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1. Prevent Child Abuse America Prevent child abuse America was established in 1972 to build a nationwide commitment to preventing all forms of child abuse. http://www.preventchildabuse.org/ | |
2. Child Abuse: Statistics, Research, And Resources child abuse This page, by Jim Hopper, Ph.D., has a discussion and presentations of statistics on child abuse, especially child sexual abuse, and a list of Web http://www.jimhopper.com/abstats/ | |
3. National Data Archive On Child Abuse And Neglect A resource since 1988, NDACAN promotes scholarly exchange among researchers in the child maltreatment field. Researchers looking for child abuse statistics should read the NDACAN Frequently Asked http://www.ndacan.cornell.edu/ | |
4. Page Redirected The National Clearinghouse on child abuse and Neglect information is a resource for professionals and others seeking information on child abuse and neglect and related child welfare issues. http://www.calib.com/nccanch | |
5. End Child Abuse Dedicated to breaking the cycle of child abuse and neglect, serving and strengthening children and families. What to do if you suspect child abuse http://www.childabuse.org/ | |
6. Treatment And Prevention Of Child Abuse And Neglect - Childhelp USA® Childhelp USA® is one of the largest and oldest national nonprofits dedicated to the treatment and prevention of child abuse and neglect. Since its founding in 1959 by Sara O'Meara and Yvonne of http://www.childhelpusa.org/ | |
7. Child Abuse Prevention Network The child abuse prevention network provides resources for professionals, in child abuse, neglect, maltreatment, sex abuse, child sexual abuse, and family and community violence. The Nerve Center http://child.cornell.edu/ | |
8. Child Abuse: International Child Abuse Network - YesICAN, Working To Break The C child abuse Working to break the cycle of child abuse. 24 hour chatgroups related to child abuse, incest, domestic violence, parenting. Abuse in the News. Books. child abuse Defined http://www.yesican.org/ | |
9. USUHS Radiology Child Abuse WEBSITE A summary of concepts for the diagnosis, investigation, and reporting of suspected child abuse. Includes radiologic imaging and references. http://rad.usuhs.mil/rad/home/peds/pedindex.html |
10. Child Abuse Research And Statistics Abuse and offender statistics and research, by N. Faulkner PhD. Prevent child abuse America has estimated the costs of child abuse and neglect based on data from a provides access to all states' child abuse and neglect data for the http://www.prevent-abuse-now.com/stats.htm | |
11. Child Abuse Prevention Network The child abuse prevention network provides resources for professionals, in child abuse, neglect, maltreatment, sex abuse, child sexual abuse, and family and http://child-abuse.com/ | |
12. Child Abuse Definitions of child abuse and neglect, warning signs of an abused child or abusive parent, and a US tollfree reporting hotline. http://www.angelfire.com/fl2/ChildAbuse | |
13. Broken Spirits: A Online Support Group For Victims Of Abuse And Domestic Violenc Aids current victims and survivors of child abuse, sexual abuse, rape, and domestic violence. Forums, resources, and information about various forms of abuse. http://www.brokenspirits.com/ | |
14. MINCAVA Electronic Clearinghouse Offers information and resources on violence and various types of abuse. Provides links to related resources, including information about child abuse, domestic violence, violence against women, and elder abuse. http://www.mincava.umn.edu/ | |
15. End Child Abuse! You are being redirected to www.childabuse.org. http://www.childabuse.org/signs.html | |
16. Childhelp USA® Local Child Abuse Reporting Phone Numbers The Childhelp USA® National child abuse Hotline can provide these numbers for you. Click on a state for reporting information and phone numbers http://www.childhelpusa.org/child/report.htm | |
17. Directory For Child Welfare: Adoption / Child Abuse / Child Welfare /child Suppo Provides publications and data at the state and national level on adoption, child abuse, welfare reform, foster care, and child poverty. http://www.childwelfare.com/ | |
18. Safe Child Program Child Abuse Page Safe Child Program. Safe Child Book. Recommended Reading. Reach. Challenge. Recovery. Services. Consulting. Risk Management. Legal. Media Assistance. Subjects. child abuse. Strangers. Safety on the http://www.safechild.org/abuse.htm | |
19. Abuse And Violence Presents articles, advice, tips, newsletter and forum on abuse in general as well as child abuse, sexual abuse. http://enotalone.com/Abuse-and-Violence-92.html | |
20. Best Bookmarks For Prevention Professionals child abuse Prevention. Child Neglect. http//www.aifs.org.au/nch/nch_menu.html Return to Index. Other Important child abuse Online Resources. http://child.cornell.edu/bookmarks.html | |
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