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21. BTB YS Care After School Enrichment Program Program features the following four major components on a daily basis child care childcare is provided after school for a minimum of four hours per day. http://www.lausd.k12.ca.us/lausd/offices/btb/yscare.html | |
22. 3 Bears Home - Child Care, Day Nursery, Pre-school, Holiday, Weekend & After Sch Offer the provision of registered child care, day nursery, preschool and after school services. Contact information. http://www.3bears.org.uk/ | |
23. Hooton Day Nursery. The Child - First And Always. Offer nursery care for babies, toddlers and preschoolers, before and after school care for school children, and holiday club. Contains details of activities, and contact information. http://www.hootonchildcare.co.uk/ | |
24. Lakewood City Schools School - Age Child Care Resources/Referral Before/after school AM and PM at St. Peters child care Center Walk children to/from school. Wrap-around care for McKinley students. Serves Mckinley school. http://www.lkwdpl.org/schools/childcare/ | |
25. Babysitting Local child care care group offering low cost and after school babysitting. http://www.geocities.com/candys_babysitting/Babysitting.html | |
26. Leedchild Enrichment Center Founded to provide children with safe, caring, nurturing environment. Provides daycare and before/after school care for infants through schoolage children. http://www.leedchild.com/ | |
27. What Are The Issues? quality, affordable afterschool programs. According to the US General Accounting Office, the number of out-of-school programs for school-age child care meets http://www.pta.org/ptawashington/issues/before.asp | |
28. Parent Involvement - Back To School cost. The average total cost for a single child to attend an afterschool care program ranges from $2,000 to $4,000 per year. While http://www.pta.org/parentinvolvement/bts/a8_afterschool.asp | |
29. Alphabet Nursery A nursery offering baby and child care from 0 to 5 and after school and holiday care for children aged 58. The site includes details of the services offered, fees and nursery education grant information. Also includes details of corporate childcare services, pictures, place enquiry and brochure request service. http://www.alphabetnursery.com/ | |
30. After School Programs - After School Programs : Child Care The after school child care staff are carefully screened by the Del Mar Union school District and are hired based on a combination of education and experience http://delmarschools.com/afterschool/childcare.htm | |
31. Little Tyke Child Care Fourteen centers in Tarrant, Johnson and Parker Counties. Information on curriculum, staff, and afterschool programs. http://www.littletykechildcare.com | |
32. After School Programs: After School Programs Curriculum, After School Program Ef and curriculum for after school programs National Network for child care (schoolAge care) rating Presents articles on child care and after school care. http://www.cfw.tufts.edu/viewtopics.asp?categoryid=3&topicid=139 |
33. New York Residents: Help Keep Kids Safe With 'Suzanne's Law' Advocates passage of New York Assembly Bill 7078C, the Assault and Abduction Free school Zone Bill, which would increase penalties for felony assault and abductions committed on or near school grounds and child care facilities. Called Suzanne's Bill after Suzanne Lyall. http://members.aol.com/suzysbill/ | |
34. Young Children (2-6) sites about after school care. National Network for child care (schoolAge care) rating Presents articles on child care and after school care. http://www.cfw.tufts.edu/ages.asp?ageid=2&topicid=139 |
35. Home Preschool, as well as before and after school, child care centers located in Walpole and Norwood. Contains a list of locations, company news, and program information. http://preschoolctr.com/ | |
36. MCC Help For Child Care Providers: Search For After-school Activities Listing in the Maryland child care Resource Network after school Activities database does not constitute a recommendation as to the quality of care. http://mdchildcare.org/mdcfc/search_ost/disclaimer.asp | |
37. Helen Thompson School MSAD 11. K5th grades. Provides links to classrooms, and before/after school child care options. http://www.sad11.k12.me.us/ht/ | |
38. Government And Non-Profit Services: Child Care Before And After School child care Before and after school. child care Licensing and Regulation. Commissions Advisory Boards child care BEFORE AND after school PROGRAMS. http://www.co.ho.md.us/CitizenServices/ServicesGuide/ChildCare.htm | |
39. Camp Fire Boys & Girls:Â Builds Caring, Confident Youth And Future Leaders In A Provides before and after school child care, extended care, summer camps, and literacy programs in Albuquerque and Rio Rancho, New Mexico. http://www.campfireabq.org/ | |
40. The Future Of Children - Articles FULL JOURNAL ISSUE When school Is Out afterschool child care Programs Deborah Lowe Vandell and Lee Shumow Abstract When the public http://www.futureofchildren.org/information2826/information_show.htm?doc_id=7191 |
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