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81. Support The Mapuche, Indigenous People Of Chile. Mapuche International Link Support the Mapuche, indigenous peopleof chile. Bristol, 11 September, 2001. Mapuche International Link http://members.aol.com/mapulink2/english-2/action-09.html | |
83. LookSmart - Directory - Indigenous People Mapuche indigenous People Mapuche Learn about the culture of the indigenouspeople that are in chile, review resources, and some history. http://search.looksmart.com/p/browse/us1/us317916/us147916/us10133057/us10133698 | |
84. Mapuche International Link/English|News Support the Mapuche, indigenous people of chile Bristol, 11 September,2001. Mapuche International Link invites organisations and http://www.mapuche-nation.org/english/html/news/n-3.htm | |
85. Expert Seminar On Indigenous People And The Administration Of Justice Mr. James W. Zion (United States of America) Discrimination against indigenous peoplesin state Mr. Jaime Madariaga (chile) Abuso en la aplicación de la ley http://www.unhchr.ch/indigenous/backgroundpapers.htm | |
86. Biopiratas Roban Tesoros Vitales De AmazonÃa by since the promulgation of law number 19.253 of 5 October 1993 on the Protection,Promotion and Development of the indigenous people of chile, following the http://mapuche.info.scorpionshops.com/mapu/campPPM031200Eng.html | |
87. Chile - History chile s population is composed predominantly of mestizos, who are descendedfrom marriage between the Spanish colonizers and the indigenous people. http://www.geographia.com/chile/chilehistory.htm | |
88. Minorities At Risk (MAR) indigenous People in chile Population 621,000 (4.2% of total population14,787,000) Click here to view General Chronology. Risk http://www.cidcm.umd.edu/inscr/mar/data/indchi.htm | |
89. Minorities At Risk (MAR) of Nequen and Tehuelches, bordering on chile (GROUPCON = 3 del Fuego, there are alsosome Selk namgon people. is the most widely spoken indigenous language in http://www.cidcm.umd.edu/inscr/mar/data/indarg.htm | |
90. Latinamerica Press: Article Monday, May 17, 2004. Our most recent articles related to indigenous peoples. COLOMBIA.Printer friendly version. Conflict engulfs Bari. Mike Ceaser. Jun 24, 2003. http://www.noticiasaliadas.org/Article.asp?lanCode=1&actCode=5&actDesc=Indigenou |
91. Mapuches Oppose The Agreement Between The European Union And Chile My Two Beads the twelve years of socalled democracy in chile, the Government has refused toratify Convention 169 concerning indigenous and tribal people, introduced by http://mytwobeadsworth.com/Mapuche902.html | |
92. UNO_Com98_Inuit In June last year, the second workshop was hosted by chile and along with otherIndigenous peoples representatives we supported the efforts to establish a http://www.puebloindio.org/ONU_info/info98/ONU_Com98_Inuit.htm | |
93. Wauu.DE: Society: Ethnicity: Indigenous People: South America organization promoting awareness of the Amazon Rainforest and the indigenous peopleswho reside of the Mapuche at the time of assimilation with chile in the http://www.wauu.de/Society/Ethnicity/Indigenous_People/South_America/ | |
94. As UN Marks Day Of Indigenous Peoples, Annan Renews Call To Ensure Their Rights strife, while the UN Development Programme (UNDP) issued a new survey showing thatChileÂs Mapuche people, the country s largest indigenous group, suffer http://www.sidsnet.org/archives/other-newswire/2003/msg00620.html | |
95. Untitled Document It is clear that the full extent of crimes against indigenous peoplesin chile has never been acknowledged. The determination of http://www.nativeamericas.com/win98/win98irw.html | |
96. Bank Information Center USA: Indigenous Leaders In Durban Demand Further Consult OP 4.10 is modified to take proper account of the recommendations of indigenous peoplesraised in Manuel Santander, Consejo de Todas las Meppas Mappuche, chile. http://www.bicusa.org/bicusa/issues/misc_resources/1293.php | |
97. WACC - ÂCommunications And Indigenous Culture For The New Millennium Representatives of indigenous people in Argentina and chile, studentsand workers from social and community organisations took part. http://www.wacc.org.uk/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=626 |
98. Introduction - Crosses Of The Earth - Homage To Indigenous People of the Earth Crosses of the Earth Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Santiago, chile,January 2000 A Networking Art Project in Homage to indigenous People, by Hans http://earth.crosses.net/texts/introduction.shtml | |
99. Mapuche People (Chile) These areas are in southern chile (south of Bio Bio River) and the name is the indigenous(mapuche) name can be found in the rewiews of the Mapuche people. http://flagspot.net/flags/cl_mapuc.html | |
100. [D2kdiscuss] Support For Chile's Indigenous Mapuche From Denise Alvarado boricua@wco.com Subject URGENTMapuche Support We are askingfor your immediate support for the indigenous people of chile who are in http://www.d2kla.org/pipermail/d2kdiscuss/2000-June/000098.html | |
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