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21. Asian Americans In The Santa Clara Valley SCU and Diversity; SCU asian American Students and Faculty Heritage EducationLink Program. The Golden Legacy (a curriculum devoted to chinese americans); http://www.scu.edu/SCU/Programs/Diversity/scvasian.html | |
22. Asian American Studies Resources Francisco; Committee of 100 American Attitudes Toward chineseamericans asian-americans - Full Report and Key Findings; Congressional http://sun3.lib.uci.edu/~dtsang/aas2.htm | |
23. Untitled Document Overviews, asian americans; chinese americans; East Indian americans; Filipino americans;Japanese americans; asian americans; chinese americans; Japanese americans. http://www.dartmouth.edu/~hist32/Books/Topic.htm | |
24. Digital History Another Defense of chinese Immigration; The chinese Exclusion Act; The Rock SpringsMassacre. Part 3 World War II and asian americans Introduction Internment; http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/asian_voices/asian_voices.cfm | |
25. Asian-American Images asian Pacific American people have been separated from Asia and Li and the PhoenixFairy A chinese Folktale. The Journey Japanese americans, Racism Renewal http://www.scils.rutgers.edu/~kvander/ChildrenLit/asian.html | |
26. Asian American Heritage the door for asian americans to enter US politics. To find our more about DalipSingh Saund, go to http//www.saund.org/dalipsaund/. Return to top. chinese men http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/asian-american/notables.htm | |
27. CNN - Asian-Americans Fear Backlash From China Espionage Report - May 27, 1999 asianamericans fear backlash from China espionage report. The SandiaNational Weapons Laboratory holds an asian-Pacific Festival http://www.cnn.com/US/9905/27/chinese.american.reax/ | |
28. Discrimination Against Asian Americans There are no clubs, organizations, or civic groups for asian americans. There isa chinese Lions Club, a few chinese YMCAs, and a chinese Boys Girls Club http://faculty.ncwc.edu/toconnor/soc/355lect10.htm | |
29. SULAIR: Research Quick Start Guides: Asian American Studies Entries include asian Indian americans, Cambodian americans, chinese americans,Hmong americans, Japanese americans, Korean americans, Pakistani americans http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/adams/shortcu/asam.html | |
30. Asian American Organizations Council chinese Progressive Association - Coalition for asian American Childrenand Families - Coalition of asian Pacific americans - Collaborative http://www.awib.org/content_frames/directory/asian/ | |
31. :: John Kerry For President - Asian Pacific Islander For Kerry :: I am proud to join my fellow americans in recognizing the tremendous strides madeby asian Pacific Islander americans and chinese americans Support John Kerry! http://www.johnkerry.com/communities/asian_americans/ | |
32. Diabetes News - Joslin Diabetes Center For asian americans, just as for most other americans, the key Here are recipes forsix chinese dishes from Joslin that help will help you reach that goal http://www.joslin.harvard.edu/api/ | |
33. Diabetes Research: Diabetes Growing Rapidly In Asian Americans - Joslin Diabetes For asian americans, just as for most other americans, the key to Below are recipesfor two chinese dishes from Joslin that suggest how a wellbalanced http://www.joslin.harvard.edu/news/diabetes_growing_asians.shtml | |
34. Chronology Of Asian American History Source Sucheng Chan, asian americans, an Interpretive History, ©1991, TwaynePublishers, Boston. 1600s chinese and Filipinos reach Mexico on ships of the http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/a_f/angel/chrono.htm | |
35. Asian American Empowerment: ModelMinority.com Politics Organization of chinese americans Press Release May 13, 2004 Increasing EconomicOpportunity and Business Participation of asian americans and Pacific http://www.modelminority.com/ | |
36. Asian Americans, Carnegie Library Of Pittsburgh Resource Guide OCA is dedicated to securing the rights of chinese American and asian American citizensand permanent residents through legislative and policy initiatives at http://www.carnegielibrary.org/subject/ethnic/asian.html | |
37. Asian Americans Daniels, Roger (1988). asian American chinese and Japanese in the UnitedStates since 1850. Seattle University of Washington Press. http://challenge.isu.edu/multicultural/AsianAm/asianam.htm | |
38. Chinese American Literature Guide Finding Books on chinese American Literature. The Mookini Library has numerousbooks on asian americans, of which chinese americans is a large proportion. http://library.uhh.hawaii.edu/research_tools/guides/chi_amer_literature.htm | |
39. 1998 SGR - Asian Americans And Pacific Islanders And Tocacco Korean americans, 8.9% for Filipino americans, and 4.7% for chinese americans. 33.1%),Hispanics (males, 28.5%; females, 19.2%), asian americans and Pacific http://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/sgr/sgr_1998/sgr-min-fs-asi.htm | |
40. Asian American Studies Resources Ancestors in the Americas; asian American Oral History Site; asian Pacific americans the US Army; chinese American History Timeline. A More Perfect Union http://www.princeton.edu/~asianamr/ | |
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