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41. Both/Lasher Feldman (1) Comprehensive coverage of Munchausen by proxy child abuse and its interface with sexual abuse allegations. http://childabuse.gactr.uga.edu/both/lasherfeldman/lasherfeldman1.phtml | |
42. Child Abuse Prevention Association Help Capa Prevent Abuse Our mission is to prevent and treat all forms of child abuse by creating changes in individuals, families and society that strengthen http://www.childabuseprevention.org/ | |
43. Paul Cousins Specialising in assessment for criminal and child care proceedings, personality disorders and sex offenders, child abuse, neglect and parenting skills. Based in the United Kingdom. http://www.psycholegal.co.uk/ |
44. Child Abuse In Children child abuse is harm to, or neglect of, a child by another person, whether adult or child, and it can be physical, emotional, verbal, sexual or through neglect. http://www.keepkidshealthy.com/welcome/commonproblems/child_abuse.html | |
45. Forms Of Abuse Exploring the various forms of abuse such as domestic violence, child abuse, and sexual abuse. http://www.brokenspirits.com/information/forms_of_abuse.asp | |
46. Child Abuse, Foster Parenting, Foster Care-All About Emil Foster parenting and the fun things that go with it. Contains articles, stories and jokes from a social worker. http://webpages.charter.net/emilb/firstcontact.html | |
47. Child Abuse advertisement. child abuse Friday s Progress Notes April 14, 2000 Mental Health Information - Vol. Dear Colleagues, April is child abuse Prevention Month. http://www.athealth.com/Consumer/newsletter/FPN_4_11.html | |
48. Mandatory Reporting Of Child Abuse And Neglect - By Susan K. Smith, Atty., Hartf A summary of the major features of statutes requiring mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect. Reporting child abuse in California. http://www.smith-lawfirm.com/mandatory_reporting.htm | |
49. Child Abuse Prevention: Safe Kids From Yello Dyno Nonfearful, musically-based products and programs build confidence and educate children on how to protect themselves from child abuse, abduction, molestation http://www.yellodyno.com/ | |
50. Intimate Thoughts From Parents, Teens And Others A series of tapes by Elva Kesley, M.A., a counselorturned-writer, dealing with all issues of parenting communication, drug abuse, school violence, sex, relationships, divorce, absent parenting, teen pregnancy, runaways, dropping out of school, working parents, single parents, child abuse and neglect. http://members.aol.com/teentapes |
51. Child Abuse - The Hidden Bruises - AACAP Facts For Families #5 adolescents/teens. child abuse THE HIDDEN BRUISES. No. 5 (10/92), (Updated 8/98). The statistics on physical child abuse are alarming. It is http://www.aacap.org/publications/factsfam/chldabus.htm | |
52. Prevent Child Abuse North Carolina 85% of the time the perpetrator of child abuse and neglect is a biological parent. Together, we can stop it. We can stop child abuse. We know how. http://www.preventchildabusenc.org/ | |
53. Sexual Abuse for Volunteer Organizations Domestic Violence Why Women Stay Report to the UN Convention on Child Rights Parental Child Abduction is child abuse Office for http://www.prevent-abuse-now.com/ | |
54. CNN.com - Not Guilty Plea Entered In New Jersey Child Abuse Case - Jan. 10, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/LAW/01/10/murphy.plea/index.html | |
55. NAPCAN Donate now to stop child abuse. To learn more please click here. Child Protection Week 2004. 5 11 September 2004. Alarming Incidence of child abuse in Australia. http://www.napcan.org.au/ | |
56. MINCAVA Electronic Clearinghouse: Document Library Home Library Read Articles Research child abuse child abuse. Should the Use of Corporal Punishment by Parents Be Considered child abuse? http://www.mincava.umn.edu/library/childabuse/ | |
57. Abuse/Incest Support - Incest Survivors Rape Survivors Domestic Abuse Survivors Information and help for survivors of domestic abuse, violence, incest, rape, sexual assault, and child abuse. http://incestabuse.about.com/ | |
58. Child Abuse And Neglect Prevention Task Force Preventing child abuse in Northern Nevada. http://www.childabuseprevention.com/ | |
59. Child Abuse & Recovery - Suite101.com child abuse Recovery Articles by Survivor, Editor Susan Maree Jeavons with Poetry, Discussions, Links, Contests and more for Adult Survivors of child abuse. http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/child_abuse_and_recovery | |
60. "Judicial Activism Ruined Our Public Schools." An expose of how fraudulent Supreme Court rulings have inflicted massive damage on our public education system. http://ttokarnak.home.att.net/Educ.html | |
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