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1. Asian Americans - Diverse Ethnicity, Great Contributions, Chinese, Japanese, K Hiram Fong and Daniel Inouye became the first asianamericans to be elected to Congress though Japanese and chinese-americans have dominated asian-Pacific-American politics, several http://www.asianamericans.com/ | |
2. WestWeb: Asian-Americans In The West of WestWeb provides information about asianamericans in the West. Under Texts youwill find examples of primary texts, such as the chinese Exclusion Act and http://www.library.csi.cuny.edu/westweb/pages/asian.html | |
3. Chinese For Affirmative Action Organization with the mission of defending and promoting the civil and political rights of chinese and asian americans within the in the interest of advancing multiracial democracy in the United States. Offers information about their programs, publications, history, milestones, and membership. http://www.caasf.org/ | |
4. Organization Of Chinese Americans, Central Virginia Chapter Home Page Promotes civic involvement and the advocacy of rights of chinese and other asian americans. Includes community services page and brochure. http://ocacvc.tripod.com | |
5. Chronology Of Asian American History Source Sucheng Chan, asian americans, an Interpretive History, ©1991, Twayne Publishers, Boston. 1600s. chinese and Filipinos reach Mexico on ships of the Manila galleon. 1830s. chinese "sugar masters" working in Hawaii. http://web.mit.edu/21h.153j/www/chrono.html | |
6. Organization Of Chinese Americans | Greater Los Angeles Chapter Nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy organization of concerned chinese americans. Advocate rights of chinese American and asian American citizens and permanent residents through legislative and policy initiatives at all levels of the government. http://www.oca-gla.org |
7. Asian American Literature : History, Classroom Use, Bibliography & WWW Links analyze the literature for authenticity in portrayal of asian americans. Today thereis a lot of literature covering the ethnic groups of chinese and Japanese http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/asialit.htm | |
8. New Church Of Atlanta, Georgia Atlanta, Georgia (Protestant). Three congregations of asianamericans, mostly Korean-American and chinese-American, that meet as a unified church. Primarily aimed at young adults. Announcements, service times and locations, photographs, information for visitors, Christian resources, and information on ministries. http://www.ncatlanta.com | |
9. C100 Survey American sentiment towards chinese americans and asian americans such as the Wen of American attitudes towards chinese americans and asian americans. The methodologically robust http://www.committee100.org/Published/C100survey.pdf |
10. Organization Of Chinese Americans | Greater Los Angeles Chapter A nonpartisan advocacy organization of chinese americans dedicated to securing the rights of chinese American and asian American citizens through legislative and policy initiatives. Includes information about the organization, its events and activies, and how to join. http://oca-gla.org/ |
11. Linking The Past To Present: Asian Americans Then And Now asian Pacific American landscape during the past twenty years, particularly withthe explosive growth of new Filipino, Korean, South asian Indian, and chinese http://www.askasia.org/frclasrm/readings/r000192.htm | |
12. Crane House asian cultural center offering educational and cultural programs to help americans and asians become better acquainted. Mandarin chinese and asian cooking classes offered. http://www.cranehouse.org | |
13. Asian Americans - Chinese Immigration asian americans chinese Immigration. chinese Immigration. chinese ExclusionAct of 1882. China is one of the oldest cultures in recorded history. http://www.asianamericans.com/ChineseImmigration.htm | |
14. CSPN A History Bursting With Telling asian americans in Washington State A solid general survey of asian americans, with a strong focus on chinese, Japanese, and Filipino communities http://www.washington.edu/uwired/outreach/cspn/curaaw/main.html | |
15. Chinese/Asian Related Web Sites Organization of chinese americans (OCA); RedBeanMusic (chinese Big5 People) Federation;Xiang Qi (chinese Chess); Asia General ABCFLASH by asian Buying Consortium; http://swcbc.org/chinese.html | |
16. Asian American Supersite | GoldSea overcame a traditional chinese upbringing to become the nation s most powerful practicingfemale attorney. Edward Lu 60 Most Inspiring asian americans of All http://goldsea.com/ | |
17. Parsing Asian America 1/4 | Asian American Demographics | Goldsea asian culture, they may say something like, But I thought chinese, Japanese and feelthe yawning chasm that separates us from nonasian americans and feel http://goldsea.com/AAD/Parsing/parsing.html | |
18. MIT Asian American Studies Homepage of asian americans During the nineteenth century, Antiasian hostility and thefear of cheap asian labor led to the call for the chinese Exclusion Act of http://web.mit.edu/21h.153j/www/ | |
19. American Women's History: Asian-American Women American Radicalism Collection, and asian American. The materials of Japanese andJapanese americans during World cover the regulation of chinese immigration http://www.mtsu.edu/~kmiddlet/history/women/wh-asian.html | |
20. Asian American - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia asian americans have largely been perceived as members of the East asian ethnic groups,specifically chinese and Japanese, the two largest ethnic groups before http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asian_American | |
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