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61. Internet Safety section gives child safety tips and an Internet safety quiz for kids. America Links Up http//www.americalinksup.org An online kids teachin designed to raise http://www.techcorps.org/resources/internetsafety/safeorgs.html | |
62. Families Meeting The Challenge Of Going Online, HYG-5166-96 teach your children to ignore threatening or obscene remarks. Encourage them to tell you if they receive such messages. In Larry Magid s child safety Online. http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/5000/5166.html | |
63. Bsafe Online Internet Filters 7hour classes designed to teach parents all for kids and parents at home, online, on the Address child safety Rules Charles B. Wang International children s http://www.bsafehome.com/additional.asp |
64. Getting Started Step By Step Too much time online, which limits a child s well in chat rooms until he or she learns your safety rules. teach your child to never give out personal information http://www.childrenspartnership.org/pub/pbpg98/partII98.html | |
65. Child Safety On The Information Highway they do and ask them to teach you how to Times, who is author of Cruising Online Larry Magid s child safety on the Information Highway was jointly produced by http://www.monmouth.lib.nj.us/information_superhighway.htm | |
66. Child Safety On The Information Highway them show you what they do, and ask them to teach you how keeping the computer in a family room rather than the childÂs bedroom. My Rules for Online safety. http://www.phoenixteencentral.org/include/search/child.html | |
67. Ananova - Teenangels Will Teach Kids About Online Safety Teenangels are to teach children the fundamentals of online safety. They will spread the safety message at schools and not be afraid to let their child on the http://www.ananova.com/news/story/sm_355096.html?menu= |
68. Online Safety Tips At EarthLink, we care about your family s safety. is a great tool, and as a parent, you should teach your child responsible use of the resources online. http://www.earthlink.net/home/safetytips/ | |
70. Fingerprint America - Customized Child Identification Fingerprinting child safety Identification Products child safety throughout our child safety when youre not there to watch over them? Lets face it, as parents and educators, our children are only as safe as http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.fingerprintamerica.com&y=02BF353 |
71. TeenOutReach.com Parents Child Saftey Advice about protecting your children on line, and block Com A guide to teen safety on the Smartparent.com - child and family Internet safety information http://www.teenoutreach.com/parents-corner/Child_Safety.htm |
72. Safety Tips For Kids Gaming Online how to use the privacy and safety tools built Emphasize to your child never to give out personal age, phone number, and locationÂto anyone he meets online. http://www.microsoft.com/security/articles/gamingonline.asp | |
73. Safety For Adolescents - Keep Kids Healthy disclaimer privacy policy site index online bookstore help. and Weight Loss Nutrition and safety, plus fun the physician who cares for your child. http://www.keepkidshealthy.com/adolescent/adolescentsafety.html | |
74. Child Safety Online - A Set Of Guidelines To Keep Your Kid Safe On The Net, Safe could risk his or her safety or the safety of other inappropriate for children, but some offer a childsafe option you how to use the Internet or online service http://www.childsafetyexperts.com/online/child-safety-online.shtml | |
75. Welcome To Netscams Email and Newsgroup safety Top. Make sure your child understands the risks above The contents of this site are Copyright © 2000-2001 Golden Triangle On Line Inc http://www.netscams.com/childsafebrowse.jsp |
76. Child Safety Tips For Parents a face to face meeting with anyone he or she meets online. Be sure to find out about the safety measures that are used anywhere your child has internet http://www.childsearch.org/safety.html | |
77. PROTECT CHILDREN AGAINST CRIME Another risk is that, while online, a child might provide risk his or her safety or the safety of other a few cases, pedophiles have used online services and http://www.bryanpoliceofficer.net/docs/childsf5.htm | |
78. America Links Up Archive Links Up was a broadbased public awareness campaign to ensure that every child in America For current online safety resources for parents and families, visit. http://kids.getnetwise.org/americalinksup/index.shtml | |
79. Help Your Child Avoid Dangerous Situations Virtual Dangers Internet safety The Internet is an area of the transmission, use, or viewing of child pornography while online, immediately report http://www.mako.org.au/avoiddanger.html | |
80. Services For Children - Child Safety Subscribe to the online alert system By learning about food safety when they are young, your Kidz Printz program provides parents with child identification kits http://www.communication.gc.ca/guides/children_enfants/03_e.html | |
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