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Chemistry Online Tutorials: more detail | ||||
122. The Evans Analytical Group Online Tutorial Primer The Umeå University Analytical chemistry Springboard The UK Surface AnalysisForum, a list of online lecture courses JPK Instruments SPM Tutorial. http://www.cea.com/tutorial.htm | |
123. Bioinformatics.Org: Bioinformatics FAQ background is at Martin Vingron s superb online bioinformatics tutorial. I recentlystumbled upon a promising set of online lecture notes chemistry for all. http://bioinformatics.org/faq/ | |
124. U. Mary Online Resources - Courses - General Chemistry chemistry online! Virtual classroom, resources and guides for students and teachersof introductory chemistry fsu.edu General chemistry Web Course Tutorial http://it.umary.edu/Library/research/courses_subjects/chemistry_courses.html | |
125. Silberberg/Chemistry: The Molecular Nature Of Matter And Change online Learning Center (Student) Quiz; ChemQuest Questions; SuperChallengeProblems; Links to Interesting Sites; Visual chemistry; Glossary http://www.mhhe.com/physsci/chemistry/silberberg/student/olc/studolc.mhtml | |
126. Chemistry 453 Coordination chemistry, structure, and isomerism. Check out the Purdue Universitytutorial written by John Nash. It is one of the best online resources for http://www.public.asu.edu/~tycaudle/CHM453_Resources.htm | |
127. University Of Regina Library - Selected Internet Resources - Chemistry Organic chemistry online A tutorial consisting of a series of short reviews, followedby problems and exercises. A JavaScriptenabled browser is required. http://www.uregina.ca/library/internet/sir/chem.html | |
128. Resources In Chemistry chemistry Laboratory An online tutorial utilizing interactive experiments forhelping chemistry students understand basic chemical principles and theories. http://sciences.aum.edu/phs/chem2.html | |
129. Chemistry Subject Guide acoustics, chemistry, computers, metallurgy, physics, and waste management. Coverage1983present Full-text 1997-present online guide or tutorial online http://www.uwc.edu/library/chem.htm | |
130. A Collection Of Our Favorite Resources collection of photomicrographs, interactive tutorials, and microscopy links to numerousonline demonstrations of Digital Video to Assist chemistry Teachers and http://trip.mcpss.com/resources.htm | |
131. The ChemTeam The ChemTeam quot;The ChemTeam provides study resources in all standard topics for students in high school and Advanced Placement chemistry. quot; Some topics are incomplete. Diamond Bar High http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://dbhs.wvusd.k12.ca.us/ChemTeamIndex.html& |
132. The Biology Project Biochemistry basic chemistry, metabolism, enzymes, energy, catalysis chemistry of Amino Acids learn the structure and chemistry of the amino acids http://www.biology.arizona.edu/ | |
133. Spectroscopy.html Colby Collegemass spectrometer Shockwave Interactive Tutorial Instrument Function Universityof Illinois, Chicago Organic chemistry OnLineSpectroscopy Section http://ep.llnl.gov/msds/orgchem/spectroscopy.html | |
134. The Biology Project Biochemistry basic chemistry, metabolism, enzymes, energy, catalysis, large molecules,photosynthesis, pH pKa, clinical correlates of pH, vitamins B12 and http://www.biology.arizona.edu/default.html | |
135. Web Resources For Students IR section only, somewhat easier to access than the Organic chemistry Onlinesite. The above link takes you directly to a great IR tutorial. http://orgchem.colorado.edu/studylinks/studyaids.html | |
136. Global Instructional Chemistry include small stories or case histories illlustrating modern chemistry in action Thecontent will include chemical problems suitable for tutorial and classes http://www.ch.ic.ac.uk/GIC/ |
137. Lecture Help Lecture Help PagesCSUDH chemistry Department. This is the entry pointto a set of pages aimed at aiding you in your studies of chemistry. http://chemistry2.csudh.edu/lecture_help/lechelp.html | |
138. Information Services - Chemistry - Skills Zone The chemistry Librarian will be happy to answer any questions you have. An onlinetutorial, the Internet Chemist is available that takes you through the http://www.bris.ac.uk/is/subjects/chemistry/skillszone.html | |
139. Visualizing Molecules With GOpenMol can be used with a very large variety of quantum chemistry/molecular mechanics OnlineTutorial Download Tutorial.zip The zip file contains sample files used in http://www.chem.utah.edu/chemistry/faculty/anderson/gopen.html | |
140. CAChe Molecular Modeling Tutorial http://www.chem.ox.ac.uk/course/cache/default.html | |
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