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21. Increasing Online Safety For America's Children Bush is increasing federal efforts to promote online safety. and vigorous prosecution of child exploitation on of America to take time to teach their children http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2002/10/20021023.html | |
22. INTERNET SAFETY FOR KIDS, CHILD SAFETY, INTERNET SAFETY TIPS FOR CHILDREN, STUDE Terms associated with child Internet safety. INTERNET safetyFUN TO LEARN SITES. Disney Online has online comics and stories that teach Internet safety. http://www.indianchild.com/internet_safety_fun to learn.htm | |
23. International Child Safety Center This is the single MOST valuable thing you can do for your child s health and safety online. If you don t know how to chat online, ask your child to teach http://www.icc-911.com/ | |
24. Internet Safety Too much time online which limits a child s wellrounded rooms until he or she learns your safety rules; teach your child never to give out personal information http://www.theteachersguide.com/Internetsafety.html | |
25. Monmouth County Prosecutor/Internet Safety Kidz Privacy child on-line privacy primer from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC). Teen safety on the Information Highway -child safety on the http://www.prosecutor.co.monmouth.nj.us/safety.htm | |
26. MADD Online:Â Teach Your Children Well teenGetgoing Providing live online group treatment and a family, develop rules regarding safety and appropriate behaviors, and help your child understand that http://www.madd.org/under21/0,1056,4254,00.html | |
27. MADD Online:Â Teach Your Children Well teach Your children Well. As a family, develop rules regarding safety and appropriate behaviors, and help your child understand that the rules are http://www.madd.org/news/0,1056,4255,00.html | |
28. ALA | Especially For Children And Their Parents Netsmartz Workshop presents a variety of interactive training tools to teach online safety. child safety on the Information Highway PDF file from the National http://www.ala.org/ala/oif/foryoungpeople/childrenparents/especiallychildren.htm | |
29. Child Safety Online Public education must be designed to teach parents and other care givers Working Group has prepared an overview of the issues concerning child safety online. http://www.enough.org/summit/whitepaper.htm | |
30. Fc3 Child Safety Page A Parent s Guide to Internet safety. Should I forbid my child from going online Commercial on-line Services (COS) - Examples of COSs are America Online, Prodigy http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/Fc3/child_safety.htm | |
31. The Department Of Internal Affairs: Information We Provide - Child Safety Online you what they do and ask them to teach you how in a family room rather than the child s bedroom. We suggest you print these out these Online safety rules and http://www.dia.govt.nz/diawebsite.nsf/wpg_URL/Resource-material-Information-We-P |
32. Internet Safety For Teens Internet safety. Communicate, and talk to your child about sexual victimization and potential online danger. Spend time with your children on-line. http://parentingteens.about.com/cs/familylife/a/internet_safety.htm |
33. Home Safety Council : SAFE HOME Online : Child Safety Checklist teach children to put their toys away safely on reachable Toy boxes, too, should be checked for safety. it is raised, and will not fall on a child unexpectedly http://www.loweshomesafety.org/sh_childchecklist.asp | |
34. EHow.com: How To Teach Your Child About Internet Safety How to teach Your child About Internet safety. 9. Encourage your child to speak to you or a teacher You can choose an online service that has parental control http://www.ehow.com/how_1906_teach-child-about.html | |
35. GetNetWise | Online Safety Guide Online safety Guide. You can use this as an opportunity to turn the tables by having your child teach you a thing or two about the Internet. http://kids.getnetwise.org/safetyguide/ | |
36. Welcome To Hamerkaz, Your Online Community, Internet Safety For safety on the Internet America Links Up Just for parents. To teach you online safety. child safety on the Information Highway Pamphlet. http://www.hamerkaz.com.au/parents.asp | |
37. Welcome To Hamerkaz, Your Online Community An Internet Fable An extremely hardhitting tale to teach older children the dangers Kids Online safety Tips Information on keeping your child safe on http://www.hamerkaz.com.au/links/linksd.asp | |
38. OPLIN OH! Teach / INFOhio Parent And Family Resources Child child safety Resources child safety on the Information Highway http//www.4j.lane.edu/safety/childtoc.html for keeping kids safe while online from the http://www.oplin.lib.oh.us/index.cfm?ID=19-818-819 |
39. OPLIN Society Culture Issues Of The Day Internet Safety For America Links Up A Kids Online teachIn ./index educational, and rewarding experience online, sponsored by a NCMEC child safety on the Information Highway http http://www.oplin.lib.oh.us/index.cfm?ID=560-123-531 |
40. Saanich Police Your child s safety The most important factors in keeping Communicate talk to your child about sexual victimization Spend time with your children online. http://www.saanichpolice.ca/prevention/internet.html | |
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