religions of the west and East An analysis of the chinese experience from the http://catalog.unco.edu/2001-2002/Output/crs_desc56.html | |
19. HIST 174-Syllabus And Assignments February 25 Locating the Âwest in a Pacific World Dorothy FujitaRony, american Workers, Colonial of Regulation the Enforcement of chinese Exclusion in http://cpotter.web.wesleyan.edu/wescourses/2004s/hist174/01/syllabus.html | |
20. HIST 101 America In The 1960s (Not Offered 1998-99) hist 358 The chinese american Experience (Not offered 1998 hist 375 TwentiethCentury american Religious Movements of Church and State in the Traditional west. http://www.williams.edu/admin-depts/registrar/catalog/depts9899/hist/histlist.ht | |
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