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Chimpanzees Primates: more books (60) | ||||
81. PetitionPetition.com: PRIMATES- NOT FURRY TEST TUBES, BUT A SPECIES THAT We now know that chimpanzees as well as other primates are tool makers/users. It was once thought that only human primates had this trait. http://www.petitionpetition.com/cgi/petition.cgi?id=5638 |
82. The Predatory Behavior And Ecology Of Wild Chimpanzees Wrangham, RW and E. van Zinnicq BergmannRiss. 1990. Rates of predation on mammals by Gombe chimpanzees, 1972-1975. primates 31157-170. Related Websites http://www-rcf.usc.edu/~stanford/chimphunt.html | |
83. Untitled1.html This group includes a number of other types of primates including the Note that chimpanzees are actually closer to humans genetically than to Orangutans and http://www.mc.maricopa.edu/~reffland/anthropology/anthro2003/origins/primates/ | |
84. Untitled Document Another type of social grouping among primates is the multimale group Among the Gombe Stream chimpanzees that Jane Goodall has studied is still another form of http://www.mc.maricopa.edu/~reffland/anthropology/anthro2003/origins/primates/or | |
85. CNN - Primates In Peril, Except For One Species - August 28, 1997 Nearly half of the 235 primates, including chimpanzees the human s closest evolutionary relative are threatened with extinction. http://www.cnn.com/EARTH/9708/28/endangered.apes.ap/ | |
86. Evolution Of Social Behavior In Primates: Personality Traits Types Identified in Nonhuman primates. The behavior of certain well-known non-human primates can be chimpanzees are primarily NPA types (all three traits). http://primate_behaviour.homestead.com/ | |
87. Michio Nakamura's Page Abstract Nakamura, M., McGrew, WC, Marchant, LF, and Nishida, T., 2000 Social scratch another custom in wild chimpanzees? primates, 41(3)237248. http://www.ne.jp/asahi/chimp/nakamura/CV.html | |
88. VEIN Links : Primates primates; check specific species as well for example gorilla, chimpanzees, orangutang. primates anatomy; also check for specific species eg. chimpanzees anatomy. http://vein.library.usyd.edu.au/links/primates.html | |
89. Stop The Bushmeat Trade/End Hunting Of Primates! Petition 4,044, 414 pm PDT, May 18, Robin Mason, US, I am against the hunting of these beautiful primates. chimpanzees are very intelligent and should be left alone to be http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/867535375 | |
90. Girls Gone Wild: Four Women Team Together To Save Chimpanzees And Orangutans In response to the growing need to provide lifetime care for primates used by four women have team together to protect and care for chimpanzees and orangutans. http://www.emediawire.com/printer.php?prid=109488 |
91. Primates Posters - Animals Prints primates Posters and Animals Prints. Monkey Art Prints Anisetta Monkey Art Print Anisetta Evangelisti posters Baby Orangutan poster chimpanzees framed prints http://www.sweetposters.com/animals/c1161-primates.html | |
92. East African Research Sites PRESENT, Eleven species of primates live sympatrically in Kibale, including species of nocturnal prosimians, several monkey species, chimpanzees, and baboons. http://www.indiana.edu/~primate/sites.html | |
93. Cell Repository Widens Sample With Primates Now, Coriell is applying its expertise in the growing, freezing and thawing of human cells to chimpanzees, gorillas, baboons and other nonhuman primates. http://www.southjerseynews.com/issues/july/m072202b.htm | |
94. African Primates At Home African primates at home This World Wide Web (WWW) site, maintained by Indiana University, provides information on primates inhabiting several countries of Eastern Africa. From the home page, http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.indiana.edu/~primate/primates.html&a |
95. The Jane Goodall Institute Founded by renowned primatologist Jane Goodall, the Jane Goodall Institute is a global nonprofit that empowers people to make a difference for all living things. teenagers will raise their children in a world with no wild chimpanzees, gorillas, orangutans and bonobos, Dr http://www.janegoodall.org/ | |
96. Data Collection Order. Prosimians, monkeys, apes, and humans belong to the Order primates. locomotion. So what are the specific characteristics of primates? http://www.chimpanzoo.org/about_chimpanzees.html | |
97. Social Behavior : Chimpanzees : Range And Habitat : Apes : Types Of Primates : O chimpanzees à Social behavior. chimpanzees form loosely organized bands of 2 to 80 individuals on fairly large home ranges, where the animals remain for years. http://www.bioproject.info/Subclass_Placental_mammals/Order_primates/Types_of_pr | |
98. Webshots Gallery - Animals - Chimpanzees - A Pair Of Troublemakers, Chimpanzees ); function SetCookie(NameOfCookie, value, expirehours) { var ExpireDate = new Date (); ExpireDate.setTime(ExpireDate.getTime() + (expirehours * 3600 * 1000 http://www.webshots.com/g/25/524-sh/18363.html | |
99. The Info Service The Info Service http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://info-s.com/primate.html&y=0277D4C0D9 |
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