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101. YESNet- Curriculum Resources - Chemistry 11 The Net Equation SI Units; Learn Chem - SI Units/Conversion Tutorial; The InternationalSystem of Measurements (SI); General chemistry online - Measurement; http://www.yesnet.yk.ca/staffroom/curr_chemistry11.html | |
102. SciTutor - Online Scitutor Tutorials A series of tutorials for Organic chemistry at present. The site is under development. http://www.scitutor.com/ | |
103. The Chemistry Place Interactive tutorials, practice exams, chemistryrelated news, and links to the most credible and reliable science resources on the web for high school and college students and educators. Subscription required, but a free trial is available. http://www.chemplace.com/ |
104. Chemistry Coach tutorials, assignments, quotations, and specific course information for Wilton High School. http://www.chemistrycoach.com/home.htm | |
105. LUCID "LSU Undergraduate Chemistry Information Depot" Class Schedule Instructor Homepages. tutorials on Selected ChemistryTopics. Information Arranged by Course. Information arranged by Subject. http://wb.chem.lsu.edu/lucid/ | |
106. Chemistry Tutorial Diagrams and explanations for the different types of chemical bonds. http://www.biology.arizona.edu/biochemistry/tutorials/chemistry/page2.html | |
107. Instructional Resources For Chemistry Educators Organic chemistry online This tutorial by Paul R. Young of the University of Illinoisconsists of a series of slides containing brief reviews and graphics on http://www.chem1.com/chemed/tutorial.html | |
108. Mr. Guch's Cavalcade O' Chemistry - Help For Students, Resources For Teachers A chemistry resource for high school students, teachers, and homeschoolers. Free lesson plans (worksheets, handouts, labs) and tutorials provided. http://www.chemfiesta.com/ | |
109. Instructional Resources For Chemistry Annotated links to instructional materials and other resources of interest to chemistry teachers and course designers, carefully selected to represent what the author (a chemistry professor) considers to be the most useful and exemplary resources. Special emphasis is placed on CAI lessons, digital text, Webbased tutorials and similar materials that can serve as alternatives to traditional methods of instruction. http://www.chem1.com/chemed/ | |
110. Organic Chemistry Help! Find organic chemistry tutorials, chemistry FAQs, selfgrading tests, common organic chemistry reaction mechanisms, and indexed chemistry links. http://www.chemhelper.com/ | |
111. AUS-e-TUTE For Astute Students Developed by experienced science teachers to provide free chemistry tutorials designed for high school chemistry students. An additional membersonly area is available for self-tests and their answers. http://www.ausetute.com.au/ | |
112. Department Of Chemistry - University Of Oxford Teaching Using chemistry Web Plugins Dr. Karl Harrison OxTALENT ITSSC 98 Workshoppresentation Producing an online Lecture Course Tutorial Dr. Karl http://www.chem.ox.ac.uk/it/lectures.html | |
113. Science And Tutorials General science help and links, with tutorials on chemistry topics at introductory and advanced levels. Links to science news feeds. http://www.sky-web.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Science/science.htm | |
114. High School Chemistry tutorials, study guides, problem sets, quizzes, and laboratory experiments. http://highschoolhub.org/hub/chemistry.cfm | |
115. Organic Chemistry At Centre College tutorials to help organic chemistry students visualize molecules and changes in molecules. Changes covered include conformations and reactions (substitution and elimination). http://web.centre.edu/muzyka/organic/organic.htm | |
116. Combinatorial Chemistry Tutorial At ChemIndustry.com URL http//euch6f.chem.emory.edu/dayone.html Pagesize 0K bytes LanguageEnglish Translate. Organic chemistry online Tutorial, Technical Info. http://www.chemindustry.com/chemnames/C/combinatorial_chemistry_tutorial.asp | |
117. Organic Chemistry Tutorial At ChemIndustry.com URL http//www.gwu.edu80/~mpb/organic.htm Pagesize 2K bytes Language EnglishTranslate. Organic chemistry online Tutorial, Technical Info. United States. http://www.chemindustry.com/chemnames/O/organic_chemistry_tutorial.asp | |
118. ChemHome Science Foundation. You Can with Beakman and Jax. online Tutorialsand Resources for chemistry Students. Global Instructional chemistry http://www.wellesley.edu/Chemistry/chem.html |
119. Bob Bowman S Free Educational Technologies Biology / Chemistry chemistry TOOLS General chemistry Glossary; General chemistry onlineGlossaries; General chemistry online Tutorial, Drill, and Quiz Index; http://www.user.shentel.net/rbowman/files/biochem.htm |
120. Companion Website online Practice Exams allow students to assess their students can engage in visualizationtutorials and access the Current Topics in chemistry area, students http://www.prenhall.com/pubguide/esm/chemistry.html | |
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