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1. Welcome To US-CHINA Business Council USchina business Council Links List. The descriptions of these pages were created by The US-china business Council and do not reflect the opinions or influence of any independent governments or sources. statistics Data. china Dimensions. china Statistical Information Network. PRC National Bureau of statistics. STAT-USA/Internet Site economic, Trade, business http://www.uschina.org/links.html | |
2. Statistics Directorate: Department The statistics Directorate provides economic statistics on a comparable basis for the analytical work of the OECD, promotes and develops international statistical standards and coordinates countries (including Brazil, china, India, Indonesia, Russian Federation MEI Database for business Tendency and Consumer http://www.oecd.org/std | |
3. China Trade Market News; economic business Trends; economic Forum. General Daily News; Industry News; business News from Xinhua News Agency; china Customs statistics. http://www.tdctrade.com/chinatrademain/ | |
4. ChinaSite.com: Business And Economics -- The Complete Reference To China Related for advertising china Monthly statistics (CMS), but provides some information about business and Financial a sole agent of china economic Information Service http://www.chinasite.com/Business/Business.html | |
5. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Statistics Asia. china. Chinese University of Hong Kong, Department of statistics National Institute for statistics and economic Studies BS statistics. business statistics ( Graduate) StatEase http://www.stat.ufl.edu/vlib/statistics.html | |
6. Business In China guideline and insight for business, investment, manufacturing, sourcing, in china. View more statistics Report, click here of business Week. china/economyOur intview withDr. FrankJürgen Richter, Director, Asia The World economic Forum (WEF http://www.biz-in-thailand.com/china.htm | |
7. Welcome To US-CHINA Business Council Pages economic statistics Through 2003; china s Financial Sector Yearend 2002; Updated February 2003; US-china Trade statistics Through 2003. The china business Review. http://www.uschina.org/china-statistics.html | |
8. China Economic Growth Speeds Up - 2002-10-16 - Pacific Business News (Honolulu) American City business Journals Inc. is the nation's largest publisher of metropolitan business newspapers, serving 41 of the country's most vibrant markets. Hawaii's online meeting place for women in business.»Don't miss it! china economic growth speeds up. china's National Bureau of statistics says china's economy has accelerated to an http://c.bizjournals.com/ct/rc/3460/pacific.bizjournals.com/pacific/stories/2002 | |
9. Internet Resources > Asia/China/Business_and_Management china, including statistics, policies and rules, market research reports, and economic reports. (Added 3Jun-1998 Hits 2004- 84). china business Economy http://library.ust.hk/res/beyond/Asia/China/Business_and_Management/ | |
10. IGCS - Business And Economy In China (China WWW VL - Internet Guide For Chinese contents (1) Current economic, trade, and investment statistics; (2) business Advisory Services; (3) Programs and meetings; (5) The china business Review; (6 http://sun.sino.uni-heidelberg.de/igcs/igbiz.htm | |
11. Untitled Document Central Bank, Other Search Engines. china economic Information Network, china.com Web Guide. china statistics (fee service), china Vista business Data Central. http://www.geoinvestor.com/countries/china/economic.htm | |
12. Business In China as the comprehensive resource of Chinese business available on to provide timely, reliable and authoritative Chinese macroeconomic monthly statistics. http://www.wku.edu/~yuanh/China/economy.html | |
13. China Monthly Economic Indicators china Latest economic Indicators by Friedl business Information and partners. The Collection of statistics on china Economy and Social Development 20002001 by http://www.friedlnet.com/0017-001.html | |
14. Dept Of Business Statistics & Econometrics and Reform of Social Insurance, Econometrics of china s Future Employment. economic Mathematics. Market Survey and Research, Real Estate business Operation and http://www1.gsm.pku.edu.cn/~stat/People_EN.htm | |
15. AdmiNet - China International Agreements, Population, Social statistics, Political System; in china and Hong Kong; Chinese economic Development; china business Pages; http://www.adminet.com/world/cn/ | |
16. China Center For Economic Research, Peking University teaching International economics, Money and Banking, and business statistics. marriage, divorce and cohabitation; economic and social changes in china. http://www.ccer.edu.cn/en/faculty.asp?BigClassName=EN&SecondClassName=Faculty |
17. Pays / Asie / Chine Translate this page financière, financial news, business wire, economic Service Online Statistiques économiques, economic statistics CIA World Factbook china Country Data http://www.strategic-road.com/pays/asie/chine01.htm | |
18. Statistics Tell The Tale Accounting System of the United Nations to align its business accounting system This would be the best example to illustrate china? economic development. http://www.china.org.cn/english/2002/Apr/30968.htm | |
19. International Economics & Business See section above on china; Informationtransfer Toronto; Country Reports on economic Policy and Development - Trade Law - business - Institutions - statistics http://grove.ship.edu/econ/develop/ | |
20. Asia Business Today of International business and economics Company Listings chinapages.com DragonWeb Top 10 Chinese Companies Wright Investors Service china economic statistics http://www.asiabusinesstoday.org/country_guides/countryguides.cfm?countrylistid= |
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