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1. Family Child Care Committee child care initiative is sponsoring a statewide workshop on developing provider associations/support groups/networks statewide family child care provider associations http://www.circ.uab.edu/childcare/familycom.htm | |
2. LifeCare Connection Home health care agencies; associations and networks; Residential care Backup care to the rescue! miss work because they have back-up child care arrangements in http://www.lifecare.com/connection/2q03_2.html | |
3. NCCIC. Internet Links http//www.barbarabushfoundation.com. Beansprout networks ®http//beansprout.net Virginia Alliance of Family child care associations. http//www.vafcca.org http://www.nccic.org/links.html | |
4. Program Planning For Child Care Provider Networks: Sample Mission Statement, Pro its child care Network, Resource Training Center, AHC distributes English and Spanish fliers to schools, local agencies, its residents, tenant associations, http://www.enterprisefoundation.org/resources/ERD/resource.asp?id=1496&c=177&a=v |
5. Selected Resource Lists. Family Child Care State Family child care associations Other Sites of Interest Beansprout networks ®. Center for the child care Workforce. child care Law Center http://www.nccic.org/cctopics/famcare.html |
6. Alabama Child Care Quality Enhancement Consortium This site has links for researchers, students, and families about child care and parenting. 150 providers. Community networks and support groups associations to provide training and participation in workshops and conferences. Examples include over 40 child care http://www.circ.uab.edu/childcare | |
7. Canadian Child Care Federation - UN Convention and in promoting childrenÂs rights through its networks. members from 19 provincial and territorial child care associations, including early http://www.cccf-fcsge.ca/pressroom/NPA_launch_May10_2004.htm | |
8. Marin Child Care Council Participation in a variety of county associations and networks involved with child care issues. How is the Council funded? We receive http://www.localcommunities.org/servlet/lc_ProcServ/DBPAGE=cge&GID=0004900000096 | |
9. California Child Care Resource & Referral Network OTHER child care associations AND networks INFANT/TODDLER CONSORTIUM www.infanttoddlerconsortium.org The mission of the Infant Toddler Consortium is to promote http://www.rrnetwork.org/rrnet/resources_and_links/1049995059.php | |
10. Child Care Articles on family child care providers, child care associations, literacy and The Beansprout child care Network, a public service of Beansprout networks, is available http://www2.state.id.us/dhw/ecic/child_care.htm | |
11. Coalitions, Networks, Associations, Organizations OSSTF Logo Lamp of Learning. Coalitions, networks, associations, Organizations. Coalitions. Ontario Coalition for Better child care, www.childcareontario.org. http://www.osstf.on.ca/www/links/networks.html | |
12. Ontario Coalition For Better Child Care :: Who We Are the activities of eight child care Action networks (CCANs) across task forces, community planning bodies and child care development associations. http://www.childcareontario.org/who.html | |
13. SUNY TRAINING STRATEGIES GROUP - TRAINING REQUIREMENT FOR DAY CARE PROVIDERS Cross offices; BOCES; Chambers of Commerce; child care networks and agencies; preparers; Libraries; Local Departments of Health; Local family child care associations; http://www.tsg.suny.edu/vc30hrprovider.htm | |
14. Starting Points: Guarantee Quality Child Care Choices in France, where family child care networks link from fees to join professional associations, paying stipends made more family child care materials available http://www.carnegie.org/starting_points/startpt3.html | |
15. Terms Of Use children child care Support Center s family childcare networks offer family works in partnership with churches, provider associations, child care resource and http://www.aecf.org/publications/child/fam.htm | |
16. [SITE NAME] - In English numerous organizations, businesses and networks in Finland the district organizations and local associations operate on with shortterm child-care services and http://www.mll.fi/in_english/ | |
18. Child Care And Transportation Strategies For Rural Communities: Meeting The Welf The NCCIC can connect you to electronic networks and databases with the more than 400 state and local family child care provider associations in the http://www.doleta.gov/wtw/documents/child.cfm | |
19. F. B. Heron Foundation - Program Guidelines In addition, the Foundation supports peer networks, trade associations, and technical assistance that creates jobs, or quality and affordable child care. http://fdncenter.org/grantmaker/fbheron/prog_guide.html | |
20. OCCD Resource Links B. Beansprout networks Helps child care workers use the web to help educate focus of NAFCC is to provide technical assistance to family child care associations. http://www.centerline.pdx.edu/links.html | |
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