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81. Children's Foster Care Charter covers child care institutions and foster care, juvenile facilities and placement agencies. Site provides information for caregivers, licensing rules and employment opportunities. http://www.michigan.gov/cis/0,1607,7-154-10568_17846_17865---,00.html | |
82. Bureau Of Licensing The mission of the Bureau of licensing is to promote the delivery of quality health and child care services through inspecting, licensing and monitoring health http://health.utah.gov/licensing/ | |
83. MDCIS - BRS Redirect Page Operations group managing licensing for adult foster care, child day care and child welfare licensing. Site provides links to licensing departments, how to request information under the Freedom of Information Act. http://www.cis.state.mi.us/brs | |
84. Child Day Care Licensing Program Some programs are legally exempt from child day care licensing and, as such, are not required to meet any licensing standards. Some http://www.dph.state.ct.us/BRS/Day_Care/day_care.htm | |
85. Day Care Licensing space or registering children. These requirements are outlined in the licensing Standards and Best Practices In child care manual. http://www.child.gov.ab.ca/whatwedo/childcare/page.cfm?pg=Day Care Licensing |
86. Wisconsin Children's Day Care - Introduction of Regulation and licensing (BRL) in the Division of children and Family Services is responsible for licensing and regulating child care centers, residential http://www.dhfs.state.wi.us/rl_dcfs/ | |
87. Child Care Aware - America's Most Trusted Child Care Resource care + About CCR R + licensing + Accreditation + Types of care + Fatherhood + If you can t find care Tools for Parents + child care connector + Evaluating a http://www.childcareaware.org/en/ | |
88. Division Of Child Care - Licensing child care. Passed in 1963, the child care Facilities licensing Act defines those programs required to be licensed. Each program http://www.okdhs.org/childcare/ProviderInfo/provinfo_licensing.htm | |
89. SCDSS Child Day Care Licensing And Regulatory Services Other Quicklinks. First Steps First Steps to School Readiness. Division of child Day care licensing and Regulatory Services. Helen M. Lebby Director. http://www.state.sc.us/dss/cdclrs/ | |
90. Child Day Care , child Day care licensing licensing and regulation of day care family and group homes and child day care centers. , child Support. , Foster care. , licensing. http://www.michigan.gov/fia/0,1607,7-124-5455_27716_27718---,00.html |
91. Day Care , Adoption. , Day care. , child Support. , Foster care. , licensing. , Protective Services. , Press Releases. , Michigan Assistance and Referral Service (MARS). http://www.michigan.gov/fia/1,1607,7-124-5453_5529---,00.html | |
92. NNCC Child Care Information By State child care Information by State. Find information about licensing, statistical data, and program resource contacts for your state. http://www.nncc.org/states/stateindex.html | |
93. Child And Adult Care Licensing You are here Home Departments HealthSSD child and Adult care licensing. (Listing of Licensed child care Homes) Updated May 1, 2004. http://www.ci.anchorage.ak.us/healthssd/child.cfm | |
94. Family Day Care : Licensing For Child Care Services : Perth, Western Australia licensing for child care Services. licensing for child care Services. licensing for child care Services. http://www.childcarelicensing.communitydevelopment.wa.gov.au/content/family_dayc | |
95. Licensing For Child Care Services : Perth, Western Australia To operate a child care service in Western Australia you must have a licence or permit. A licensed service must comply with regulations directed at protecting http://www.childcarelicensing.communitydevelopment.wa.gov.au/ | |
96. INTRODUCTION STATEMENT OF REASONS. The Administrative Rules for child Day care licensing are intended to provide consumer protection for each child in care. http://dfsweb.state.wy.us/daycare/introdc.htm | |
97. KY: CHS: Office Of Inspector General- OIG - Division Of Licensed Child Care The Division of Licensed child care is responsible for licensing child day care programs, residential child caring facilities and childplacing agencies. http://chs.ky.gov/oig/childcare/ | |
98. TITLE 9. HEALTH SERVICES has completed at least four hours of Departmentprovided training that included the Department s role in licensing and regulating child care facilities under http://www.sosaz.com/public_services/Title_09/9-05.htm | |
99. Department Of Human Services requirements. For inspection records or other information on a specific child care center, call the licensing Bureau at (609) 2921018. http://www.state.nj.us/humanservices/dfd/chldca.html | |
100. National Resource Center: Automatic Redirect Thank you for visiting the National Resource Center for Health and Safety in child care. This link is no longer at this URL due http://nrc.uchsc.edu/states.html | |
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