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62. The American West - Native Americans it was a massacre in 1890 where Indian warriors, women You will find many native American websites with from early January 1997 about the Cherokees most likely http://www.americanwest.com/pages/indians.htm | |
63. Powersource Native American Art & Education Center Powerful Places native American Legends and Travel Guide. Powerful People Historical and Contemporary People of Power. cherokee National Historical Society. http://www.powersource.com/gallery/default.html | |
64. Microfilm - Native Americn Records cherokee. files pertaining to administrative concerns with regard to Indian scouts and early inhabitants of the Louisiana Territory including native Americans. http://www.win.org/library/services/lhgen/MICROnatamerican.html | |
65. One America-Women Of Hope Poster Series: Native American/Hawaiian Women of Hope native American/Hawaiian. 8 CHARLOTTE A. BLACK ELK Pine Ridge Indian Reservation 9 Activist, former Principal Chief of the cherokee Nation of http://oneamerica.net/OA15.shtml | |
66. Stanford Univ. Libraries - Native American Scholarly Journals & Series cherokee Nation), cherokee Observer (cherokee Nation native American (Ithaca, NY), native Nevadan (Reno AZ), News From Indian Country (Indian Country Communications http://www-sul.stanford.edu/depts/ssrg/native/appd.html | |
67. MixedFolks.com - The MixedFolks.com Community Page 12 biological mother is romanian and native american. father is lumbee indian/peedee indian/black american and my mother is cherokee indian/black american http://www.mixedfolks.com/community12.htm | |
68. Homepage (cherokee/Navajo). Private Practice. Shawnee, OK. Colline Wahkinney Meek Oklahoma Indian. Housing Authorities. Creations for the use of native American graphics on http://oiba.homestead.com/homepage.html | |
69. Seneca Indian Chiefs And Leaders Seneca native American Genealogy. Cornplanter sought to make a stand against the American forces approach of the American troops, a number of indians, including http://www.accessgenealogy.com/native/tribes/seneca/senecachiefs.htm | |
70. The Western Web Search Engine 7/31/2000, Desert Mountain Trading Specializing in native American Art and 7/30/2000, Guthrie Indian Art Studios Award winning cherokee Indian Art. http://www.lookelu.com/default.asp?GTMore=1&Page=2&Sortby=&SortDir=&catid=253& |
71. Iw's Bookmarks On MyBookmarks.com Welcome native American Indian Arts and Sales Online Loudthunder s baseball caps, hats september 11 (911,91 Martha Berry cherokee Beadwork Artist http://www.mybookmarks.com/public/iw/exo_folders/ | |
72. INDICTMENT two and a half months the cherokee child acquires a literary class among so many Indian tribes within and one which gives evidence of native intelligence among http://1911encyclopedia.org/I\IN\INDICTMENT.htm | |
73. Tribal Self-Governance Consultation Meeting Hoskin, Chuck, Tribal Council, cherokee Nation, 339 N. Adair, Vinita, OK, 74301, (918)2563229, (918)256-3229, Indian Alaska native native Hawiian Programs, http://aspe.hhs.gov/SelfGovernance/consult/june14t.htm | |
74. Cherokee Double Handle Basket Walnut Oak Wall Key Basket Walnut Oak cherokee Double Handle MINIATURE MELON BASKET Fine CHOCTAW native AMERICAN BASKET nr BASKET 19TH C. NORTHEASTERN INDIAN BASKET WITH http://www.mini-chess.com/CHEROKEE DOUBLE HANDLE BASKET WALNUT OAK /cif100/357.h | |
75. Bookmarks For Glenn Welker grassy1 HarvardRadcliffe Taiwanese Cultural Society History of the cherokee White Indian s Homepage Home Page - The native American Music Awards http://www.indigenouspeople.net/bookglen.htm | |
76. Wicca Chat Magick Pagan And Occult Links - Native American The Western Band of cherokee are a federally recognized native American Indian Tribe. This web site containd Cher Entry Notice. Taos. http://www.wicca-chat.com/links/nativeamerican.htm | |
77. Indian Country Today [Retail Outlet Listing] The Nation's Leading Native America amer IND COMM HOUSE GALLE 708 BROADWAY 8 NEW YORK CHEHALIS INDIAN TRIBE PO BOX 536 OAKVILLE, WA 98568 cherokee VISITOR CENTER PO BOX 460 cherokee, NC 28719 http://www.indiancountry.com/stores/ | |
78. Indian Country Today [Retail Outlet Listing] The Nation's Leading Native America native EXPRESSIONS 170 WATER ST PLYMOUTH, MA 2360 POCONO INDIAN MUSEUM PO BOX 261 BUSHKILL, PA 18324 CASINO MART/AMOCO PO BOX 1731 cherokee, NC 28719 http://www.indiancountry.com/?goto=buy&storesort=Zip |
79. Tiscali - Search 11.Canadian native Art Catalog Source for contemporary collector quality native Art from 12.cherokee Moon American Indian, predominantly cherokee Arts http://directory.tiscali.nl/Arts/Visual_Arts/Native_and_Tribal/North_America | |
80. Native Americans The american indian colouring book A treasury of Tribes cherokee These books provide young learners with learners with an overview of native American history http://www.allenglishbooks.de/shop/waren167.htm | |
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