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41. Native American Books native American Tribes. Guides you in preparing a family tree of your cherokee ancestors. The Saukie indians and Their Great Chiefs Black Hawk and Keokuk. http://business.michiana.org/jpalmer/nativeam.html | |
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48. WNCCEIB: Indian Mascot Issue 15, 2001 Former Eastern Band cherokee Chief, Joyce C Attention on Discriminatory use of Indian Mascots in News Report (TV) Controversy Over Using native amer. http://www.main.nc.us/wncceib/IndianMascotIssue.htm | |
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51. Indian Wars From North American Products major spiritual texts from the native American Indian Handbook of North American indians, presents the Winnibego, Fox, Menominee, Delaware, cherokee and others http://www.suckercreek.net/Indian-Wars.html | |
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53. PowWows.com - Calendar 11th Annual native amer. 14th Annual cherokee Co. 16th Annual ETIL american Indian Powwow Celebrat, Knoxville, TN, TN, May 8 9, 2004, http://www.powwows.com/gathering/pw_calendar/pw_event_display_month.php?printabl |
54. Letter, 1819 Sept. 3, Department Of War To Rev[erend] Samuel Worcester, Sec[reta , cherokee Indian History Collection....... Worcester, Secretary of the american Board of letter appears in the Southeastern native american Documents http://arc.cs.odu.edu:8080/dp9/getrecord/oai_dc/oai.sunsite.utk.edu/oai:oai.suns | |
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56. NATIVE-L (May 1995): Red Ink OnLine professor of american Indian Studies and cherokee elder, Dr As editor and publisher of Indian Voices he opened Journal of the Month by native amer ican News http://nativenet.uthscsa.edu/archive/nl/9505/0274.html | |
57. Indians.org - Welcome . . . Give Now Help those in need all year long. Your Support is greatly needed. You can DO WELL while DOING GOOD. the emergency relief needs of native peoples of this land for Country, you must http://www.indians.org/ | |
58. Genealogy cherokee, the terms were borrowed native Americans to in Moulton, Alabama Before the Indian Removal Act in many of Lawrence County s cherokee people were http://www.manataka.org/page17.html | |
59. PROPHECY- NATIVE PROPHECYKEEPERS RADIO - END TIMES - NATIVE AMERICAN - TRIBAL - native AMERICAN prophecy, art, tribes, history, music, religion, myth, legend, lore, spirituality, and much more Journal of Prophecy of native Peoples Worldwide The Original comprehensive native Prophecy Website, with over legally recognized native American "Traditional Minded" indians. Website http://www.wovoca.com/ | |
60. North American Native Indian Research - Page 3 Societies Groups Specific Tribal or Nation Resources USGenWeb Project ~ native Americans List of History of the cherokee White Indian s Homepage http http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/9321/natamer3.html | |
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