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1. UCSB - Child Care After School Program Inc., under the direction of the University s Department of Physical Activities and Recreation, provides quality afterschool care for school-aged children. http://www.sa.ucsb.edu/childcare/uafterschool/index.asp | |
2. After School Child Care Information The Woodsfield AfterSchool Child Care Program is designed to provide children with a safe environment and quality child care after school is dismissed. http://monroe.osu.edu/school/info.html | |
3. :: Early Child Care And After-School Care :: quality and quantity of childcare, including after-school care, contribute to children's social studying the impact of parent-child and sibling relationships on children's peer http://www.wcer.wisc.edu/childcare/bio.html | |
4. Child Care, Day Care, Extended Day Child Care, Before School & After School Care child care, day care, extended day child care, before school care after school care in California day care centers. childcare, daycare school age care at day care center in Dublin, California . http://www.extended-day-child-care.com/ | |
5. Valencia, California - After School Child Care AntiGravity Sports center north Los Angeles, California (Valencia, CA) provides after school child care children sports training and activities with youth sports such as tumbling, trampoline, Anti-Gravity offers an after school child care program Monday through Friday. Fax (661)-775-9604. after school child care. after school Programs for http://www.antigravitysports.com/after_school_care.htm | |
6. FloridaChildCareSearch Searchable database of Florida childcare centers. Day care, preschool, after school, and before school services. http://www.FloridaChildCareSearch.com/ | |
7. :: Early Child Care And After-School Care :: s NICHD Study of child care and Youth Development Do afterschool Programs Affect Student Experience? An Enhancement Study to the 21st Century CLC Evaluation......About Deborah Lowe Vandell. Statements and Reports. Project http://www.wcer.wisc.edu/childcare | |
8. Choosing After-School Child Care Choosing afterschool child care, http://www.klkntv.com/Global/story.asp?S=366282 |
9. Choosing After-School Child Care Choosing afterschool child care, http://www.wate.com/Global/story.asp?S=366282 |
10. Child Care & Elementary School Classroom Furniture, Playground Equipment | Child Offers products for day care centers, preschools, elementary school, Sunday schools, and afterschool program centers. http://www.childcaredepot.com | |
11. After School Day Care For Children: Suggestions And Resources Suggestions and resources for working parents on how to find safe, reliable and affordable child care for after school. after school http://lala.essortment.com/afterschoolchi_rcju.htm | |
12. Andover Elementary Public K5 school. Home of the Dragons. Recognized as a Minnesota school of Excellence. List of staff. Offers before- and after-school child care, after-school activities. http://www2.anoka.k12.mn.us/AnokaHennepinSchools/ElementarySchools/Andover/Andov | |
13. Child Care Workers childcare centers, and before and after-school programs actively Through many basic care activities, childcare workers provide worker who shows a child how to http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos170.htm | |
14. Children's World.com Is Now Part Of KnowledgeLearning.com National network of child care providers. Offers details on programs such as infant, toddler, preschool, prekindergarten, kindergarten, before and after school, summer camps. careers, locator tool, and and parents' resources are available. http://www.childrensworld.com/ | |
15. Henderson County HELP Center Offers counseling, day care, teen pregnancy programs, parenting education, child advocacy center, infant and newborn services, student assistance programs, and after school programs. http://www.thehelpcenter.org/ |
16. Columbia Heights Child Care/After School Programs child care / after school Programs. Barbara Chambers Day care. 1470 Irving St NW. 3876755. child care/after school Programs. day, after-school programs. Parenting Support Groups. parenting classes . http://innercity.org/columbiaheights/agencys/achild.html | |
17. School-Age Child Care Program - Fairfax County, Virginia program. schoolAge child care (SACC) cares for children before and after school in Fairfax County Elementary schools. SACC Nurtures http://www.co.fairfax.va.us/service/ofc/sacc.htm | |
18. Terms Of Use The number of extendedday child-care programs has grown Fees for after-school programs that run from 3 until days per week, average $130 per month per child. http://www.aecf.org/publications/child/care.htm | |
19. Child Care Software By ProCare: Management Software For Child Care, Daycare And For management of childcare centers, daycare, preschool and after school programs. Simplify administrative tasks from accounting to meal planning to time and attendance tracking. Demo available on request. http://www.procaresoftware.com/ | |
20. Education Options, Chapter 7 - CHILD CARE BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL Print Friendly Version, Education Options, Chapter 7 child care BEFORE AND after school. Link to Education and Youth child care page. http://www.state.gov/m/dghr/flo/rsrcs/pubs/7140.htm | |
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