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1. Primates.com : Great Apes : Chimpanzee : Pan Troglodytes Boy Raised By Chimps Chimpanzee Fact Sheet Monkey Sense of Justice Chimpanzees First Contact Drunkand-disorderly chimpanzees primates and Primatology some http://www.primates.com/chimps/ | |
2. PRIMATES; PONGIDAE; PAN: Chimpanzees PRIMATES; PONGIDAE; Genus PAN Oken, 1816. Chimpanzees. There are two species (Dandelot, in Meester and Setzer 1977) P. troglodytes http://www.press.jhu.edu/books/walkers_mammals_of_the_world/primates/primates.po | |
3. Primate Photo Gallery: Chimpanzees, Gorillas, Orang-utans, Monkeys, Lemurs ENTER. http://www.primates.com/ | |
4. Welcome To Primarily Primates, INC. San Antonio, Texas sanctuary specializing in chimpanzees, orangutans, new world and old world monkeys. Offers a history of the facility, press clippings, details of rescued animals, and a virtual tour. http://www.primarilyprimates.org/ | |
5. Habitat Ecologique Et Liberté Des Primates Organization providing sanctuary for and the eventual release of chimpanzees back into the Republic of Congo. Field station reports, organization history, and membership information. http://www.help-primates.org/ | |
6. The Primates Home Page. Conservation, Behavior And Language. Links and resources about chimpanzees and other primates. http://www.geocities.com/willc7/index.html | |
7. Monkeyworld Ape Rescue Centre Rescue and rehabilitation of primates world wide, mainly chimpanzees, but also orangutans. Includes kids page. http://www.monkeyworld.co.uk/ |
8. Welcome To Primarily Primates, INC. However, the remaining chimpanzees were going to be transferred in just months and Primarily primates was still not prepared to house the animals. http://www.primarilyprimates.org/airforce.html | |
9. The Primates Home Page. Conservation, Behavior And Language. Extensive links to resources about chimpanzees and other primates. http://www.geocities.com/willc7/ | |
10. THEORY OF MIND IN NONHUMAN PRIMATES Below is the unedited preprint (not a quotable final draft) of Heyes, C. M. ( 1998). Theory of mind in nonhuman primates. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (1) 101134. apparently shows that chimpanzees and orangutans, but not other primates, are capable of http://www.bbsonline.org/documents/a/00/00/05/46/bbs00000546-00/bbs.heyes.html | |
11. All About Chimpanzees - EnchantedLearning.com chimpanzees are primates, advanced mammals from Africa which are in danger of going extinct. Join Enchanted Learning Click here http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/apes/chimp/ | |
12. University Level Course Syllabi The Primates THE primates (Anthropology 2011Introductory Level) Course instructor Colin Groves Australian National in wild KOMAN, J. chimpanzees at Bosson, Guinea. primates, 20513524 http://www.primate.wisc.edu/pin/syllabi/groves.html | |
13. Meet My Cousin,the Chimpanzee There is no natural category that includes chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans but 1 It is more natural to group humans with certain other primates, as in http://www.fortunecity.com/emachines/e11/86/chimp.html | |
14. Animal Welfare - Animal Rights - Primates - Chimpanzees Life stories of primates held in US primate laboratories. Two Las Vegas Entertainers are Chimpanzee Children Two young chimpanzees are on exhibit at the http://www.ccforaction.com/primates.htm | |
15. Infanticide In Nonhuman Primates: 1997-1999 Alouatta seniculus, in Venezuela Adoption or kidnapping? NEOTROPICAL primates 6(4) 121123, 1998 population structure of gorillas and chimpanzees. primates 40(1) 87-104, 1999 http://www.primate.wisc.edu/pin/topics/infant.html | |
16. Animal Welfare - Animal Rights - Primates - Chimpanzees Work in lab turns woman against tests on primates. Five Project Chimps in Crisis Captive chimpanzees are suffering around the world. http://www.ccforaction.com/primates2.htm | |
17. Care2's Race For The Primates Generates a Donation. To Save the primates. Login. Shop to Donate Help protect chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos, and other endangered primates supported by the Jane Goodall Institute http://primates.care2.com/ | |
18. ECES - Endangered Species: Primates (Monkeys, Gorillas, Chimpanzees, Orangutans, list of endangered primates (monkeys, gorillas, chimpanzees, orangutans, etc.) with information and news articles about their status, range, and causes of population decline. not anything close http://www.eces.org/ec/extinction/primates.shtml | |
19. YourDictionary.com  Library: Can Chimpanzees Talk? since all primates have extremely dexterous hands and sign language is a language. You have probably already read about the regular chimpanzees Washoe and Nim http://www.yourdictionary.com/library/ling002.html | |
20. Tools Used By Primates Tooluse by primates shall be discussed in terms of monkeys (primarily capuchin monkeys) and the great apes (who shall be divided furthermore into chimpanzees, http://wvwv.essortment.com/primatesmammal_rrtr.htm | |
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