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61. Prevent Child Abuse Indiana If this page is blank, please click here. http://www.pcain.org/ | |
62. Toronto Child Abuse Centre http://www.tcac.on.ca/ | |
63. ASCA, Adult Survivors Of Child Abuse, The Morris Center, Incest Individual and group support program for adult survivors of physical, sexual and/or emotional child abuse or neglect. http://www.ascasupport.org/ |
64. CHILDREN'S HOUSE! Children s House is a cooperative initiative by AIFS, child abuse Prevention Network, Children s Rights Centre, Childwatch International, CRIN, Family Life http://www.child-abuse.com/childhouse/ | |
65. Primary Prevention Of Child Abuse - March 15, 1999 - American Academy Of Family March 15, 1999 AFP. Primary Prevention of child abuse. TABLE 1 Incidence of Reported Cases of child abuse. Type of abuse, Percentage of total. Neglect, 54. http://www.aafp.org/afp/990315ap/1577.html | |
66. BIBRI: Body Image Betrayal And Related Issues Devoted to speaking out about Eating Disorders and related issues including therapy abuse, selfinjury (cutting), domestic violence, child abuse, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Also includes links to treatment and help through other sites and chat. http://www.bibri.com | |
67. Prevent Child Abuse California Prevent child abuse California. The Mission of Prevent child abuse California. Prevent child abuse California is a State Chapter of Prevent child abuse America. http://www.pca-ca.org/ | |
68. NYC Settles Lisa Child Abuse Suit Explains the suit, brought by Lisa Steinberg's biological mother, for the neglect of the city to protect the child. http://www.rickross.com/reference/general/general129.html | |
69. Adrian Cole Barton Memorial Page A tribute to the short life of Adrian Cole Barton, a victim of child abuse. http://www.adriancole.org | |
70. Home | Prevent Child Abuse Georgia Offers prevention services and programs, events, media information, and brochures and flyers. http://www.preventchildabusega.org/html/home.html |
71. Men's Health Information Circumcision = Genital Mutilation = Child Abuse The purpose of this web page is to promote awareness of the real effects of infant male genital mutilation (circumcision), and fight to ban this barbaric violation of infants' human rights. http://www.webmagician.com/pubservice/index.shtml |
72. Www.capcat.ksc.net/ Welcome to Kempe Find out how you can recognize child abuse and do something about it. Learn More. Get Involved We must work together as a community to end child abuse. http://www.capcat.ksc.net/ |
73. CANDIS: Child Abuse And Neglect Database Instrument System Zip-File Page CANDIS The child abuse and Neglect Database Instrument System. Created with funding from the National Center on child abuse and Neglect. http://www.musc.edu/cvc/candis.htm | |
74. Child Abuse Survivor Resources child abuse Survivor Resources. August 27, 2002. child abuse is one of the most commonly overlooked crime. It is also the most commonly committed. http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/1769/survivor.html | |
75. Help Mothers Who Are Wrongfully Accused Of Child Abuse Petition A petition to reform the US legal system to protect mothers who have been wrongly accused by child abuse. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/452154813 | |
76. Almanac Of Policy Issues: Child Abuse child abuse. child abuse in the United States is principally the responsibility of states and local governments. Each of the 50 states http://www.policyalmanac.org/social_welfare/child_abuse.shtml | |
77. Prevent Child Abuse New York Prevent child abuse New York. child abuse network, New Download The Costs of child abuse and the Urgent Need for Prevention. (in .pdf http://www.preventchildabuseny.org/ | |
78. ACAL (Association Of Child Abuse Lawyers), Practical Support For Lawyers And Oth The Association of child abuse Lawyers Web Site a group of professionals dedicated to providing a quality service to the victims of abuse. http://www.childabuselawyers.com/ | |
79. About Prevent Child Abuse Virginia PREVENT child abuse VIRGINIA valuing children strengthening families engaging communities. For more information call or write Prevent child abuse Virginia. http://www.preventchildabuseva.org/ | |
80. Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance Instructions Pennsylvania child abuse History Clearance Instructions View and print the PDF version of the child abuse History Clearance Form now. http://www.dpw.state.pa.us/ocyf/ocyfChildAbuseHistInst.asp | |
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